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Quite a day, wouldn’t you say?

Time for rest.

But before I rest, I want you to know that tonight I will pray for ALL my enemies, including David Hancock, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Dan Bongino and many others named and unnamed.

In order to be forgiven, we must forgive. I forgive my enemies.

I also want you to know that I learned information from Deana Womack today about former Kyle Rittenhouse Attorney John Pierce that touched my heart and made me realize that I have been unduly harsh on him. John is trying hard to get back on the road to redemption. John has a good soul. If John sees the message, I pray that he will understand why I uttered harsh comments about him and that he will forgive me. When I next see him in person, I will ask for his forgiveness. He was a victim of David Hancock too. I now understand more. We never stop learning.

Life on Earth is short. Eternity is forever.

I do not want anyone to go to hell for eternity, not even my worst enemies. Hell is hell. Eternity is eternity. Always has been. Always will be.

It is Thanksgiving. My children will not be with me again this year. But I pray they will be with me next Thanksgiving. Maybe sooner. Only God knows. I pray for them and I love them dearly. I am thankful for them.

I also give thanks to ALL of my wonderful followers. You continue to inspire me with your kind words and support in these extraordinary times.

Most important of ALL, I give thanks to Jesus Christ, my LORD and my Savior. He died a brutal death for my sins. Then He rose from the dead and returned to Earth to promise me eternal life. I am not worthy. I am just thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I hope you have a joyful and peaceful day with your families and friends.

I love Jesus.
I love America and Freedom.
I love My Family and We The People.

Stand steady.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:”
- Ephesians 1:16-21
Good Morning!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!
I am thankful today in the knowledge that the only people who believe the Rittenhouse/Mockingbird false smear campaign against me are the same people who believe that Joey “Bribes” Biden won the November 2020 election over President Trump in a historic landslide.

In other words, I find peace of mind in knowing that informed, non-brainwashed people who love America know that the false accusations against me should be thrown in the garbage can like the turkey bones after Thanksgiving lunch.

Garbage is garbage. Always has been. Always will be.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day gatherings!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!
Hmmm . . .

So if you falsely accuse Lin Wood, say there was no 2020 election fraud, and support BLM, publicity-hound Marjorie Taylor Greene will try her best to get you a Congressional Gold Medal.

I hate seeing young Kyle Rittenhouse used by the Commie Deep State cabal.

Pray for Kyle.

If Deep State Marjorie Taylor Greene can get her comrades to re-name the Congressional Gold Medal the F-Linn Gold Medal, can you imagine how many members of the Deep State Mockingbird propaganda media will line up to demand the medal???

Many Deep State individuals will also happily stand in line to receive the honor.

Of course, some Deep State individuals will send others to receive their medal as they need to remain in Deep State disguise to continue their undercover efforts to gain control over Trump-supporting Patriots who demand that we FIX 2020.

Also, if those latter individuals showed up in person to receive the F-Linn Gold Medal, Pay-triot speaking fees might dry up suddenly.

The love of money is the root of all evil.

Political power is a close second. The two often go hand in hand.

Just sayin.’
The Flynn Family does the darnedest things!!!

Joe Flynn, General F-Linn’s brother, connected me with actor Rick Schroder to inform me that Rick was willing to help with Kyle Rittenhouse’s $2M cash bail which #FightBack was trying to raise as fast as possible after Kyle was transferred from the Illinois juvenile facility to the Kenosha jail.

Rick ended up generously loaning #FightBack $150,000 that reached the $2M cash bail requirement. I was asked to sign a personal guaranty on the note. I did so as I wanted Kyle out of the Kenosha jail as soon as possible.

I have now learned thatJoe Flynn told Rick that I required that his cell phone and computer be “checked”
before I would speak with him.

Are you kidding me???

I NEVER made such a request about or to Rick or any person. Where did Joe Flynn come up with that darnedest idea???

Stay with me as the plot thickens.
Prior to speaking with me, Joe Flynn arranged for a man named Conan Hayes of RVCA to do a “sweep” of Rick’s cell phone and computer.

I was shocked when I learned this information in the last couple of days.

What is going on here???

Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.

And stay with me for more intriguing information about Joe Flynn and the Flynn Family.
Who is this Conan Hayes that is apparently connected to Joe Flynn and The Flynn Family???

I know you know about Patrick Byrne.

