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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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I had some productive meetings this weekend with Patriot and my sister in Christ, Monica Matthews. We are traveling in uncharted waters and recognize the need for unity among our fellow citizens who seek to maintain religious freedom, restore honest elections, and maintain our Constitution. We must protect and preserve ALL of our rights, especially our First Amendment rights.

I give Monica a special shout out of thanks as she has worked tirelessly in recent weeks and months, including her willingness to open her Telegram channel for your replies to my messages. The enemy attacks my reply channel so thanks to Monica, I am able to hear from you.

Please keep providing me the benefit of your replies and email messages of support and sending me relevant information. Along with my staff, we are trying to review ALL of your messages and I pray that at some point in the future, I will have a chance to reply to ALL. Thanks for your support, understanding, and patience.

My email is lwood@fightback.law.

God bless you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Everyone who feels beaten down, discouraged, and losing hope as a result of the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court ignoring black letter law and binding precedent today raise your right hand.

My right hand will not be raised.

Everyone who believes a lie will prevail over truth, raise your right hand.

My right hand will not be raised.

Everyone who believes that God is real and has a plan for your lives and the life of this country, raise both of your hands high in the air.

Both of my hands are raised high in the air.

I hope you stand with me and will continue to support my efforts to fight for TRUTH. I hope you will continue to fight for justice and righteousness within the bounds of the law. I pray that you will continue to trust God and know that ALL will be well.

Wait on the Lord. Until He acts pursuant to His plan, work each day, one day at a time, to help Him do His will on Earth as it is done in Heaven. God really loves it when you help Him, but remember He has ALL the power and can do it by Himself.

I had a good day. I hope you did too. Thanks for ALL you do to help me.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

I read the 2010 Rockefeller Institute Think Tank Study a few months ago before it was removed from the Internet. This gentleman read it too. I hope you also had a chance to read it. 🙏
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This is what matters? People, wake up. Before it’s too late for you and your family.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.”
- John 8:44-45
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”
- Romans 8:37
Telling the puppies a night time story about what happened to the rule of law in America today. Allie is shocked beyond words. Thee and Crew are solemn and concerned for each other. Motley says that 6 members of the United States Supreme Court should hide their faces in shame.

Puppies have great instincts. I told them not to worry, the sun would come up tomorrow and they will be free to go outside and play. True for them, true for you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Remember, a lie repeated 1,000 times is still a lie. But the enemy believes if you repeat the lie enough times, many will believe it to be true.

Repeating a lie is the Art of Propaganda 101.

Don’t be fooled by the repeated lies. ALWAYS search for the truth. Reject the lies and stand for truth.
A few morning reflections.

In your life on Earth, have you ever personally met any individual who was perfect? I have not.

Do you condemn or criticize the imperfections of others? Do you feel superior to others because you believe your imperfections are not as bad as the imperfections of others? Do you judge your friends and family because you believe you are right and they are wrong? Do you cast stones at others and brand them with accusations in order to convince others that you are right and they are wrong?

Are you able to face the truth and honestly answer these questions about yourself?

Do we want a society that is constantly at war with its fellow citizens because its members have different imperfections and different beliefs? Sounds like chaos and constant warfare to me because we are ALL different. We ALL have different beliefs. We are ALL imperfect.

How do we resolve our differences and turn chaos into order?

Keep reading for some suggestions to consider.
How do we resolve our differences in an effort to turn chaos into order? Stated differently, how do we avoid a full-fledged civil war?

1. Respect the fact that while we have differences, we are more alike than we are different.

2. Focus on our similarities, not our differences.

3. Be civil to each other.

4. Obey the laws as presently on the books. Work through the established system to change them if you believe change is necessary or desirable.

5. Study the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These are the founding principles that brought divided states together then to become united states thereafter.

6. Acknowledge that we as a country and as its individual citizens are not perfect. After all, we agreed on our founding principles in order to form a “more perfect” union. We will never be perfect. We just do the best we can to try to be more perfect. So we ought to better understand each other.

