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Marjorie Taylor Greene also needs to research FreeKyleUSA, the group which was formed to raise money “for Kyle” AFTER #FightBack posted the $2M cash bail and AFTER John Pierce told #FightBack to cease its efforts to raise money to help Kyle as he was taking over all such efforts on behalf of the family as HE was still at that time Kyle’s criminal defense lawyer. I was never Kyle’s criminal attorney. I practice only civil law. I understand John was subsequently fired as Kyle’s criminal lawyer.

#FightBack promptly ceased its efforts for Kyle after being instructed to do so. I have posted a spreadsheet on monies raised by #FightBack for Kyle and the expenditures #FightBack made on Kyle’s behalf.

Marjorie Taylor Greene must have missed the spreadsheet in her haste to falsely attack me.

Marjorie should also research David Hancock and Hancock’s ties to FreeKyleUSA and his social media sites dedicated to publishing lies about me.

Hancock is a Deep State shill and according to his former chief when Hancock was a Navy Seal, he is “a fraud, a thief, and a conman.” Hancock’s SEAL trident was pulled and he was put up for a Dishonorable Discharge before he claimed a Valium addiction and managed to get a medical discharge.

Marjorie should do the research to learn that Hancock was in trouble with the SEALS for his involvement in a FAKE charity and government credit card fraud.

If Marjorie had spoken with me, she would have learned that Hancock illegally accessed the #FightBack domaine and stole the #FightBack donor list which he apparently then used to solicit donations for FreeKyleUSA. I have the proof.

#FightBack is not the only entity and I am not the only person scammed by Hancock. I expect you will hear from others about Hancock in due time.

I also wonder if Marjorie missed my posts linking Hancock to Nicole J. Wade, Jonathan D. Grunberg, and G. Taylor Wilson and their concerted action to falsely smear my name and reputation? I made the information public. I guess Marjorie Taylor Greene does not read my Telegram Channel. It was there for ALL to see just like the #FightBack spreadsheet on its handling of Rittenhouse donations.

I hate to say it, but there is more. Stay with me.
I do not understand why Marjorie Taylor Greene chose to call me a “monster” but that apparently is her opinion and she has the right to express her opinions.

Just as I have the right to express my opinion that Marjorie is a Communist sympathizer because she is not fighting to FIX 2020 which means she is okay with a FAKE Communist regime being in a position of power in America.

I am deeply troubled by Marjorie trying to blame me for January 6. I had ZERO involvement in January 6. That false accusation has been made against me and Sidney Powell by the Communist Mockingbird propaganda media and by corrupt judges and corrupt lawyers. There is not a SCINTILLA of evidence to support this false narrative against Sidney or me.

What is Marjorie thinking?

I pray that Marjorie is being misled by the enemy and when she does the research, she will acknowledge that she was wrong to make the attacks and brand me as a liar. Until such time, we can only conclude that Marjorie is guilty of the false accusations she makes against me and others.

I have said enough. Enough is always enough. Always has been. Always will be.

I pray for Marjorie and I pray that when she learns the TRUTH, she will choose wisely and acknowledge her wrongdoing. I will forgive her. In fact, I already do forgive her because she knows not of what she is doing.

The enemy is the deceiver of deceivers.

Thanks for listening and thanks for believing in me despite the massive number of false attacks being made against me.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)
Yesterday, when Marjorie Taylor Gree. Called Lin Wood a monster, I prayed how I could help.

Lin is a friend & I love that Majorie told Christians to preach the gospel on the steps of the US Capitol months back - remember that press conference she held when Pelosi stripped her of her committees?

The back/forth is their thing.

What I cared about was the truth, in that, with conversations with Lin, he told/showed me the facts of the Kyle Rittenhouse money & the folks vying for it (we’re about to do a town hall about that at 3pmCST).

I’ve criticized Marjorie for not pushing for forensic audits as much as I’d like someone with her platform to, but she claimed Christ on the steps of the Capitol. That deserves grace in my book.

