Anni Cyrus🇺🇸
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To bring hope & healing to women forced to live under Islamic rule. I lived through the nightmare.

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لحظات اولیه پیدا شدن بالگرد سرنگون شده رئیسی و همراهان

نمی‌دونم در اون وضعیت توقع داره زنده پیداش کنه و داره دنبالش می‌گرده که میگه «حاج‌آقا؟! حاج‌آقا؟!» یا چون داره وضعیت "حاج‌آقا" رو می‌بینه این واکنش رو نشون میده.
📡 @VahidOnline
Forwarded from JihadWatch
What Does the Iranian President’s Death Mean?

Was it an assassination or an accident?

Was the helicopter crash that killed Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi an assassination or an accident?

Considering current events, people will be tempted to call it an assassination and that certainly can’t be ruled out. But Israel has previously targeted imminent threats, IRGC terror operatives and scientists working on…
Forwarded from JihadWatch
General Flynn Video: When They Come for Your Family and Love for God

This new Glazov Gang episode features General Michael Flynn, Trump’s former National Security Adviser. A new movie – Flynn – examines his life and exposes the truth behind the Deep State’s war against him. Make sure to watch it at

General Flynn and Anni Cyrus discuss When They Come for Your Family and…
این دختره توی پرتغال خیلی اتفاقی این فیلم جالب رو از شهاب‌سنگ دیروز گرفته.

آدم چند بار تو عمرش می‌تونه یه آذرگوی به این خوشگلی ببینه؟ ثبت کردنش به کنار!

آذرگوی (Fireball): شهابی را گویند که از شهاب‌های عادی درخشنده‌تر است. wikipedia

📡 @VahidOnline
Forwarded from JihadWatch
Pakistani Christian activist gets death threats from Muslims after being falsely accused of blasphemy

“Sar tan se juda” is a call for beheading.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” — Qur’an 47:4

“Exclusive: Pakistani Christian activist gets STSJ threats after Islamists falsely accuse him of blasphemy, victim speaks to OpIndia from Thailand,” OpIndia, May 18, 2024:
A Pakistani Christian activist named Faraz Pervaiz, who is known for…
Forwarded from JihadWatch
Biden Sends Condolences to Murderer of Americans

“Butcher of Tehran” killed US soldiers and civilians, targeted government officials.

Iran’s murder of Sgt. William Rivers, Spc. Kennedy Sanders, and Spc. Breonna Moffett, three black servicemembers from Georgia,earlier this year was only the latest killing of Americans by the Islamic terrorist regime in Tehran in addition to the dozens already killed on Oct 7.…
Forwarded from Islamophobia.Watch (GP)
NATO has been completely compromised! They appointed Lebanese-British Muslima as their official spokeswoman! She’s now offering condolences to the Iranian terrorists in Tehran in Arabic from NATO’s official account on X! Totally disgusting!
حادثه ی سقوط هلیکوپتر و مرگ رئیسی از نگاه نشریه ی فرانسوی شارلی ابدو!
1️⃣زن، زندگی، آزادی، هلی کوپتر.
2️⃣«خدا وجود دارد»
3️⃣ «قصاب تهران ما رو به شکل استیک ساطوری‌شده ترک می‌کنه»
4️⃣تغییرات سریع در ایران: «رئیس‌جمهور قبلی، رئیس‌جمهور بعدی»

📡 @VahidOnline
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Please open Telegram to view this post
Forwarded from Not All Muslims
On this day in Islamic history, May 21, 2012:

Not All Muslims mass murdered 101 people and wounded several hundred others, by bombs targeting a military parade, in Sana'a, Yemen. ☪️ 💀
Act surprised!

The Obama/Biden/Blinken administration is evil. Conspiring with a country that wants to destroy America to hurt and weaken their most reliable ally in the Middle East!
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
Today marks 7 years since a Libyan family that we took in a refugees plotted together and blew up a music concert in Manchester arena, killing 22 of our people, mainly children and teens.

We will never forget!
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در مراسم تشییع جنازه ابراهیم رئیسی در تهران، مرثیه‌خوانی برای او شعر می‌خواند و می‌گوید: تاریخ بنویسد هر آن‌چیزی که دیده‌ست / این صحنه فرق بین جلاد و شهید است / آری ادامه دارد آن راهی که رفتش / راه رئیسی راه سال شصت‌وهفتش.
مداح بیت رهبری در مراسم گفت «بشکند قلمی که این ماجرا را فاتحانه ننویسد؛ حواس‌تان باشد این ماجرا باید فاتحانه نوشته شود».
آیا خبردار شده که پیگیری پرونده‌ی این سقوط به رسوایی می‌رسد و یک شکست دیگر؟ وگرنه چرا باید نگران روایتِ این حادثه باشد؟

📡 @VahidOnline
Forwarded from JihadWatch
Biden administration, NATO, EU, UN, Pope Francis send condolences to Iran for death of ‘Butcher of Tehran’

The Islamic Republic of Iran views the West as an enemy of Islam. If given free opportunity, it will make good on its cry of “Death to America,” killing anyone who gets in its way, as it does on its own soil, where the Islamic regime arbitrarily detains citizens and murders dissidents. Ebrahim Raisi earned…
Forwarded from JihadWatch
Maryland: Governor signs bill ousting Hamas-linked CAIR from state hate crimes monitoring board

Richly deserved and long overdue. In fact, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) never should have been on the board in the first place. Also, there should be no such board. A crime is a crime. If you assault someone, you should be prosecuted. If you assault someone while calling him a racial slur,…