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My oldest son, Matt, is a lawyer. He does not speak with me so I am unable to communicate words of love and faith to him. If your heart moves you to write and express your stories and feelings of faith with him, perhaps it would help awaken him to the world outside of Austin. I think he would benefit from loving words from followers of Jesus Christ. Not a request to write him, but only a request to follow your heart. I do not believe he is allowed to know what I am trying to do for others or the persecution I am enduring. His email is mwood@wshllp.com.

God bless you. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. I will continue to pray for you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
And I will never stop fighting back for you. 😎
I hope your afternoon was an enjoyable one. I love the Lowcountry. I got out and spent time with the land and the wonderful people who work with me and love God’s land as much as I do.

It was a reminder to take time away from the noise around us. Don’t let the enemy keep you distracted from the things and people you love. Make time to pray.

Trust God and let Him lower and erase your anxiety over what is to come for our nation and world. The enemy’s attacks will fail. Focus on what it important and what no one can take away from you.

It is what it is. God has a plan. He loves it when we help Him in doing His will. He rewards us when we help Him and punishes us when we do not.

But always know that while God wants our help, He can and will do it Himself. His will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

He is Almighty God. He is all powerful. He is all knowing.

Trust Him. He will never forsake you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Please consider following Stew Peters. Stew brings hard-hitting truth. I love his right to the point style. I think you will enjoy Stew too. We need more straight-shooters. https://t.me/stewpeters
The propaganda media does not want you to hear the truth.
YouTube restricted my Q&A with Lin. They would not allow me to post it to their platform. We clipped the truths of Lin in segments to trick the algorithms and they’re there...for now. https://youtube.com/c/StewPeters
I love Garrett. He is knowledgeable and has a superb analytical mind. Best of all, he has a great sense of humor. Simple truths are simple truth. Laughter is the best medicine. The fake Biden presidency may go down as the best Saturday Night Live show of all time!
Forwarded from Garrett Ziegler
Can't sleep. If you can't either, check out my friend's channel. I have some very special friends and thankful God brought us together to fight for our great Republic which is on the brink of permanent Clown World (like, UK bad) https://t.me/NarrativeReframes
I agree with Garrett. You should strongly consider following https://t.me/NarrativeReframes.
Maybe I should not have mentioned by son, Matt, along with a request that you consider writing him a note of love and faith.

I am imperfect. It was a decision I made as a father searching for help in getting a message to my son of love and faith.

So now I am accused of doxxing my own son. I intended no such thing. I love him. I would never do anything to hurt him. I have not and will not publicly disclose what he has said or done to me or vice versa.

Matt is a fine young man albeit misguided at the moment in my judgment. But what do I know? Only what I have seen for the first 37 of his 38 years of life. He named his son for me 2 years ago. I am the same man now that I was then.

Politics and faith have divided many families in recent months.

But what if maybe, just maybe, one message from a third person plants a seed of love and faith that weighs on his heart to eventually renew his relationship with his Dad?

I took the chance. I do not regret it. One cannot be motivated by the fear of failure. How many experiences would we have missed if we did not take risks?

Some of you have shared the notes you sent him. Beautiful and meaningful words of love, faith, & encouragement. I do not know what they meant to Matt but they sure meant a lot to me. You spoke truth. I love truth. We must all face it and embrace it.

Thank you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Has everyone gone back and carefully reviewed all of your posts, tweets, photos, and other statements on your social media accounts? You never know when someone might pull something you said out of context or misrepresent it in order to attack you or even threaten your job with it.

We are all at risk. So we must stand tall if the information is being misused to advance the agenda of the enemy.

If you said it and it was the truth, don’t deny it. Don’t be afraid. Speak truth.

Besides the CIA has it all anyway. Ha! Deletions don’t exist on social media.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I don’t spend much time looking at all of the misrepresentations, lies, and accusations being made against me in the propaganda social and mainstream media. Haters are going to hate. It is what it is.

But it someone or some entity, like Cathy Cox, Mercer University, the Lawyers Club of Atlanta, the State Bar of Georgia. or unknown out-of-state complainants, falsely attack your character and threaten your livelihood in a serious manner with lies and misrepresentations, then it is game time. Bring it on. I will fight back. I will expose the truth of the lie and the liar even if I lose the game.

