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The official Telegram account of Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA). Bersama Kita Membina Malaysia Untuk Semua!
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Tahukah Anda:

Tun Tan Cheng Lock adalah seorang nasionalis yang amat cintakan Malaysia. Semasa Rundingan Baling pada tahun 1955, Tun Tan Cheng Lock pernah berkata kepada Chin Peng;

“Jika seseorang itu hendak tinggal di Malaya, beliau hendaklah memikul tanggungjawab dan menjalankan tugas sebagai warganegara yang baik.’’

The immediate focus now is fighting the pandemic and reviving the economy; It would be putting the cart before the horse if GST is introduced before getting the people’s lives back on track.

Saw Yee Fung
MCA Spokesperson
As a responsible administration, the Selangor Pakatan State Government should never put profit above the people’s welfare. In fact, there are still many perpetual issues in Selangor which warrant more attention, such as: water supply, flash floods, dengue, traffic congestions, and other infrastructure issues.

Dato’ Ng Chok Sin
Selangor MCA State Liaison Committee Chairperson
Also on the Bill Committee’s agenda, there are ongoing studies on contentious issues such as suicide decriminalisation (pioneered by Pakatan Harapan), as well as reforming the AUKU 1971 and the National Land Code, among others. MCA has always been a party of service, and the success of this bill relies on the support of like-minded lawmakers who wish for a better, fairer Malaysia.

Datuk Chong Sin Woon
MCA Secretary General
MCA Bill Committee Chairperson
The practice of party-hopping has plagued Malaysia for many years, even causing a national crisis. This is counter-productive to the nation’s development, and causes the rakyat to lose confidence in politics.

Chan Quin Er
MCA Spokesperson
Feeling betrayed that the MP you voted for had jumped party? Join us TONIGHT 9PM to discuss how we can realistically fix this problem.


Jom sertai kami di 'ClubHouse : Apa Cerita Malaysia' pada MALAM INI jam 9 MALAM.


TARIKH : 7 SEPT 2021
MASA : 9pm


1. Farhan Khairuddin
Pengarah Eksekutif Yayasan Sukarelawan Siswa

2. Gan Ping Sieu
Presiden Bersama CENBET (Centre For A Better Tomorrow)

3. Aizat Azam
Exco Pemuda UMNO

4. Daniel Wa
Ketua Pemuda MCA Perak

5. Chan Quin Er
Pengerusi Biro Penerangan MCA
Legislation should be enacted to allow citizenship conferment unto illegitimate or adopted children born abroad.

Dr Pamela Yong
MCA Deputy Secretary General
Wanita MCA Sabah Chairperson

Presiden MCA Ke-7, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting pernah berkata semangat Barisan Nasional (BN) akan terus kukuh dan MCA akan bersama-sama mengatasi perbezaan pendapat demi kepentingan masyarakat pelbagai kaum.


Presiden MCA Ke-10, Dato' Seri Liow Tiong Lai dalam ucapan ketika Perhimpunan Patriotik Masyarakat Cina Malaysia pada 16 September 2017 pernah berkata, "Segala apa yang kita nikmati pada hari ini, bukanlah datang bergolek. Ia adalah hasil dari kebijaksanaan, keterangkuman, keberanian dan pengorbanan bapa-bapa pejuang kemerdekaan kita. Selepas 60 tahun berdikari, kita kini berada dalam fasa transformasi yang pesat dalam merangka masa hadapan tanah air tercinta ini."

The political gap in Malaysia spans three generations; many believe it is unrealistic to expect animosity between political factions to dissipate overnight. Having said that, the memorandum charts the right course, and has successfully accentuated underlying willingness in Malaysians to overcome differences, seek common ground, and redouble our efforts to solve the problems plaguing our country.

Chan Quin Er
MCA Spokesperson

Ketika menghadiri upacara memperingati mendiang Presiden Pertama MCA, Tun Tan Cheng Lock di Kampung Musai, Melaka pada 3 Januari 2010, Presiden MCA Ke-8, Tan Sri Ong Tee Keat berkata MCA akan kenang semangat Tun Tan Cheng Lock yang menekankan perlunya membentuk satu negara, satu bangsa dan satu kerajaan dengan memberi nafas baharu dalam perspektif yang serba moden sekarang ini.

