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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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It has become increasingly clear to me that someone or group (led by someone) is ordering and coordinating the blatantly false attacks against me by using Kyle Rittenhouse to spread lies in the Mockingbird propaganda family.

There is unquestionably, without a doubt, a “F-Lin” strategy at work.

Poor Kyle.

You can identify members of the Mockingbird propaganda family by the fruits on their vine. Look at who is on social media falsely attacking me by repeating the lies by Kyle.

Sebastian Gorka, Dan Bongino, Dan Crenshaw, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Fox & Friends, MSNBC, CNN, Fraudcock, Jack Posobiec, and many others. The Mockingbirds have a big flock. And they always flock together!!!

You can also identify members of the Mockingbird propaganda family by discerning which “Patriots” should be vocally defending a fellow true Patriot, but yet they sit silently on the sidelines and do not step up to defend me against the false attacks.

Who is the head Mockingbird???

Any ideas? I would welcome hearing your ideas on that question.

I know this - the head Mockingbird behind this Rittenhouse propaganda smear campaign does not know or have a relationship with Jesus Christ, our LORD and Savior.

The enemy is God-less. The enemy is the deceiver of deceivers. The enemy is a master of deceit.

Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
In the fog of war, the enemy will create many distractions.

Stay focused.

We must FIX 2020 OR BUST.

Given the enemy’s intentional acts to sabotage the audits, I am told that the best course of action is canvassing.

But the questions asked in the canvassing process are important and the enemy may try to mislead you.

Professor David Clements is the best source for proper canvassing strategy.

Follow or contact THE Professor on his Telegram channel.

Dan Bongino, Dan Bongino, Dan Bongino.

(I am impersonating a Deep State Mockingbird like Dan, Dan, Dan who protected Obama, Obama, Obama.)

Hey, Dan, Dan, Dan!!!

Remember this name in case you ever want to grow up to be a real honest investigative reporter.

Deana Womack, Deana Womack, Deana Womack.

Stay with me if you want to learn some TRUTH about your fellow bird, Fraudcock, Fraudcock, Fraudcock.

And pray, pray, pray for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
My sister in Christ, Deana Womack called me this evening. Deana knows about David “Fraudcock”Hancock and his evil influence on young Kyle Rittenhouse and his mother, Wendy.

Before Ol’ Dan Bongino falsely chirps about me again, he should learn the TRUTH. Heck, if he does not do so, Dan might be magically and legally transformed into Defendant Dan in a defamation case!!!

If Dan had cared about the TRUTH, he could have called me. I did my best to get Kyle Rittenhouse out of jail on bail as quickly as possible under the direction of his criminal lawyer, John Pierce. I went so far as to personally guarantee a $150,000 loan to #FightBack from Rick Schroder (scroll up, Danny Boy).

But I am not writing to defend myself from the likes of Bongo Bongino as I know he does not care about the TRUTH of what I did, as Bongo, Bongo, Bongo is just following orders to F-Linn (oops, I am so imperfect that I misspelled my own name!!!)

Stay with me (you too Daniel).
So let’s turn to some TRUTH about Cocky Fraudcock Hancock (who had been under orders for the last year+ to F-Linn (oh gosh, I did it again!!!My spelling is atrocious tonight!!!).

The following factual truths come from an eyewitness, Deana Womack. She and her husband have been falsely attacked and harassed by Cockyman, Fraudcock Hancock.


1. Deana tried to get the truth to Kyle Rittenhouse about Evil Fraudcock and his manipulation of young Kyle.

2. She doesn’t believe one’s personal sexual life is anyone’s business unless it needs to be exposed to reveal TRUTH to hopefully save a young boy from evil. Yes, Deana knows that Cocky Hancock is living with Wendy Rittenhouse. Yep, they are shackling up and playing mom and dad to Kyle. Now that trick will get you some influence over a young teenager.

3. She knows that while THE Fraud Fraudcock has been crying poverty to the public as part of his latest charity scam to line his pockets by using an innocent person plight, Ol’ Dave (Bongo Bongino’s new best friend) bought himself a brand new, shiny Jeep vehicle. I wonder if Fraudcock is so cocky that he will put a blown-up picture of him and President Trump that he managed to get by using Kyle and Wendy to ask for him. President Trump is so kind and gracious about allowing photographs. He will even be polite when a fraud asks for a photo. Scroll up to see photo of President Trump with Mitch “CCP” McConnell!!!

4. Cocky Boy Fraudcock also went out and bought Kyle an expensive thoroughbred retriever puppy for Kyle which he lovingly named Milo. Guess DaveCock named it after his fraudulent charity The Milo Fund which operates FreeKyleUSA which fundraised with the #FightBack donor list ThiefCock stole in mid-November of 2020 when he illegally hacked the #FightBack computer system. Guess FraudDog Dave was not interested in getting Kyle a rescue puppy.

Stay with me for more!!!
Whew. Had to take a break and get a couple of bites of my dinner before I continue to bite Fraudcock’s big butt with the TRUTH.

Bongo Bongino should interview Deana Womack when he finds time to get his Deep State spoon out of his Deep State propaganda mouth.

Deana will tell him that John Pierce (Kyle’s former criminal lawyer who FraudCock ran off) has nothing bad to say about me or #FightBack’s heroic efforts for Kyle Rittenhouse (thank you, #FightBack donors, you deserve ALL the credit!!!).

Deana will tell Bonkers Bongino all about the Pudgy’s Pub incident and who it appears set it up
(FraudCock). Speaking of pudgy, Dave “BellyCock” Hancock looks a little pudgy in his 17 seconds of photo glory standing next to Kyle who was standing next to a gracious President Trump.