Check this information out which I just learned:

After #FightBack raised the $2M cash bail for Kyle Rittenhouse’s release, I have just leaned that Patrick Byrne and Joe Flynn were making efforts to contact Kyle to tell him that Patrick Byrne wanted to raise $5M for Kyle through Byrne’s The America Project organization.

$5M??? What in the world was going to be done with that much money for Kyle???

And where was Old Patrick and Old Joe when #FightBack was trying to raise the $2M cash bail for Kyle???

Something ain’t right here.

Someone needs to research how much money The America Project has raised and how it was spent. A full audit needs to be undertaken as soon as possible. Errors may have been made or God forbid, something worse may be at play.

I don’t know if Old Patrick and Old Joe ever got in touch with Kyle as #FightBack was told to stand down on its efforts for Kyle right after the $2M cash bail was obtained through donations and the Schroder loan.

Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together for you?

They have been coming together for me over the past several weeks.

You need to demand the TRUTH from General Michael Flynn, Joe Flynn, and Patrick Byrne.

Just sayin.’
Take a close look at Jarrin Jackson’s post below.

Jarrin booked his own flight to Walterboro to visit with me last weekend. No one knew Jarrin and his two boys were coming to visit me.

I booked Jarrin’s return flight to depart on Tuesday from Walterboro. Jarrin’s return flight was booked in MY name out of Walterboro through Sentient Jets. The jet arrived in Walterboro on Monday evening for Jarrin’s early morning Tuesday departure. The flight itinerary was accessible to knowledgeable people.

After the pilot had to abort the take-off, he told Jarrin that if the plane had gotten in the air, it would have not sustained flight. Yep, it would have crashed.

Jesus protected Jarrin and his 2 young sons Tuesday morning. We might of lost them in a tragic plane crash due to mysterious mechanical problems.

Jarrin has always told me he would take a bullet for me. I never dreamed he might have to take a plane crash for me.

There are no coincidences.

The threats are real. The Deep State Cabal will stop at nothing to protect its control over our nation.

Or maybe I am just a disgraced lawyer who is a conspiracy theorist.

Only God knows.

On this Thanksgiving Day, give thanks to the LORD for keeping Jarrin and his boys safe. Pray for their continued Psalms 91 protection.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)
Plane explanation:

Lin’s security had massive issues this week. They left in the middle of the night. All at once.

A man who received multiple credible threats found himself without the enduring security he has had for months.

All gone. At once.

This happened before Lin declined an in-person meeting in Atlanta - that meeting was slated for downtown Atlanta. On Friday 11/19.

Security left. Then Lin declined his in-person meeting in downtown Atlanta.

Atlanta + Friday 11/19. Hmm?

So, Lin asked me to come. I said I couldn’t make it until December bc of my own stuff. Lin insisted. He paid - from his personal money - to fly me out there.

I brought my boys. They love Lin Wood. They love Stuart Guthrie’s kids more.

We did some things about his security (lots of details here that would just bore you). 😀

Today, the boys & I get to the airport.

Get on plane.


Pilot informed us that the engines weren’t running.

After a lengthy conversation, I learned that THAT specific issue had never happened to THAT plane.

Moreover, the veteran pilot explained that the problem was usually an “easy fix”. And that “I’ve always been able to (insert pilot lingo) really fast. No problem.”

This was different.

Folks coordinated for a new plane. The one pictured.

As we were leaving, the left behind pilot was flabbergasted as the first plane - the one with the “easy fix” - actually had massive malfunctions.

Malfunctions that were not caught in maintenance.

My website was hacked Saturday. Just learned an hour ago that my ammo business integrations are all off.

And now the plane I was to fly home in had major malfunctions that maintenance didn’t catch.

I posted a picture bc I have faith in God.

Just wanted folks to know.


Now, back to war.
Today it is me. Tomorrow it will be you.

FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!

Pray for our nation.
If you have followed my Telegram Channel, I pray that you know or have learned that the God of the Bible is real. Jesus Christ, my LORD and Savior, is at work every day in out lives and the life of our nation.

He is at work with John Pierce who I always felt was searching for the road to redemption.

Today I give thanks to the LORD that he is working on John. I believe John is on the road. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I give ALL the praise and ALL the glory to Almighty God.

God bless you, John Pierce. Stay on your knees. God will lift you up.

I love you, John.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