We don’t control the outcome. We only control how we play the game.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I love Narrative Reframes.
Forwarded from Narrative Reframes
Understand that Main Stream Media is OWNED - the Press has been leveraged to perpetuate a manipulative narrative to keep We The People in the dark and psychologically placated for a century. They will never “connect the dots” for you with the facts or the truth.

This is the brilliance of a PsyOp named Q. The gradual wake from sleep, a cognitive re-introduction to the truth, and a choice of where you stand when the lies no longer hold psychological power over you.

Q was call to action of We The People - not one of violence of action, we have a dedicated fighting force that’s constitutionally sanctioned for that, and their leadership’s commissioned oath is to “support and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Not Congress. Not corporate CEOs. Not the President... the Constitution.

But your call to action is to WAKE UP from the narrative that’s being shoved down your throat by the corrupt Press, MSM, corporate leadership and silver-tongued politicians. Wake up to your Constitutional sovereignty, because they are only Public servants.

Your call to action is to take it upon yourself to self-educate, and understand your Constitutional rights, the true principles of Economics and government financial data, Civics, and the historical ideology of Liberty instead of the watered down collectivist ideology of “social justice & environmental action” overly perpetuated by our castrated and manipulative public education policies.

Your call to action is to form trusted, Patriotic communities who protect each other, live by the Constitution, relentlessly seek the truth, and work together to solve local, State, and National problems. It’s about unity and resilience TOGETHER in the months ahead.

Because believe me when I say, the resilient future of America, and the industrial revolution of our future - one that’s not bound to the corrupt Petrodollar and iterative Wars of the Steel Cycle, is absolutely worth every inconvenience that the corrupt pretenders in our government may force upon us in the coming months.

They’re literally willing to go to the extremes of labeling Anons and Q as “Domestic Terrorists” to stop a Constitutional movement. How desperate is that?

The reality? At most we’ve seen a few Patriots wrongfully arrested, but released and inconvenienced by legal proceedings. That’s it.

They’re hyping a narrative. You are not facing stazi-level abuse. No FBI agent is kicking down a door and shooting anyone in the head unless you go vertical, get violent, unlawful, and give them a reason to.

Remember that - all they have is their narrative war and propaganda. They want to scare you into giving up. And they’re going to extremes on TV and on the Web to do it.

What that says to me is that they’re threatened by the populations around the world getting involved and disrupting their global economic power schemes. And rightly so. There’s way more of us than them.

In America: 616,000 : 1 by the way.
We The People outnumber Public officials 616,000 to 1.
- Bobby Piton

So don’t forget that. Freedom isn’t free, but it’s worth sacrificing some convenience for, unifying under the Constitution despite our differences for, and working really damn hard for. 🇺🇸
I do not ask God “why” I am being targeted and persecuted in recent weeks. All I have done and will continue to do is speak truth - personally, politically, and professionally.

I only ask God “what do you want me to do with this?”

I know God wants me to help him do His will which shall be done in any event on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Read Psalms 54 and 55. When under attack by the enemy, pray these Psalms. God answers the prayers of His children who believe in Him through his only perfect son, Jesus Christ.

It does not end well for the enemy. 🙏
“Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.”
- Psalms 55:22-23
Thank you so much, Joanne. You understand me. Brings a smile to my face. God bless you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Joanne King
I seriously love Lin Wood... as much as someone can that they don’t know.😁 I remember reading his posts on Twitter... before he became a household name. They were filled with passion, conviction, truth, justice and a love for God. How refreshing! I told my friends—- you have to follow this guy. I loved what he said. He is a human being. As he always reminds us, he is imperfect— as are we. But he also reminds us to walk in faith, it’s okay to stumble and to trust in God no matter what the circumstances of our life are. It doesn’t get much better than that.
We too often tend to feel sorry for ourselves when we have problems with friends, family, finances, etc.

When we honestly share our life story with others, we quickly realize that all of us share similar concerns.

You see, we are all imperfect and thus, we lead imperfect lives. No one can cast the first stone.

There is so much good to see all around us and in our lives. Just listen to a bird sing or fly. Or a puppy wag his or her tail. We all have many truly good things in our lives. Remember them and share them too.

We are all more alike than we are different. And we are all in this world together. So we try our imperfect best to love all and forgive all.

Off for rest. Looking forward to church tomorrow and the start of a fiery revival. I pray you will find your church home tomorrow and do the same. Lord knows we need a fiery revival. He will deliver one.

God bless all. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