Deana may also describe a different story than the one Dave “LiarCock” Hancock invented about Kyle’s treatment and conditions in the juvenile facility in Illinois (Kyle told me in a brief conversation from the facility that he was comfortable, felt safe, and was being treated well).

Deana will also tell Dave’s Buttboy Bongino about how Dave “CIAcock” Hancock had her and her husband kicked off Twitter (a CIA social media spy site) and other social media when they started commenting on Fraudcock and revealing the TRUTH about him. Seems like I recall DaveCock Hancock did the same thing to Gordon Rose who was publishing TRUTH about FraudCock on Twitter. Check out Gordon’s Telegram Channel, Deep State Dave. Fraudcock must have pull in high places in the intelligence community!!!


Deana has many more facts about the manipulative abuse of Kyle Rittenhouse by David “Disgraced Former Navy SEAL” Hancock but I am told she plans to provide those details herself in the near future.

So let me end this message by reminding Dave “God-less Fraudcock” Hancock:

Every lie will be revealed.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I write on Telegram and occasionally give speeches to speak TRUTH and advocate for causes near and dear to my heart.

I have no desire to be Vice-President or run for President in 2024 (although I will remind others who might have that desire that the first 2024 Presidential Primary in the nation is in South Carolina).

I don’t demand $20,000 to $50,000 per speech to fight to FIX 2020 and to fight for our freedom.

But when you orchestrate a smear campaign to destroy my reputation, create problems within my family (including blackmail), and deceive We The People, WATCH OUT.


I hope everyone understands this message. I mean it. I am fearless because Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior and He wins every battle for me.

I love Jesus.
I love America and Freedom.
I love We The People.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Thank you for QAnon John. In time, there will be plenty of lawsuits. But for now, I have other priorities than to focus on myself. God bless you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from The Patriot Voice (QAnon John)
Its REAL cute isn’t it???

Seems to be the "cool" thing to do to trash Lin Wood for NO reason, and ALL the "conservative" blue check marks are hoping on the bandwagon...Truly classless and ABSOLUTELY COORDINATED.

I’m absolutely sick, tired, and repulsed by it.

I hope he sues each and EVERY ONE of you for defamation, and slander.

They ALL have NO clue about TRUTH and they dont have an interest in telling it either. If they did, they would realize that…




It’s time to USE YOUR BRAIN, if even just a little bit, and or STOP making up blatant LIES. God is watching!



Quite a day, wouldn’t you say?

Time for rest.

But before I rest, I want you to know that tonight I will pray for ALL my enemies, including David Hancock, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Dan Bongino and many others named and unnamed.

In order to be forgiven, we must forgive. I forgive my enemies.

I also want you to know that I learned information from Deana Womack today about former Kyle Rittenhouse Attorney John Pierce that touched my heart and made me realize that I have been unduly harsh on him. John is trying hard to get back on the road to redemption. John has a good soul. If John sees the message, I pray that he will understand why I uttered harsh comments about him and that he will forgive me. When I next see him in person, I will ask for his forgiveness. He was a victim of David Hancock too. I now understand more. We never stop learning.

Life on Earth is short. Eternity is forever.

I do not want anyone to go to hell for eternity, not even my worst enemies. Hell is hell. Eternity is eternity. Always has been. Always will be.

It is Thanksgiving. My children will not be with me again this year. But I pray they will be with me next Thanksgiving. Maybe sooner. Only God knows. I pray for them and I love them dearly. I am thankful for them.

I also give thanks to ALL of my wonderful followers. You continue to inspire me with your kind words and support in these extraordinary times.

Most important of ALL, I give thanks to Jesus Christ, my LORD and my Savior. He died a brutal death for my sins. Then He rose from the dead and returned to Earth to promise me eternal life. I am not worthy. I am just thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I hope you have a joyful and peaceful day with your families and friends.

I love Jesus.
I love America and Freedom.
I love My Family and We The People.

Stand steady.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:”
- Ephesians 1:16-21
Good Morning!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!
I am thankful today in the knowledge that the only people who believe the Rittenhouse/Mockingbird false smear campaign against me are the same people who believe that Joey “Bribes” Biden won the November 2020 election over President Trump in a historic landslide.

In other words, I find peace of mind in knowing that informed, non-brainwashed people who love America know that the false accusations against me should be thrown in the garbage can like the turkey bones after Thanksgiving lunch.

Garbage is garbage. Always has been. Always will be.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day gatherings!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!
Hmmm . . .

So if you falsely accuse Lin Wood, say there was no 2020 election fraud, and support BLM, publicity-hound Marjorie Taylor Greene will try her best to get you a Congressional Gold Medal.

I hate seeing young Kyle Rittenhouse used by the Commie Deep State cabal.

Pray for Kyle.

If Deep State Marjorie Taylor Greene can get her comrades to re-name the Congressional Gold Medal the F-Linn Gold Medal, can you imagine how many members of the Deep State Mockingbird propaganda media will line up to demand the medal???

Many Deep State individuals will also happily stand in line to receive the honor.

Of course, some Deep State individuals will send others to receive their medal as they need to remain in Deep State disguise to continue their undercover efforts to gain control over Trump-supporting Patriots who demand that we FIX 2020.

Also, if those latter individuals showed up in person to receive the F-Linn Gold Medal, Pay-triot speaking fees might dry up suddenly.

The love of money is the root of all evil.

Political power is a close second. The two often go hand in hand.

Just sayin.’