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A message to HTS from Tox / Abu Husaam's wife Racquell
‏⁦ #FreeTox ⁩ ⁦ #FatherOfTheOrphans

‏Please RT

‏رسالة الى هيئة تحرير الشام من زوجة أبو حسام البريطاني

‏⁧ #الحرية_لأبي_حسام ⁩ ⁧ #أبو_الأيتام
Below is a message from Tox's wife Racquell to those who have been holding Tox captive for almost 2 weeks now:

To the people responsible....the longer you hold Tauqir the more damage you are doing to the Islamic projects he has invested everything into. He has given everything to rebuild lives, homes and hearts and nearly 2 weeks all of that has been put on hold. Yes the projects are open, but they cannot run the same without Him.

Do you realise what 2 weeks work of an aid worker is like? The more the days go by, the more harm is being done. The more children have to suffer, and the more mouths that will go hungry... when Haleb was falling he was one of the first to respond to look after the displaced. He even brought a number of families to our home to look after. When the bombing intensified on Idlib and areas where lost, there was no sign of any major aid organisations coming to help the people. I saw him tirelessly working day and night to help as many people as he could. He opened up the masjids, put up tents, built homes, provided hundreds with warm food and a place to sleep.

Where are your facilites yourself to provide such a service to the Syrian people? Are your actions creating a greater harm than good whilst keeping him behind your bars. He put his own life in danger many many times to save the life of others. I know when he sees the suffering child he sees that child as his own child, the suffering old lady he sees her as his mother...and in the land he came to give everything he had, hes being held back and kept from fulfilling his duty as a Muslim.

Oh Allah keep us sincere on this path and ease the tests and trials that come along the way ameen



إلى المسؤولين عن الأمر، كلما طال احتجازكم لتوقير زاد الضرر للمشاريع الإسلامية التي يتبناها. لقد قدم كل شيء لإعادة بناة حياة أشخاص، منازل وقلوب. وخلال أسبوعين تقريبا توقف كل ذلك. لازالت المشاريع جارية لكن ليس بنفس الوتيرة التي كانت عليها خلال إشراف توقير.
هل تدركون ماذا تعني فترة أسبوعين من عمل عامل إغاثي؟ كلما مرت أيام اعتقاله، زاد الضرر على المستفيدين وسيعاني المزيد من الأطفال وستتضرع مزيد من الأفواه جوعاً. عندما كانت حلب تسقط كان توقير من الأوائل الذين استجابوا لإيواء العوائل النازحة. بل أنه أيضا أحضر عدد من العائلات إلى بيتنا ليقيموا فيه. عندما اشتد القصف على إدلب والمناطق التي سقطت لم يكن هناك اي منظمات تذهب لمساعدة الناس. لقد رايته يعمل ليلا نهارا بلا كلل اأو ملل ليساعد أكبر قدر ممكن من الناس. لقد فتح المساجد ونصب الخيم، بنى المنازل وقدم الوجبات الساخنة ومكان للمبيت لمئات من الأشخاص.
أين الجهود التي بذلتموها لخدمة الشعب السوري؟ تصرفاتكم تترك أثرا سلبيا حينما تتركونه خلف القضبان. لقد خاطر بروحه عدة مرات لإنقاذ حياة الآخرين. أنا اجزم أنه عندما يرى طفلا يعاني فإنه يعتبر أن هذا الطفل هو احد أولاده، ويعتبر العجوز التي تعاني أنها بمثابة والدته. وفي نفس الأرض التي جاء ليقدم كل ما لديه فيها، تم اعتقاله وإبعاده عن أداء واجبه كمسلم.
اللهم ارزقنا الإخلاص في دنيانا ونجّنا من الفتن والابتلاءات التي نمر بها. آمين
The family of Tauqir Sharif in London, United Kingdom, respond to the statement of HTS with regards the arrest of their son in #Idlib. This public statement was sent to HTS yesterday.

May Allah grant him a safe and swift release Ameen

#FreeTox #الحرية_لأبو_حسام




*100K HAS BEEN RAISED* and we need your help to raise the *REMAINING 50K* to complete stage 1 of the project.

*Some of the services aiming to be offered are:*

▪️5 daily prayers
▪️ Madrasa
▪️ Youth engagement services
▪️ Nikkah services
▪️ Funeral Services
▪️ Advice and Counselling

*The Prophet said:*
”It will expiate the sins of the previous and upcoming years.”

Forwarded from #FreeTox
Tomorrow is the day of Tauqirs court hearing. We ask you all to pray that the outcome is best for us all and best for the ummah! It's been delayed by 10 days and taken longer than expected. Tauqir still hasnt received his allegations in writing so tomorrow we all really don't know what to expect and how their processessing of the case will work. He is still restricted to do any aid work and post it on social media but we are praying after tomorrow those conditions will be removed from him and he can carry on the work Allah has allowed him do.

We are all praying for the best and pray Allah keeps him far from entering prison again ameen


This is the new telegram channel thy has been set up to raise awareness and give updates on the campaign. Please follow and share
Forwarded from #FreeTox

We are extremely concerned to hear that Bilal Abdul Kareem and his driver were assaulted & arrested earlier today.