I want Marjorie to succeed. I’d live for her to push for forensic audits/canvassing - especially in her state of GA.

But more importantly, I dont want Marjorie - a sister in Christ - to yoke up with the wrong people.

Her “monster” post showed that. Again, not in the name-calling (I do worse in my head), but in her support of FreeKyleUSA & the folks who I know for a fact are corrupt - because I have seen the receipts/comms (just like the 800k+) following Lin on Telegram.

Well, I did not ask Lin, but I asked for Marjorie’s cell phone from some other folks & I got it.

I texted her that what she was writing was factually wrong & that I wanted to help her bc she believes in Jesus - seriously, I want Christians to succeed bc I want God glorified. Amen.

She never replied.

An hour after I texted her that her information was wrong & she was being misled, she again knocked Lin for being a fake Christian.

And it’s spiraled down since.

Last night, Lin posted several pictures from Twitter of an anti-fraud journalist who had audio/video of the malfeasence of the folks behind FreeKyleUSA - the organization Marjorie mentioned in her “monster” post and the same organization I warned her she was wrong about.

Well, that twitter profile was deleted last night after airing a 19min video with audio of the attorney (John Pierce) wanting to use Kyle’s bail money for himself.

The audio is, in my opinion, damning.

For those wanting truth in this issue, @linwoodspeakstruth is about to do a town hall with me today at 3pmCST.

For those wanting more background research, see the attached Telegram channel of the one guy with video/audio proof that clarifies this whole issue - but that you cant see because he was cancelled by Twitter.

That fact, his cancellation for posting the audio of people intimately involved in Kyle Rittenhouse & the donated money, makes me go hmmmm...


I have no personal ax to grind with Marjorie Taylor Greene. I supported her in her race for the House of Representatives in 2020. I provided her with legal representation at no charge.

I did disagree with her decision to endorse Kelly Loeffler over Doug Collins in the GA Senate race.

I watched her new career after she landed in D.C. I watched her national fundraising tour with Matt Gaetz.

I wanted to see Majorie doing the heavy lifting in Georgia to support rallies and raise money in GA to fix the 2020 GA election which I firmly believe is the most important issue facing our country.

I have been clear that in my opinion, any “elected” official or candidate who is not aggressively taking ACTION to FIX 2020 is at best a Communist sympathizer by allowing a fake Communist regime appear to be in control of our nation’s highest office. Not good for Georgia. Not good for America. Not good for true Patriots.

So I commented pointedly about the fact that Marjorie “talked” audits, but did not “walk the walk for audits.” I had hoped my commentary would spur Marjorie into taking ACTION.

My comments were not intended to be a personal attack on Marjorie. If I want to go after someone personally, as a trial lawyer with over 4 decades of experience, I know how to do it.

I do not seek division in the Patriot movement for freedom. I seek unity within the movement by unifying around taking meaningful ACTION to FIX 2020.

I know Marjorie and her political consultant, Rick Shafter, went pretty hard at me personally even to the point of questioning my belief in Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior. I have gotten used to the enemy’s personal attacks. I understand how the enemy operates. I was surprised at the ferocity of Marjorie’s attacks on me. She came across as the enemy. I forgive her. I think she got some bad advice.

I hope Marjorie Taylor Greene will make peace with me by simply getting busy taking ACTION to FIX 2020 and not just call on others to do the work.

Let me know when Marjorie is criss-crossing the State of Georgia to rally the people to fight to FIX 2020 and raise money for that effort.

I am trying to lift my share of that weight. I just want Marjorie to lift hers. If we do not FIX 2020, America will be locked down as a Communist country.

I don’t want to ever allow America to be taken over by Communism. I would hate to think Marjorie is willing to sit on the gym bench and let that happen.

Marjorie and I should be on the same page on fighting Communism, lifting the same weights.
By the way, I reached out to Marjorie Taylor Greene this afternoon and left her a voice mail message. I offered to talk or meet with her to discuss our differences on how to get rid of the Fake Biden Communist Regime.

