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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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Promises made in President Trump’s 2017 Inaugural Speech are soon to be realized. Promises made. Promises kept.

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”

Hebrews 6:10-12 (NIV)
“Patience is a Virtue” – Origin : William Langland, The Vision of Piers Plowman, c 1370
“Good Things Come to Those Who Wait” – English Proverb
Do not give up hope. The best is yet to come. Steady. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
While waiting for justice to arrive, here is some recommended reading material. Enjoy!

We are imperfect. We are impatient. We wanted this election decided on November 3. It was. 75% of the voters cast ballots on Election Day for Donald Trump. He won in a landslide.

President Trump does not give up. He has worked hard for us and our country every day for 4 years. He has suffered the slings and arrows from many the entire 4 years.

Do you really believe he has come this far to quit on us? He has not. He is going to drain the swamp as he promised.

So I urge patience. Trust Trump. He will Trump them all. Most importantly, trust God who created this nation. God will never allow America to be ruled by communists. So stay strong. Be fearless. All will be well.
Today is January 17. The end time prophet God calls "Elijah the prophet" will have the number 17 rule his life. Elijah’s number is 17.

Pray for our President, our country, & our military. Pray for ALL. Trust God.

The Telegram channel https://t.me/LinWoodChannel is NOT authorized by me and I do not post on it. There is a great deal of disinformation & misinformation online at this time. Use discernment. Thanks. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Every lie will be revealed.

Watch it happen. Soon.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Over the next several days, try to find some time to read about our country’s Founding Fathers. Reflect on their lives.

They were inspired by Almighty God. They put it all on the line so that we could live free. Their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor.

The Declaration of Independence. The Constitution. The Bill of Rights.

We owe them so much. As we owe that much and more to all who have died to keep us free.

We must never stop fighting for our freedom. That is our obligation to those who came before us. We owe that obligation to each other. We are American Patriots.

God bless all of you. God bless America. - Lin 😊🇺🇸
We are all searching for truth-givers. We are all struggling to find out who we can trust. Some suggestions:

1. Trust God
2. Trust President Trump
3. Trust our military
4. Trust those who have earned your trust from the body of their life’s work (understanding we are all imperfect)
5. Trust your common sense
6. Trust your instincts
7. Trust yourself

More to follow today on each of these elements of trust. Stay tuned!

Stay calm & steady. Speak truth. Be fearless.

God bless all.

- Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Trust simple truths. Simple truths are simple truth.

Truth is incontrovertible. It does not change.

Truth always ultimately prevails over lies.

Good always ultimately prevails over evil.

God is great. God is good. God is truth.
We have complicated our lives in so many ways. All we ever needed to do was to keep it simple.

When something is complicated, it is harder to understand. If something is hard to understand, it is hard to know what to do.

Keep it simple.
My suggested rules of common sense:

1. If something makes perfect sense, it is perfect truth.

2. If something makes sense to you, it is almost always true.

3. If something does not make sense to you, it is usually a lie but is at least less than the whole story. Search for the missing parts of the story to learn whether it is truth or a lie.

4. If something strikes you as nonsense, it is nonsense. It is a lie.

I used these rules as a trial lawyer. I focused on exploring the statements that did not make sense. That is where I focused discovery and examination of witnesses in an effort to find the whole story to determine if it was true or false.

Never check your common sense at the door.
The “election” of Biden was a fraud. The US propaganda media has hidden that truth to many in America. Almost half the country has been deceived. People in other countries around the world know that Biden cheated and that Trump won because they have been exposed to more truth.

Use your common sense. Do you really think Biden got more votes than Obama and Hillary??? He did not campaign. His prior runs for office were dismal failures. He had no crowds at rallies. Look at Trump. His rallies were jam packed. There was a 92 mile caravan of supporters in Arizona. Do you really think he lost Arizona??? No way!

Think for yourself. Ignore the lies of the media.

Trump won a landslide re-election. That is the truth.

Telling you that Biden won is telling you a lie.

Trust that ultimately truth prevails over lies.

Trump will be President for at least 4 more years. He won.

So be patient. Every lie will be revealed. It takes time because there have been so many lies for so many years.

Trust God. Trust Truth. Trust Trump.
“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.”
- 1 Chronicles 16:34
Please allow me to remind you that @LinWoodSpeaksTruth is my authentic Telegram channel. Other channels using my name are fake. I am aware of at least one fake channel @linwood. I did not post any information about Michelle Obama and I did not post any photos of JFK, Jr. Beware of disinformation and misinformation. I only post on Telegram on this channel. Thank you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