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Thinking of becoming a trader? Have doubts? That's where AiBB comes in. We firmly believe in education and tools to support everyone who wants to be a part of the revolution.

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AiBB - a good project with a realistic idea and an active team, the project is now a lot of people interested. I advise everyone to join soon to get more value from this project.

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Meet AiBB
An analytics powerhouse with an Ai assistant to help you make sense of the crypto markets. This all-in-one application houses all the tools and features you require to grow your portfolio and become a successful trader.

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Chrome начнет автоматически синхронизировать данные пользователей? Или нет?

Некоторые крупные СМИ начали писать, что браузер Google Chrome начнет автоматически синхронизировать данные пользователей, если те авторизуются в своем аккаунте Google. Ранее для авторизации необходимо было вручную подтвердить вход в аккаунт в интерфейсе самого браузера. Предположительно, подобное нововведение вступило в силу с версии 69.
Вероятнее всего подобная проблема имеет место быть в качестве бага и далеко не у всех пользователей. Учитывая, что Google Chrome 69 вместе с обновленной внешностью умудрился поломать еще много чего другого, стоит ждать обновления, в котором баг устранят.
Не трудно догадаться, что подобное действо может негативно сказаться на приватности данных пользователей. Хотя Google Chrome и раньше нельзя было назвать самым приватным браузером, многим такое решение за пользователем не очень понравилось.

В ответ на ситуацию, один из инженеров Google, Адриен Портер (Adrienne Porter) сообщила в твиттере, что подобного нет. Если вы залогинены в сервисах Google, вы остаетесь залогиненными только в них и нет никакой автосинхронизации.

Ребята, я пошарил зарубежные форумы и нашел способ, как отключить автоматическую синхронизацию GoogleChrome. Думаю не хотите испортитить и то слабую приватность. Поэтому я нашел, как отключить автоматическую синхронизацию.


Введите в Google Chrome: //flags/#account-consistency
в адресную строку и нажмите Enter.

Установите значение Disabled для флага Identity consistency between browser and cookie jar.

Chrome попросит перезапустить браузер, чтобы отключить функцию и все, теперь у вас автоматическая синхронизация отключена, как раньше.
STAYGE Network

STAYGE Network is an entertainment ecosystem based on blockchain that tokenizes the influence of the fandom to utilize it on various apps and business models. The fan community service generates and distributes the tokens based on the fans’ contribution; furthermore, the fans can spend the rewarded tokens on DApps such as e-commerce, games, contents services and more.

More information:
Website : http://www.stayge.io
One-Pager : bit.ly/stg-onepager
Whitepaper : bit.ly/stg-whitepaper
Twitter : twitter.com/STAYGE_One
Facebook : www.facebook.com/STAYGE.One
Google+ : bit.ly/stg-google
Medium : medium.com/@stayge
Reddit : www.reddit.com/r/STAYGE/
STEEMIT : steemit.com/@stayge
Bounty: bit.ly/stg-bounty
Airdrop: bit.ly/stg-airdrop
Can TAU Exchange’s Proof of Transaction Trump PoW and PoS?

or every cryptocurrency there is a consensus mechanism, a way in which the network agrees upon which transactions are added to its distributed ledger. In Bitcoin, that mechanism is Proof of Work, but other cryptocurrencies have offered some compelling alternatives. Peercoin was the first introduced the Proof of Stake mechanism, albeit in a hybrid Proof of Work system. Proof of Stake has since been widely adopted in modified forms by cryptocurrencies such as Lisk and EOS (delegated Proof of Stake) while NXT uses a randomized version of Proof of Stake.

In any case, both Proof of Work and Proof of Stake have proven to be very popular consensus mechanisms with strong advocates for each. Now an experimental new currency called TAU is proposing an entirely new type of consensus mechanism. TAU call this unique solution Proof of Transaction (PoT).

Launching at 18 October 2018, the automated TAU Exchange (TAU-X) will enable users to seamlessly exchange TAU and BTC. Users will be able to wire BTC or TAU into the TAU-X pool, exchanging them in ratio to the total coins held in the pool.

Coin swap will occur every 360 blocks. For each coin swap the TAU foundation will place 60,000 TAU into the TAU-X pool for token distribution. If there are any TAU remaining they will carry over into the next coin swap. This will allow TAU and BTC holders to seamlessly exchange value without any middlemen.

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Voice Controlled Ai Trading Assistant | Analytics | Portfolio Manager | Crypto ID

What Is AiBB?
Check out this short video on how AiBB works and how it can help stabilize the crypto ecosystem.

