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#WWII #Documentary #Germany

Hellstorm (2015)

A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II.



Read: Hellstorm at The Myrtle Beach International Film Festival (Q & A)


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#Documentary #Torus #UFO #Rife #Health #CropCircle #FreeEnergy #Rockefeller #Education #Finance #Depopulation

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (2011)

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.



WATCH THRIVE II: This is What it Takes (2020)
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#Documentary #Consciousness

Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible (2020)

Award-winning documentary that provides tangible evidence for the power of the human mind over matter. Through a series of experiments and jaw-dropping demonstrations, viewers will uncover the true nature of mind and physical reality.


Consistent with The Majestic Disclosure document.

Consistent with

Which episodes of Stargate-SG1 come to mind when watching this?

What causes you to believe you cannot do these things?

John 10:34

Psalm 82:6

"Do you know the Andromedans actually consider us Royalty?"
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#Vaccines #Documentary

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.

This film was created in collaboration with Mark Sharman; Former ITV and BSkyB Executive and News Uncut.

It's a self-financed, one-hour TV programme, formatted for 2 commercial breaks.

The documentary was removed from YouTube on the 26th of October 2022 under the pretext of alleged "medical misinformation". At that time it had accumulated over 990,000 views and 7,000 comments.

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#Documentary #Khazarians #Children #TransgenderAgenda #Depopulation #PsychologicalWarfare #Agenda2030 #TrilateralCommission #Insurrection #Communism #SocialEngineering

What Is A Woman? (2022)

If there’s one question Matt Walsh never thought he’d be seriously asking the general public, it’s "what is a woman?" But unfortunately, he is. Help Matt find the answer to this elusive question.



Alfred C Kinsey



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#Documentary #Fluoride #PinealGland #Cancer #Depopulation #Genocide


New evidence in regards to water fluoridation has shown that the science used to prove its effectiveness in preventing dental decay and it's safety in regards to consumption were severely flawed. This documentary takes an in depth look at the history of water fluoridation and how entire populations have been mass medicated and slow-poisoned without their consent, a clear human rights violation going against the Delaney Clause.

Read the Nuremberg Code of Ethics:


* Fluoridated Water Can Calcify Arteries, Study Finds

* Water Fluoridation Linked to Higher ADHD Rates

* Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children


Listen to Dr. Dean Burk Biochemist/Cancer Researcher with National Cancer Institute for 34 years @ 54:20.

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The Shadow State (2022)

“The Shadow State,” a feature documentary by The Epoch Times, takes a deep dive inside the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industry, an emerging multitrillion-dollar power structure that unites governments with corporations in the march toward a brave new world of climate and social justice. See how it works, what its goals are, and who is driving it.

Will this new global alliance bring us a cleaner, more peaceful, more equitable future, or will it bring shortages, poverty, and political instability? Will this partnership of government with banking and tech giants deliver prosperity and freedom, or will it control our lives in ways that 20th-century totalitarians only dreamed of?

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The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding #Documentary

This is a feature-length documentary that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do… standing barefoot on the Earth.

Grounding or Earthing is the direct contact of skin to Earth, such as walking in the grass, sand, or mud with bare feet, and it can also be achieved using a grounding system. Grounding is an incredibly simple, effective, and well researched method of healing that is linked to a wide range of health benefits.

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discount code: EVOLVEDTRUTH

#Grounding #Earthing

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Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality #Documentary by GeoEngineering Watch

"How dangerous is the highly toxic heavy metal fallout from these programs that is raining down through our breathable air column? 'Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality' is a condensed hard hitting 40+ minute climate engineering educational documentary. This informational video reveals shocking film footage of the ongoing atmospheric spraying operations in addition to covering the most fundamental facts about the covert global geoengineering / climate intervention programs. Answers to the most frequently asked climate engineering questions are also covered in this production."

#Geoengineering #Chemtrails #WeatherModification

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Vaxxed II #Documentary - The People's Truth

An investigation into how the CDC concealed and destroyed data on their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This alarming deception has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism, potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

🔗 Original Vaxxed Documentary


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#Documentary #Israel #Khazarians #Austraila #Children

The Shocking Crime Revelations Inside Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Sect | Real Crime

18 February 2023

Revealing the crimes of child sex abuse in Australia and focusing on the ultra-orthodox Jewish sect Chabad. It highlights the story of Manny Wax, a survivor of child sex abuse in the Chabad community, who exposed the scandal and became the public face of it. Three individuals were arrested and convicted of child sex crimes as a result of Manny's revelations. The video also mentions a royal commission examining the ultra-orthodox attitudes that may have hindered victims from speaking out about the abuse. The live webcast of the commission was watched by many and it was the most watched since the commission began in 2013.

From "Breaking the Silence"

Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran soldiers who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories. We endeavor to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers face a civilian population on a daily basis, and are engaged in the control of that population’s everyday life. Our work aims to bring an end to the occupation.