I have spent 45 years as a trial lawyer trying to resolve disputes. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much so. But I am always ready, willing, and able to try.

Marjorie has not called me back yet. Hopefully she will do so tomorrow. We shall see.

I will keep you posted.
I am disappointed that Marjorie Taylor Greene did not return my call from yesterday. I really would like to speak with her to discuss ideas on how we can work together and take ACTION to FIX 2020.

I hope Rick Shaftan, her new political advisor she hired after she took office, has not prejudiced her against me.

From my research, Shaftan is not a big fan of President Trump. I wonder if Shaftan wants to FIX 2020 or is content with a Fake Communist regime trying to gain control of our country???

Maybe Marjorie is getting some bad advice.

IF she calls me, I will ask her. I am not shy.

In the meantime, I will continue to pray for Marjorie. We ALL need prayers. We live in extraordinary times.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Does anyone know the status of Marjorie Taylor “Seven Rays of Light” Greene’s impeachment efforts against the character playing Joey “Bribes” Biden?

Any idea of how many pounds of fake political PR stunts Marjorie is lifting these days?

Is she lifting those pounds or throwing them at you?

WATCH OUT!!! Some may be coming your way!!! Marjorie had some serious fake political muscles.

Maybe she can use her muscular fingers to write a check to pay my firm’s legal bill. Or just write it off as a campaign violation on her part. Or lift it off. Her choice.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
One more time.

The #FightBack records on Rittenhouse are below.

Someone please feel free to send them to Tucker “Deep State” Carlson, Sebastian “Fake Accent” Gorka, Dan “CIA Bongo Bongo” Bongino, and Marjorie Taylor “I am a Commie in Disguise” Greene.

Give these traitors to We The People enough rope and they eventually out themselves.

The Deep State is very, very deep.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
My list of Deep State individuals exposed by republishing the maliciously false accusations by Kyle Rittenhouse against me and #FightBack without ever seeing the TRUTH from me or #FightBack:

Tucker Carlson
Sheriff David Clarke
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Jack Posobiec
Sebastian “Fake Accent” Gorka
Dan “Bongo Bongo” Bongino
Charlie Kirk
Ashleigh Bandfield
Sean Hannity

I don’t have access to Twitter or Facebook. So please let me know if I am missing anyone!!!

Thank you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
This tune is dedicated to Vernon Unsworth, Nicholas Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse, David Hancock, John Pierce, Lawson Pedigo, Jeffrey Wobig, Steve Wynn, Mark Stephens, Dr. Phil McGraw, Tara Trask, Chris Chatham, Elon Musk, Todd McMurtry, Rob Remar, Marc Elias, Jonathan D. Grunberg, David Fink, David Brock, Joe Oltmann, Kandiss Taylor, Bernie Kerik, Stuart Guthrie, David Clements, Magic Monroe, Charles “Chip” Babcock, Stew Peters, Dr. Carter Page, QAnon John, Seth Keshel, James Charles Phillips, Couy Griffin, Jarrin Jackson, Doug Logan, Jim Penrose, Mike Lindell, Gordon Rose, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Dan “Bongo” Bongino, Charlie Kirk, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Billy White, Sebastian “Fake Accent and Medals” Gorka, Dr. Simone “Ain’t” Gold, Mikki “Ain’t Tricky” Willis, Brian Cates, Tracy Beanz, and SO SO SO many more who will have tunes dedicated to them in the near future!!! But before wrapping up song dedications tonight, special mention must be given to Patrick Byrne, Sidney Powell, and ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mike “7 Rays” Flynn.

More dedications to follow in the next few days. I love to give recognition to those who deserve it!!!

So many still to honor!!! Stay tuned.


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Uh oh!!!

From the public documents below, it appears that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a LittleSis to David “Rat” Fink of The 65 Project. Or is it vice versa???

