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In this personal blog I share some info on learning English as a second or a foreign language.
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Describe a sports person you admire
You should say:
- Who the person is
- What this person has achieved
- How you know about this person
- Explain why you like this person
Ideas: Oksana Chusavitina
Has won several medals in Olympic Games
I always watch sports programs on TV. As a kid I was amazed at her performance in the Olympic Games held in Athens
Because of her determination and humble personality
Vocabulary: Conscientious, become front page news, have a hard time, rise to fame, become an inspiration for (others)

I’d like to talk about a determined athlete that I really respect. Her name is Oksana Chusavitina who broke the world record in the number of medals obtained in Olympic Games. She participated in seven Olympic Games and even included in The Guinness Book of World Records. She performed in all championships really well and attracted public attention in her performance in Asian Games held in Hiroshima in 1994. Once she succeeded in several championships immediately after Asian Games, she became front page news.
I first came to know about her in 2004 when she won several gold medals in heptathlon in the Olympic Games in Athens. As a kid I was amazed at her performance and became a fan of her. Since then I have always watched her attendance in different sports championships and every time she manages to make me amazed by her determination and mental strength. She has already become an inspiration for other athletes.
I particularly adore her humble personality and strength of will. As a mother she faces a number of difficulties. In 1999 her first child was born. The child was diagnosed of cancer and Oksana started to have a hard time. She could quit sport and get back to normal life after she achieved success in 2002 Asian Games. However, she decided to earn money for her son and took part in three Olympic Games under German flag. Regardless of her age she professionally performed and won medals for Germany. I can see strong personality that mothers own in her motive and I guess the reason why I admire her is that personality and patience she possesses.

The street where I spent my childhood. Thank Allah they haven’t cut down trees there. When I was a schoolgirl I really liked to walk on autumn fallen leaves πŸ‚ especially, when the weather was dry, leaves would crunch making a pleasant sound.
I usually punish my students and give negative feedback, as Chris (one of the top IELTS instructors I follow on social media) mentions β€œTreating someone like family is not telling them nice things they want to hear. It is telling them something that will lead to SUCCESS”

P.s. I really appreciate my students and want them to achieve the best, so don’t get upset when I give you negative feedback!
Happy Eid everyone! May Allah bless you with all the happiness🀲🀲🀲
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Describe a memorable trip you have taken.
You should say:
- Where you went.
- Who you went with.
- What you did during the trip.
- Why the trip was memorable for you.

I am a pretty keen traveler and I have itchy feet, as they say. I enjoy going on trips to different places including cities, mountains, rivers and lakes.
But I’d say, out of all the trips I’ve been on, the one to Khiva always stands out. Last year, with our colleagues, we decided to go on a tour to the historic city of Khiva to explore the ancient city and its old monuments. It was an all-paid trip by our company, so we didn’t have spend a penny on it.
The journey on the road took over 2 hours until we got there and once we got off the bus, we were welcomed for a breakfast to a nice and neat restaurant. Having our bellies full, we set off to tour around the ancient monument called β€œIchan Kala” which directly translates into English as β€œthe Inner City”. We were surrounded by landmarks where great events took place throughout the history, and most particularly, it was the royal palace where the Khans – kings of the old Khiva Khanate lived.
Besides, we had a chance to visit some old mosques and old-style schools, which left us in awe and absolutely stunned. There we felt the connection to the past and learned about important periods of the history.
We headed back home in the evening, feeling exhausted, but everyone was thrilled by the amazing journey we had. The trip was truly memorable for me because it allowed me to immerse myself into the rich history of Khiva and create special memories with my colleagues.
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Speaking Part 2 - Describe an animal you find unusual πŸΌπŸ«ŽπŸ¦‹πŸ’

Well, honestly speaking, I consider myself a very animal-friendly person that appreciates the beauty of nature, be it in animals, plants, or birds. And I believe that each living creature has its fundamental part to play in keeping the balance of the environment. Saying this, however, there are some creatures that can blow people's minds because of their rare characteristics, nature and behavior.
I am going to talk about one such animal that many people even haven't heard of not to mention seeing it. It's a very unique creature called capybara, an animal native to South America. They are one of semi-aquatic species, as they call it and they are found near water bodies such as lakes, rivers and swamps in South America. They are a herbivorous animal species, feeding on different plants and fruits.
What makes them so extraordinary is that they are sociable and friendly creatures. They are known for their harmless personality to people and other animals around them. And they can be so fearless that they co-exist with other predators such as crocodiles.
Several months ago, I was watching a documentary about the wildlife of South America, and that's when I saw them for the first time. When you look at them, they are so unique and cute at the same time. Sometimes you might find some funny clips of them being hilarious, too.
These days, I'm super busy, so I haven't been writing much on my personal blog. You know, it's like my own little diary where I jot down memories to look back on later. Today, I want to share about my trip to Khiva, a city steeped in history.

I'm a big history fan, and visiting places like Khiva always brings me joy. I believe it's important to protect these old sites for future generations to enjoy. Now, let's talk about Khiva. It's a stunning city with a unique vibe, and it's more budget-friendly than other tourist spots.

For instance, a standard hotel room costs around 200,000 soums per person, which is pretty reasonable. And you can pick up souvenirs and clothes at fair prices right in Ichan Kala, the open-air museum where buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries are located.
Meeting tourists from all over the world in Khiva brought me joy and made me wonder why we locals don't appreciate our historic sites as much. It got me thinking about why people in Uzbekistan don't travel much and prefer spending their money on other things. That's when I decided to start saving up to travel the world. I realized that traveling can teach us a lot more than we think.

I also rediscovered the importance of learning languages. I had conversations with people from different countries, and thanks to English, we could understand each other easily. Learning other languages not only helps you talk to people from different countries but also improves international relations. In short, I suggest you learn languages and travel whenever you get the chance.
Having someone who always takes care of you and supports you is the best happiness that a human being can obtain!
Congrats, Oydina πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Tutor : Shahnoza Sa'dullayeva

Congrats, Nozliya πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Tutor : Shahnoza Sa'dullayeva

Congrats, Nasiba πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Tutor : Shahnoza Sa'dullayeva

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