* Abuse victim Manny Waks wins $800,000 in damages from paedophile David Cyprys
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Who are the Elite ? - The Black Nobility

The Black Nobility are the core and foundation of the global crime syndicate. They are the owners and controllers of the Vatican, Holy See, Society of Jesus, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and Italian Mafia. They are the centralized group within the royal and noble families of Europe and they are married in with most European royalty. The Black Nobility are the rulers of the former Papal States and they work closely with the other Italian noble families. They manage the European Monarchies as branches of their corporatized Roman empire. The word Catholic by definition means universal. The Black Nobility use the Vatican as an intelligence network with their Episcopal See’s as the overseers of districts. Archbishops are the highest level of oversight in their territories and they oversee religion, politics, business, education, and organized crime. Jesuits are used as spies and for infiltration. Jesuits are involved with mass mind control and they use their universities for recruiting agents for Rome. The Order of Malta is a military council and engineers of wars. The Knights of Columbus are used for infiltration into politics, police, and law. Mafias are used as their enforcers which corrupt, blackmail, and extort businessmen, politicians, and bankers. The Holy See is a corporate entity and through fraudulent contracts the Black Nobility attempt to incorporate governments and other corporate entities under its authority.

🔞 Ger Delaney Alternative News

#Documentary #SecretSocities #Freemasons #Cabal #Illuminati #OrderOfMalta #BlackNobility #Mafia #Vatican
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The Dimming - Full Length Climate Engineering #Documentary

This groundbreaking documentary conclusively exposes the existence of global weather modification operations.


#WeatherModification #Chemtrails #Geoengineering

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Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich (#Documentary)

Dr. Nick Begich presents a compelling discussion on one of the prominent military advances of the United States Government.

The technology is designed to manipulate the environment in a number of ways that can jam all global communications, disrupt weather systems, interfere with migration patterns, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect your health and disrupt the upper atmosphere.

The U.S. military calls this technology the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP.

#WeatherModification #Geoengineering

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#Documentary #FreeMasonry #Propaganda

33 & Beyond: The Royal Art Of Freemasonry

In 2010, Writer and Director Johnny Royal, embarked on a 7 year journey to document and tell the story of American Freemasonry. Inspired by his own progression through the degrees of Master Mason, Knight Templar, and the 32nd Degree of the Scottish Rite, Royal gathered over 140 hours of footage consisting of interviews with prominent Freemasons, and never before seen footage from the insider's perspective.



Contrast with Mark Passio.

Contrast with Jordan Maxwell.

Contrast with Albert Pike.

Contrast with Manley P. Hall.

What is being left out here?
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Who are the Elite ? - The Black Nobility

The Black Nobility are the core and foundation of the global crime syndicate. They are the owners and controllers of the Vatican, Holy See, Society of Jesus, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and Italian Mafia. They are the centralized group within the royal and noble families of Europe and they are married in with most European royalty. The Black Nobility are the rulers of the former Papal States and they work closely with the other Italian noble families. They manage the European Monarchies as branches of their corporatized Roman empire. The word Catholic by definition means universal. The Black Nobility use the Vatican as an intelligence network with their Episcopal See’s as the overseers of districts. Archbishops are the highest level of oversight in their territories and they oversee religion, politics, business, education, and organized crime. Jesuits are used as spies and for infiltration. Jesuits are involved with mass mind control and they use their universities for recruiting agents for Rome. The Order of Malta is a military council and engineers of wars. The Knights of Columbus are used for infiltration into politics, police, and law. Mafias are used as their enforcers which corrupt, blackmail, and extort businessmen, politicians, and bankers. The Holy See is a corporate entity and through fraudulent contracts the Black Nobility attempt to incorporate governments and other corporate entities under its authority.

🔞 Ger Delaney Alternative News

#Documentary #SecretSocities #Freemasons #Cabal #Illuminati #OrderOfMalta #BlackNobility #Mafia #Vatican
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Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World #Documentary by Corbett Report

In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.
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The Vaccine Business – Poison, Profit And Corruption #Documentary

"Hands down, this is by far the best short documentary about vaccines and the revolving door of corruption that exists between the CDC, pharmaceutical corporations, government, and the media.

This is a critical review of the vaccine business and how the powerful Big Pharma industry, along with the CDC uses lies, deceit, and corruption to promote their poisonous products to sicken the population. Numerous vaccine experts discuss the clever methods to get people to harm their children."

🔗 Watch on Rumble

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There are 13 parts in this documentary "A Devil in Disguise - Documentary on Zionism"


This video containst the first 4 parts of the series.

Part 1: Zionism and its threat to Christianity, Judaism & the world
Part 2: The Satanic Talmud, fake news & Zionist-controlled media
Part 3: The creation of anti Arab racism by Jewish Hollywood
Part 4: Media manipulation, the socialist Illuminati & its Bolshevik Revolution

We will post the series split in 5 videos.