Join us on Clubhouse this THURSDAY 9.16PM for a late night latte. Come, relax and santai sembang with us about the meaning of September 16 for Malaysians, and why we celebrate it.

🇲🇾 Selamat Hari Malaysia! 🇲🇾
Jom! Let’s kupi-kupi talk about Sept 16 & Aku. ☕️☕️☕️
No black tie! Santai sembang saja bah…!! 👀 👀

🇲🇾 Hari Malaysia ke-58 🇲🇾
Sept 16 & Aku

Tarikh: 16 Sept 2021
Masa: 9.16pm 😉

1. Dr Pamela Yong
Timbalan Pengerusi
Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (INSAP)

2. Chan Quin Er
Jurucakap MCA

3. YB Senator Dato’ Dr Ahmad Masrizal Muhammad
Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi

4. Prof Madya Dr Neilson Ilan Mersat
Pensyarah Kanan
Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

5. Kamarul Bahrin Haron
Mantan Ketua Pengarang ASTRO Awani

6. Nur Zaihanirah Zaini
Pengarah Pembangunan Kelab, Daerah 87 (Malaysia Timur, Brunei, Indonesia) Kelab Pidato Toastmasters
Walaupun pandemik COVID-19 telah menyebabkan hari bersejarah ini terpaksa disambut secara sederhana, namun ia tidak akan sesekali melunturkan semangat patriotik kita semua rakyat Malaysia.

Walaupun terpisah oleh Laut China Selatan, namun semua rakyat di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak tetap satu Keluarga Malaysia yang saling bersatu padu, sayang menyayangi serta akan terus mempertahankan keamanan dan kesejahteraan negara tercinta, Malaysia!

Selamat Hari Malaysia ke-58!

The MCA Bill Committee and Bersih 2.0 had an online meeting today, discussing MCA’s recent proposal for the House of Representatives Recall (HORR) Bill as well as Bersih’s version of the Recall Bill.

The MCA Bill Committee will continue to engage various groups and organisations for dialogue to continue improving the Recall Bill.

Chan Quin Er
MCA Spokesperson

Penganalisis politik dan pengarang prolifik yang bertugas di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Profesor Madya Dr Jeniri Amir pada 16 Ogos 2016 pernah berkata, peranan tiga pemimpin parti utama, iaitu Presiden UMNO, Tunku Abdul Rahman; Presiden MCA, Tan Cheng Lock dan Presiden MIC, V.T.Sambanthan amat penting dalam menggerakkan rakyat, melalui parti dan ucapan masing-masing supaya mendukung gagasan dan wawasan bersama mereka.

Wanita MCA urges the Attorney General’s Chambers to uphold the spirit of gender equality as enshrined in the Federal Constitution and withdraw the appeal against the Kuala Lumpur High Court’s ruling that Malaysian women with non-Malaysian husbands are entitled to the same citizenship conferment rights unto their children born abroad.

Datuk Heng Seai Kie
Wanita MCA National Chairperson
The moon in its full glow spells hopes that Keluarga Malaysia will overcome the Covid-19 pandemic together.

A Blessed Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone
Warm regards,

Less than 2 weeks after the Selangor Pakatan Harapan government backtracked its decision to degazette the Kuala Langat North Forest Reserves (KLNFR) following public outrage, the state government is once again under fire for its incompetence on environmental issues.

Lau Chin Kok
MCA Central Committee Member
MCA Youth's 3 proposed demands:

1. Before the 15th general election (GE15), the policy to lower the voting age from 21 years to 18 years must be accelerated.

2. MCA Youth understands that the implementation of automatic voter registration requires cooperation with the National Registration Department. We, therefore, hope that the EC will provide a timetable for implementing this policy and a list of parties cooperating.

3. At least two youth representatives are required to become members of the EC to ensure that the voices of young adults are taken seriously. MCA Youth proposes that one of the representatives be below 21 years old; the other should be below 30 years old.

Datuk Nicole Wong Siaw Ting
MCA National Youth Chairperson
During this challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic, frontliners and health personnel need all the support they can get to stay motivated as they labour tirelessly to treat patients and protect the community.

Alex Fong Kah Wei
MCA Youth Spokesperson