Meet AiBB
An analytics powerhouse with an Ai assistant to help you make sense of the crypto markets. This all-in-one application houses all the tools and features you require to grow your portfolio and become a successful trader.

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Все связанное с криптовалютой pinned «STAYGE Network STAYGE Network is an entertainment ecosystem based on blockchain that tokenizes the influence of the fandom to utilize it on various apps and business models. The fan community service generates and distributes the tokens based on the fans’…»
Early Adopters are taking advantage of TAU’s “Mining Power”

It’s been a wild week for Team TAU

7 days ago there were a total of 1653 wallet users of TAU — today its reached 6000 wallets. People are signing up faster than ever and claiming as many free coins as they can.

TAU has now distributed 20,000,000 TAU coins to these users and is increasing their drop rate over the next few days.

But why has interest suddenly spiked? What happened to get so many people signing up all of a sudden? Its all because of the best kept secret in TAU, “Mining Power”.

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AiBB’s Ai can look, listen, and learn. When it hits a wall today, and tomorrow, and the next day, it will figure out there’s a wall there and stop before another crash. In cryptocurrency, the same basic rule applies: looking for walls, listening to indicators, and learning from the market’s past patterns and your trading actions all help our Ai assistant perform better.

Better yet, when AiBB spots a trend, it is able to execute trades according to your personal goals and strategy. It does so without fear, excitement, confidence, and worse, overconfidence. AiBB has no emotions. He’s not human and his learning is objective. He simply learns where the walls are and expertly helps you avoid them.

AiBB can look out for hundreds of changes in the market on a second-to-second basis. When you’re sleeping, he’s trading. He’s mitigating losses and guarding portfolios. He’s re-investing in the places where it makes the most sense for your goals. He knows you. He learns your preferences as well as your strategy, and watches how to make you more profitable, not just what the price of bitcoin is today.

AiBB is adding depth to trading strategies. He’s already here! He doesn’t have a platform just yet, but you can play with him at AiBB.io. Just don’t call him a bot (he hates that).

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AiBB has your back in this growing ecosystem. You can harness the most advanced Ai predictions possible -- for free.

There's no better tool out there. No $1000/mo. enterprise solution for the "real" traders.

You are the real traders.

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AiBB, partner and exhibitor, announces it will present its revolutionary Ai trade advisor technology at the teaser AR conference next week.

AiBB’s remaining presale tokens will be sold exclusively at the event. Further, AiBB will announce the opening of its crowdsale on September 28 at Disruption Experience.

Disruption Experience is an event like no other and sets the stage for an even bigger AR/VR blockchain event in January. It is the first conference of its kind to introduce virtual and physical participation, token exchange, and encourage exchange of disruptive ideas in revolutionary ways.

AiBB is excited to get their Ai robot trade analytics partner in front of companies and investors who are also committed to shaking up their industries.

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Mining Club Leader society starts in TAU

Sept 15th is a milestone for TAU miner’s society. The network has 4 full operational nodes representing 4 mining clubs. The key here is 3 out of 4 nodes is operated by independent community members. Tau foundation just operate one.

… Sept 24, today, we have 10 miners.

Why is this important?

First, it proves TAU is an open and permission-less network. Any one can join to be club leader and start mining at will.

Second, a key technology beneath this is called “on-chain voting and delegation” is working. Mining club is one application of this technology with much more future potential.

Third, the mining power data shows the first independent community miner (…gdi) power is higher than Tau foundation.

We love to see community members collectively to get more benefits rather than Foundation. Please join us for mining, click this.


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Weekly TAU update
We have achieved 12000 wallets and daily unique visitors average 3000. Discord server https://discord.gg/ydhx3um is opened for deep discussion on all aspects for tau. We have some problem on web-wallet for initial users transaction, it is being fixed now. Android wallet beta version launched on google play. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mofei.tau V0.4 white paper is foundation internally reviewed. 8 community full nodes is up and running.

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weBloc aims to shift the center of the gravity from advertisers to users in order to create a horizontal and interactive digital advertising ecosystem. We believe that users should be able to expose their needs to products and services and receive them. At the same time, a token economy should be realized in the ecosystem where users can be compensated for their economic value created by user participation. To achieve this goal, weBloc will provide a protocol that helps the conventional advertising ecosystem move to the tokenized economy ecosystem to the digital advertising market to build the tokenized advertising alliance. With this, users can be compensated for their participation in advertisements naturally and the businesses on the advertisers' side will increase the efficiency in advertisements.

