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I prayed for Thin Mint’s husband Felix last night. I ask that you pray for him today and for Kris and Felix’s children.

Pray for healing. Pray for comfort. Pray that God’s will be done.

We are ALL in this together. Pray for ALL.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from ThinMint
I spoke with the ICU nurse around 6:30 am... the ventilator got turned down to 90% (it was at 100% last evening) and his oxygen is at 95. She said all this fluctuates. His kidney number remains very high. And as far as I know he’s still throwing blood clots.

I absolutely broke down last night. Though I didn’t sleep much, as I kept praying throughout the night, I did stop crying which helped me focus my prayers. But, I’m weepy again.

Our twins seem to understand the seriousness, though they won’t talk about it. The 8 and 5 year old do not understand. It’s so very hard to answer my daughter’s questions.

Our 21st wedding anniversary is the 15th. Felix is my best friend, my rock, my lover, my greatest love.

I’m asking for the miraculous -which God is still in the business of doing, and I’m asking for spiritual strength because my faith is being tested, and my relationship with the Lord is everything to me.

Thank you doesn’t seem adequate to covey how much your prayers mean. I am humbled by it all...
Doug Billings and Clay Clark thanked me on the video below for raising the $2M cash bail for Kyle Rittenhouse.

The bail was actually raised by #FightBack Foundation through the donations of thousands of Patriots who, like #FightBack, sought to help Kyle and defend the Second Amendment.

The real thanks belongs to the donors and supporters of #FightBack. I thank each of them.

I must say this is an impressive video clip, almost as good as a mini-infomercial. Doug and Clay are used to being on camera!!! Speaking of cameras, I am still waiting to hear from Doug, Clay, Mike, and Patrick about convening at my SC home to answer on camera ALL of the questions raised in the past few weeks among Patriots.

I am sure they will attend since I know they are determined to unify Patriots.

I do wonder what is up with their denials of being Illuminati? Did someone accuse them of being members of the Illuminati??? A bit odd given the other issues addressed in the video.

I have never asked someone if he or she is a member of the Illuminati as I assume that if a person is a member, that person would never admit it.

Oh well, thank you, Doug and Clay for the kind comments. Looking forward to hearing from both of you about the unity meeting!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Over the course of my legal career, I appeared on a number of television broadcasts and interviews as I had a professional duty to advocate for many clients in the court of public opinion, starting with the Richard Jewell case in 1996.

Live interviews were always a challenge because you knew if you put your foot in your mouth on live national/international TV, you would never get it out.

I survived years of television interviews without a major gaffe. Thank you, LORD.

I do not miss being before TV cameras. I did learn that the eye of the camera lens does not lie. That is why I had experts produce video footage of the Nicholas Sandmann incident in DC and #FightBack likewise produced a video of the Kenosha incident in an effort to help Kyle Rittenhouse.

Authentic photos and videos are powerful evidence in a courtroom and in the court of public opinion.
I agree with Jarrin. This looks like another false flag to me too. We the People have been subjected to many false flags over the past year.

Pray for discernment.
Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)
This has false flag written all over it.

My first thought: “The center of gravity is not DC.”

Second thought: “Flags aren’t combat multipliers.”

Third thought: “Masks and no helmets say cowards not expecting contact.”

Fourth, “Haha, godless commies said ‘useful idiots.’”

Fifth, “Shields!? Patriots don’t use shields!?”

I am aware that some people have raised the question of whether I am part of some psychological operation.

I am not.

However, I do believe that over the past couple of years I have been targeted by psychological operations by the Deep State. I have considerable evidence to support that opinion, much of which I have shared with you. I often shake my head and think, “Why me?” but I quickly remember it is what it is. My life was planned by God. He knew the end of my life when he created me.

Through it all, I stand steady because I stand on the rock of God which allows me to survive any storm. I give ALL the praise and thanks to Jesus Christ, my LORD and Savior.

I could never have survived the onslaught of false attacks without Jesus being by my side.

He has taught me many lessons about friendship, loyalty, and discernment over this time frame. I never thought at my age I could learn so much or had so much to learn.

I used to care about my reputation as any of us would do. Now I only care about what Jesus thinks of me. I want my LORD to greet me with “Well done, My son, well done” and not, “I do not know you.”