No wonder Ol’ “Pump The Fake Iron” Margie wanted me thrown in jail based on a false accusation by Actor Rittenhouse, excuse me, I mean Kyle Rittenhouse!!!

Time will tell who is the REAL LittleSis to whom!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Oh no!!!

David “Killary Supporter” Brock of The 65 Project is also a LittleSis to David “Rat” Fink and Marjorie “I Lift Fake Weights” Taylor Greene!!!

Birds of a feather really do flock and fly together!!!

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Give people enough rope, Deb, and in time, they will show you who they really are and hang themselves.

Majorie has been showing us who she really is for some time now.

She publicly demanded that I be thrown in jail despite the public facts that proved beyond dispute that #FightBack did NOT grift off Kyle Rittenhouse.

She publicly rejected my message that said I prayed for her, claiming I prayed to a “different” God than her [g]od (she may be right on that one as I pray to the Father in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ).

Thereafter, she participated in a FAKE prayer in a FAKE cell with Brandon Straka playing a FAKE J6 prisoner.

And don’t forget the Matt Gaetz fundraising tour and the many other publicity stunts in which she has engaged over the last 2 years.

MTG has done nothing to FIX 2020, end rigged elections, or end child trafficking and modern day human slavery.

She grifts off President Trump’s brand while offering him FAKE support.

MTG is a Flim Flam Flip Flopper who loves money.

The love of money is the root of ALL evil.

The video to which you refer in your message can be found below.

God bless you, Deb.

Pray for Marjorie. I do. I pray for my enemies.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
If you get on MTG’s mailing list AND win the honor of going on a “hog hunting trip” with her, will you go in the black helicopter or the white one???

Will you sit in the front seat or the back seat of the helicopter???

Or will the “trip” be as FAKE as her video plea to get you on her mailing list appears to be from the below screenshots from her video???

With Marjorie, you never know what is real and what is FAKE.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Call me naive (I have been called worse!!!), but I believe President Trump and the Secret Service know exactly who comes to Mar-A-Lago to meet with him and have lunch or dinner with him.

Of course, I could be wrong. Only time will tell.

Kanye “Ye” West
Nick Fuentes

Didn’t Milo serve as an intern on the Congressional staff of Marjorie “Throw Lin In Jail” Taylor Greene???

Does Ol’ Marge not know the people who work for her or who have lunch or dinner with her???

I believe President Trump is a genius.

I believe he shines light on the bad and emphasizes the FAKE.

Of course, I could be wrong Only time will tell.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Ol’ Marjorie is sure singing a new tune in recent months!!!

The Trump Tune!!!

And she looks a little different, don’t you think???

I don’t know whether MTG is REAL or FAKE.

If MTG publicly apologizes for calling for my arrest on Twitter by falsely claiming that I “grifted” off Kylie Rittenhouse AND she pays my legal bill for services rendered, perhaps I can make an informed decision on whether MTG is REAL or FAKE.

Does my position make sense to you???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Forwarded from Lin Wood
My list of Deep State individuals exposed by republishing the maliciously false accusations by Kyle Rittenhouse against me and #FightBack without ever seeing the TRUTH from me or #FightBack:

Tucker Carlson
Sheriff David Clarke
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Jack Posobiec
Sebastian “Fake Accent” Gorka
Dan “Bongo Bongo” Bongino
Charlie Kirk
Ashleigh Bandfield
Sean Hannity

I don’t have access to Twitter or Facebook. So please let me know if I am missing anyone!!!

Thank you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Lin Wood
My list of Deep State individuals exposed by republishing the maliciously false accusations by Kyle Rittenhouse against me and #FightBack without ever seeing the TRUTH from me or #FightBack:

Tucker Carlson
Sheriff David Clarke
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Jack Posobiec
Sebastian “Fake Accent” Gorka
Dan “Bongo Bongo” Bongino
Charlie Kirk
Ashleigh Bandfield
Sean Hannity

I don’t have access to Twitter or Facebook. So please let me know if I am missing anyone!!!

Thank you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