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STAYGE in Singapore😍

STAYGE team visited Singapore last week.

The team attended Investor Day in Singapore, hosted by Foundation X, and explained the project to the investors and had a networking session.

It was a great day! 😆

More information:
Website : http://www.stayge.io
One-Pager : bit.ly/stg-onepager
Whitepaper : bit.ly/stg-whitepaper
Twitter : twitter.com/STAYGE_One
Facebook : www.facebook.com/STAYGE.One
Google+ : bit.ly/stg-google
Medium : medium.com/@stayge
Reddit : www.reddit.com/r/STAYGE/
STEEMIT : steemit.com/@stayge
Bounty: bit.ly/stg-bounty
Airdrop: bit.ly/stg-airdrop
Dear weBloc supporters!

This is a new announcement from weBloc Team.

weBloc is the most representative DApp of ICON, launching its Token Generation Event with ICX only.

Unfortunately, due to the issues related to the stabilization of ICON’s main net, major exchanges including the Binance have stopped the deposit and withdrawal of ICX, causing difficulties for the weBloc supporters who have registered in the Whitelist to send their ICXs to their ICONex addresses. As a result of this matter, our team had to decide to postpone the Presale schedule for 2 ~ 3 weeks, planned to start on Oct. 1st.

weBloc Team will keep working on the development of PoCs and services as announced at the roadmap posted on our website, weBloc.io, regardless of the schedule issue on TGE due to the problems with exchanges, reaching the perfection of the weBloc project.

Our team hopes you to understand this sudden change in schedule at the last minute before the Presale and why the team had to make such a decision.

We do appreciate your support and understanding.

weBloc Team.

Все связанное с криптовалютой pinned «Dear weBloc supporters! This is a new announcement from weBloc Team. weBloc is the most representative DApp of ICON, launching its Token Generation Event with ICX only. Unfortunately, due to the issues related to the stabilization of ICON’s main net, major…»
STAYGE Network

STAYGE Network is an entertainment ecosystem based on blockchain that tokenizes the influence of the fandom to utilize it on various apps and business models. The fan community service generates and distributes the tokens based on the fans’ contribution; furthermore, the fans can spend the rewarded tokens on DApps such as e-commerce, games, contents services and more.
More information:
Website : http://www.stayge.io
One-Pager : bit.ly/stg-onepager
Whitepaper : bit.ly/stg-whitepaper
Twitter : twitter.com/STAYGE_One
Facebook : www.facebook.com/STAYGE.One
Google+ : bit.ly/stg-google
Medium : medium.com/@stayge
Reddit : www.reddit.com/r/STAYGE/
STEEMIT : steemit.com/@stayge
Bounty: bit.ly/stg-bounty
Airdrop: bit.ly/stg-airdrop
The TAU Exchange to become operational in a few days

TAU Coin has announced the release of its own exchange, scheduled for October 18th, 2018.

TAU, is a new Proof of Transaction (PoT) digital currency that now has almost 32,000 accounts and over 600,000 transactions.

One month ago, that number was 6,000, so in one month the number of wallets downloaded has grown by over 500%.

The coin swap will happen every 360 blocks. And, the TAU foundation will allocate 60,000 TAU during each swap into TAU-X for token distribution.

“When there are no BTC investments, the remaining TAU will carry over to the next swap. This system allows for TAU and BTC holders to seamlessly exchange value without any middlemen”, explains the whitepaper.

TAU releases the new TAU Exchange on the 18th and it will be the first opportunity to see how the public will value each TAU coin.

Founder David Wu explained in an interview, that “different tribes value time differently. I am excited to find out as well”.

On October 18th, the TAU Exchange will list only a TAU/BTC pairing, allowing TAU to be traded for bitcoin, and vice versa.

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★KYC has been started!★


Presale start: Oct 1st 2018 (09:00 KST, 0:00 UST)
Token platform : ICON (ICX)
Total Token supply : 10,000,000,000 WEB
Hard cap : 4,000,000,000 WEB (11,000,000 ICX)
Participating Currency : ICX (1ICX = 300 WEB)

★Admins NEVER ask any kind of FEE or Commission or whatsoever!
If anyone comes to you and ask for FEE for entering into the private sale, it is a SCAM!

If you have any issues with the airdrop and bounty campaign, please send a DM to @wuffle or @hisdearqueen.

★weBloc - Tokenized Advertising Alliance Protocol
weBloc suggests a Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) shifting from the media-focused advertising market to an incentivized advertising market where a blockchain-based token economy can be applied.