While I know I have a path to travel each day with which God blesses me, I try to keep my eyes on Jesus and focus on my eternal life, not life on Earth which is one grain of sand. Eternity is every grain of sand above and below the waters of every ocean in the world. You can never count them.

Stay with me if you will.
I am who I am.

A 69 year old lawyer and father who surrendered his life to God at age 66. I am a child of God.

I have no agenda except to serve my LORD, search for and do His will one day at a time, glorify Him, and try my imperfect best to help other people.

That is why I often say it is not about me, it is about you.

I have shared my journey with you on social media in the hope that you can learn how the enemy attacks and how to respond to the attacks. I will continue to do so.

I have leaned heavily in these extraordinary times in which we live on Ephesians 6 which I chose for my youth night sermon at age 14. I know we do not battle flesh and blood. I pray that you will know that TRUTH too.

God knew when I was 14 what I needed to know now. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

We serve an amazing God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus Christ, our LORD and our Savior.

What task or tasks did God create me to perform? I am still learning one day at a time. What applies to me, applies to you if you are a child of God.

So I am not 007, part of Q, or a Deep State operative!!!

I am just a man who loves Jesus, my family, my country, my freedom, TRUTH, justice, and We The People.

If that TRUTH disappoints you, it is what it is. I remain imperfect. That will be the case until I am in Heaven with my Perfect Father. So I will always need forgiveness on this Earth.

I seek no influence or political role. To the extent I have found myself in the eye of the political storms we are experiencing, I have been a reluctant participant. But I have and will continue to obey my LORD and do His will until He calls me home.

I still feel that I have much work to do. So I will never quit. I am a warrior for Jesus and TRUTH.

So now you know who I am. I love the people who follow me but I want them to do so not because of who I am but because of the message I try to convey.

Time for rest. I hope your day was enjoyable. God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
The picture below is one of my favorite pictures. My former housekeeper took it unbeknownst to me the day I was baptized in the cove of my home on Lake Oconee.

It reminds me to ALWAYS keep my eyes on Jesus.


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”
- John 14:16-21
Our nation and countries around the world are in crisis as a handful of powerful individuals seek to establish One World Government.

At DAVOS 2020, George Soros stated publicly the only obstacle was President Trump.

You know the rest of the story to date.

We must FIX 2020 OR BUST.

Once we have FIXED 2020, our country under the leadership of President Trump (our duly elected President) can then begin to fix the other major issues we face;

1. Child sex trafficking.
2. Illegal Covid mandates.
3. Securing our borders.
4. Protecting our Bill of Rights.
5. Reinstating the rule of law.
6. Bringing to justice ALL involved in acts of treason, election fraud, genocide, and other crimes against humanity.
7. Repairing domestic and foreign policies to put America First.

The list goes on.

The stakes could not be higher. The burden on America for itself and the free world could not be greater.

Is the best yet to come or the worst?

The choice is the choice of We The People. We The People are the government in our nation. A government of the People, by the People, and for the People.

We must turn our faces back to God if our freedom is not to perish from the face of this Earth.

I pray we choose wisely.

Thank you, Dawn. Your message below touches my heart deeply. I give God ALL the praise and glory for your husband’s decision. His decision is celebrated in Heaven.

I believe that followers of Jesus Christ are children of God and we are supposed to sow seeds. God choses the seeds He will grow to harvest.

Some of our seeds are sown on rock, some in weeds, some in fertile soil. Only God knows the future so only God knows which seeds He will grow after they are planted.

We are rewarded in Heaven for the seeds we sow and all of the good acts we performed. But after we receive our crowns for our good works, we place them at Jesus’ feet.

All good comes from God. He is to be praised for ALL the good we do on Earth, not us.

God is great. God is good. We thank Him and praise Him every day for the great and good things that He does.

We serve a magnificent, all powerful God. A God of love and mercy but also a God of wrath and vengeance.

We should ALL seek His love to avoid His wrath.

God bless you and your husband. Thank you again for your very kind words.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Dawn
My husband is getting baptized today and we have you to thank! You have shown us the way Lin Wood. If nothing else, you have brought my husband to the light. I thank God for you Lin!! 🙏 🇺🇸
I agree wholeheartedly with President Trump’s statement below. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Or maybe somebody did make it up?