Tox's family are yet to hear any updates on Tox or his driver Muayad's arrest. It's been over 48 hours and we are still in the dark. We are still approaching HTS for answers and demand their immediate release. On this blessed day of Jumma please keep them in your dua.

May Allah protect them from harms way during their detention and give them a safe and swift release Ameen

#FreeTox #FreeBilal
Forwarded from #FreeTox
In recent weeks, Bilal had been highlighting the case of Tox who was taken into custody & held for several weeks. Tox accused HTS of torturing him whilst he was in their custody. Shortly after reporting these details, Bilal was also arrested by HTS.

#FreeBilal #FreeTox
Forwarded from #FreeTox
Media is too big
We are immensely grateful for those who have been vocal regarding Tox and Bilal's arrest. We appreciate your support and ask you to continue keeping them in your thoughts and prayers.

#FreeTox #FreeBilal (and the Syrian drivers Muayad and Abu Muhammad) #SayNoToTorture 🚫 link to tweet:
Forwarded from #FreeTox
"This has all happened again too soon. Not even a month & we are going through this nightmare all over again. Now for us we have a bigger worry on our minds. For my children they've had their Baba taken away from them TWICE now in the space of 2 months. My 2 year old tells me over & over again that "Baba is in his office, hes not in sijin (prison)". What worries me more is when in their life they find out how their Baba was treated at the hands of his own Muslim brothers. His words "this is the guy who tortured me in prison" keep going round in my head, I worry so much for him. I'm worried for all of the brothers who are currently sitting in the prisons knowing what they go through.

I keep thinking back to my phone call & visit during his initial arrest. He couldn't tell me what he wanted to, or what he needed to. I knew nothing about what he was going through at a time when I should have been his biggest support.

May it be the Quran that will be his biggest comfort during these times"
- Tox's wife Racquell
Forwarded from #FreeTox

'Khadijah shouted at the top of her voice today outside the HTS court here in Atmah... her determination to make her little voice heard hoping it would bring her Baba out from behind the big black doors, heavily padlocked, she only wished her Baba was just behind... 💔

No phone call, no visit our hearts are heavy waiting on any contact from Tauqir.

Ya Allah bring an end to this wait soon ameeen

#FreeTox #FreeBilal #FreeMuayad #FreeAbuMuhammad #SayNoToTorture'

- Sister Racquell, Tox's wife
Forwarded from #FreeTox
Alhamdulillah Bilal’s driver Abu Muhammad has been released today. The rest of the families are still in the dark. It’s been over a week since Tox’s re-arrest and the family haven’t had a single phone call let alone a visit. We are extremely worried. Please continue keeping us all in your dua. May Allah give them all a safe and swift release Ameen

#FreeTox #FreeMuayad #FreeBilal #SayNoToTorture
A heartfelt message from Tox's wife, Racquell:

'Moments before they took you again I was there, maybe I shouldn't have left, maybe I should have stayed and did all I could to calm down the situation. I left I saw your hands held high, you didn't hurt no one or attack anyone even after seeing a weapon pulled out, but they make lies about what happened that day and you can't defend yourself 💔

Why is no one fighting to protect your honour but rather have no problem covering and justifying the torture and trying to put anything on you to try and tarnish your name. We all know Tauqir wouldn't stand for injustice on anyone. Allah is our witness and only the truth will come out.

May Allah release Tauqir and the brothers still kept inside Ameen

#FreeTox #FreeBilal #FreeMuayad #SayNoToTorture'

Follow the FreeTox page for regular updates:
Forwarded from #FreeTox
BREAKING: After much speculation, OGN has been able to reveal Tauqir 'Tox' Sharif's testimony that he was tortured at the hands of HTS whilst incarcerated in their prison during his initial arrest. (This was recorded after he was initially released, he still remains in prison)

Tox describes the torture methods that were used during his interrogation and the impact it had on him. He was re-arrested on the 11th of August 2020 by HTS. Two days later, on the 13th of August 2020, Bilal Abdul Kareem from On The Ground News was also arrested, for reasons unknown. They are both currently detained by HTS. Their families demand the immediate release of Tauqir, Bilal and Muayad

We ask you to remember them in your prayers

#FreeTox #FreeBilal #FreeMuayad #SayNoToTorture

Follow @ToxAidWorker @OGNEnglish
Forwarded from #FreeTox
"My hands were handcuffed behind my back and a tyre was squeezed over my knees and up to my waist and a metal bar was placed between my handcuffed arms and the tyre. At this point I was flipped over so my head was bent to the side and touching the floor, and my feet were in the air.”

Tox, who was also blindfolded, said his interrogator then started to whip his feet and legs with a thick belt or wire. The beating had gone on for up to 10 minutes, he estimated.

“I zoned out. I just tried to focus on my reciting [of a verse from the Quran]. Of course the pain was excruciating.”

We ask you all to remember Tox and Bilal in your duaa on this blessed day and we pray for their swift and safe release.

#FreeTox #SayNoToTorture #FreeBilal

We will be posting updates on Bilal Abdul Kareem's situation. InshaAllah when he is free he will being posting on the channel himself.

سننشر تحديثات حول وضع بلال عبد الكريم. إن شاء الله عندما يكون حرا سينشر على القناة بنفسه.

Please join the new page and share: @BilalAKareem