Its 29 degrees of summer sun goodness and I've already started swimming in the river! - my website, - for support and @milanaphoenix - my new secret Instagram:))))
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Hi everyone, I am in hospital for a while, not sure with the diagnosis yet, been having bad cough fir days and medicines didn't work so doctor sent us to hospital. 😷🤒🤧I am quite upset because I had two trips planned next week: one with Simon and Dad and another one with Mom and Olga to Minsk...will see.🤔
Its my first night away from home in a long long time... I wish hard I won't stay here too long. Tomorrow will be a day full of medical tests and I am not very fond of it. Hoping for best.
Got my diagnosis, its sinusitis and bad cough reaction to a bronchitis due to my allergies. Will be out for a weekend at home and just doing short visit on Sunday to do some treatment, then maybe there's no need to go back in on Monday! Yay! :)))))