7. It is called the Golden Rule for a reason. Because it is THE Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The above suggestions may not solve ALL of our problems. The solution will take time. We did not get to this point as a country overnight. So we will not repair our country overnight. But I believe these suggestions represent a good start in the right direction.

Repairing our country will take time, effort, and sacrifice. The real question is whether our country is worth fixing. I believe it is. Our country represents and offers freedom. If freedom is worth dying for (and I believe it is), then it is worth the hard work and sacrifice necessary to maintain it.

We will have to engage in some give and take without sacrificing our common goals, objectives, and principles as a united country. That is called The Art of the Deal.

Even if you disagree with me, I hope that I have at least given you some things to seriously consider.

God bless each of you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Sage advice below.
A few very suspicious🤔 or fake channels on telegram using the names of well known conservative people. They seem to follow the same pattern, at first they're careful with what is posted as to seem authentic then😱 BAM! The whole tone changes🤥
Remain vigilant and keep your guard up on all social platforms and information sources👍😊
“Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.”
- General George S. Patton Jr.

I recall this quote has also been attributed to Thomas Paine. I believe it was also a favorite of Ted Turner who did cable before cable was cool!
I unashamedly admit that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. One day at a time, I try my imperfect best to follow His role model. When I wander off His path, I ask for forgiveness. I kneel only before God.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
- John 14:6
I hear all the talk of potential candidates for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

The same principle applies to those future elections as I urged with respect to the 2020 GA Senate runoff. Until we fix the theft of the November 3, 2020 election, we can have NO assurances regarding the integrity of any future election.

We cannot ignore the past and move forward into the future “hoping” election fraud will not recur. The enemy did it once (or more) and thinks he got away with it. The enemy will do it again. Or the enemy will save the time and expense of conducting another fraudulent election and simply tell us who will lead us.

But let’s assume that we have a 2022 election and fraud evidence surfaces again. If the State Bar of GA is successful in revoking my law license for being involved in filing lawsuits challenging the 2020 election, what lawyer is going to risk his or her livelihood and reputation to legally challenge the 2022 election? The answer is obvious. None or at best, only a very few brave souls.

The GA State Bar fight is presently focused on me. But it is actually aimed at every lawyer in the country. And at every citizen who might wish in the future to hire a lawyer of his or her choice to legally challenge a deprivation of voting rights or an unlawful election.

We must not lose focus by only looking ahead and not taking all available actions to fix the November 3, 2020 election.

And we must not forget for one second that today the enemy is coming after me. Sooner as opposed to later, the enemy will be coming after you.

The time to take a stand is now. Do not let November 3, 2020 go quietly in the night.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

What a glorious day I experienced today. One call after another. Some brought a smile. Some brought a frown. But they were ALL good.

Today a team of warriors began assembling. Your donations, love, and prayers are making it possible. The enemy has no idea what it faces. The enemy has already lost.

The evening found me a little weary from the battles of the day. Then an hour of prayer and education from a true Man of God, Pastor Forson Swanzy. Wow. Swanzy is the Fonzie! He knows how to fight the enemy!

And then along comes Veronica Wolski from the People’s Bridge in Chicago to warm my heart and end my day with a HUGE smile. Veronica humbled me. She reminded me of why I will NEVER stop fighting for you to defeat the enemy. Thank you, Pastor Swanzy and Veronica. God bless both of you. God bless ALL. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Please consider following Veronica at The People’s Bridge. She inspires me. She will inspire you.

God inspires all of us.

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. The channel below is not mine but thanks for re-posting some of my messages.

When I was 14, I was asked to deliver the sermon on Youth Day at Shurlington Baptist Church in Macon, GA. I was given the freedom to deliver my own sermon from the scripture of my choice. I chose to speak on the Whole Armour of God from Ephesians 6. I did not know then that God was preparing me for the battles I fight now. I know how to withstand the attacks and on what to rely to win the battle:

The gospel of peace
The Word of God

This is how we defeat the enemy. As I said to others when I was 14, I say to you now at 68: I recommend this armour to you. It works in every battle against evil. I give ALL the praise to God for the victory already won.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