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Thank you, Helen. Keep Fighting. You are a foxhole buddy! - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from TheHelenLee
Hey Everybody,

My goodness thank you so much for subscribing!

I just thanked Lin on his reply page (I hope I did it right-Telegram is hard!) for standing up for me today. What a mean and hateful article that little nit wit wrote.

I know y’all know this but I just have to say it...he is the real deal. He is kind, compassionate, loyal and pretty darned funny. He loves our country and he loves us.

We met in April at our Beaufort County Convention in the parking lot. We sat together and tried to help each other with the voting process. Our local leaders treated him terribly but he didn’t let it stop him. I think I knew that day how genuine he is......

P.S. pretty sure he did not see me sneak this pic while we were having dinner! I couldn’t resist ♥️🇺🇸
Two Deplorables. Also known as Whackadoodles. According to SCGOP Chair Drew “Biden Won & I Play On The Same Team As Lindsey” McKissick, they are also lepers.

I love these two warriors.

McKissick not so much. McKissick is a Communist.
Forwarded from Man in America 🇺🇸
Jarrin “Live Local & Keep Your Eyes On Jesus” Jackson has a serious beard. So does the Professor, Man in America, and Brad “I Write Speeches For Lin Wood” Barton. ALL these Patriots wear their beards well!

However, I must note that many Patriot leaders like Stew Peters, Doug Billings, John Di Lemme, Seth Keshel, and General Michael Flynn do not have beards. I also do not have a beard.

ALL of us are different but we are ALL more alike than we are different.

P.S. I will grow a beard when President Trump grows one!!! Or when General Flynn grows one! Don’t do it, Mike!!!

P.P.S. Note I only made the request of General Flynn not to grow a beard. You cannot tell the sitting President of the United States what to do . . .
I had an interesting day which included getting chastised by a few “Patriots” for posting an unauthenticated photo to highlight a question I posed to my followers.

Seems some questioned my credibility because the picture was photoshopped. They missed the point of my post. Or they may have seen what they believed was an opportunity to attack my credibility for their own purposes. Whatever.

I would urge you to read my messages (and those of others) with discernment. ALL my legal career, many of my colleagues have commented that while at first they did not understand my approach to a case or an issue, they eventually discovered that there was a “method to my madness.”

I try to provoke critical thinking. There are no coincidences. Everything is planned by God as He goes before us. So I have always pursued TRUTH to achieve justice. I want others to at least consider doing likewise. That is why I often urge you to do the research and connect the dots.

I try to inform you with TRUTH but I urge you to always fact check me if you have any doubts about the accuracy of my information. That is also a search for the TRUTH.

I am a sinner and I am imperfect. I make mistakes. When I do, I try to promptly correct them. I did NOT make a mistake today. I did not care about the authenticity of the photo.

Thanks for putting up with my “madness.” I admit that I often work in mysterious ways but I am only trying to help advance the cause of freedom and TRUTH for my fellow Patriots.

We live in extraordinary times. We need discernment. Often we must discern who might be an enemy in disguise of a Patriot.

I am calling it an early night (for me!). You rest too and prepare to enjoy your Labor Day tomorrow.

God bless each one of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
- Matthew 7:13-16
“Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
- Matthew 7:17-20
Veronica has been a Patriot leader, fighting every day for us. Now she is fighting for her life and is being denied beneficial medical treatment. It is time for Patriots to fight for her. See below. And pray for Veronica.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I called Amita Resurrection Hospital and spoke with a male care provider in ICU. I gave him Veronica’s name and stated that she had a legal right to try Ivermectin.

He informed me that Ivermectin was not on the Amita protocol and Veronica would not receive it. When I tried to respond, he was rude, talked over me, and hung up on me.

Wake up, America. The corporate hospitals’ protocols are the killer, not Covid.

Pray for Veronica. And if you are in the area of Amita Resurrection Hospital, let your voices be heard.

This is medical tyranny. This is genocide. We cannot tolerate crimes against humanity.
Forwarded from Hunter
EVERYBODY PLEASE PRAY FOR VERONICA WOLSKI!!!! She is trapped at Amita Resurrection Hospital, and THEY ARE REFUSING TO GIVE HER IVERMECTIN. She has a right to try , and they are denying it.




(Corrected the phone #)
The Mockingbird propaganda rags promote Communism and falsely attack Patriots to demean them.

But the Mockingbird reporters are not the brightest birds in the box.

Sometimes they write articles to do harm that actually do good by helping spread a message of TRUTH.

Stew keeps throwing the TRUTH bombs. Throw, Stew, Throw!!!
ICYMI: Dr. Peter McCullough: Americans Should Demand Ivermectin Multi-Drug Therapy Joe Rogan Took for COVID

Stew is still throwing the TRUTH bombs. He will never quit. Neither will I. Neither will you.

America has had enough. Enough is always enough.

The CDC’s own website exposes how Afghan refugees are getting Ivermectin while it’s stripped from the shelves and made impossible for YOU to have!

Hospitals are PACKED with “fully vaccinated” Americans, and the media is SILENT.

Mayo Clinic-trained Pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole DESTROYS the whole damn narrative! 💥👇🏼

Makes me even more proud to be a South Carolinian. I hope South Carolina sets an example for Georgia. Then South Carolina and Georgia can set the example for the nation.

A new meaning to the phrase, “the South will rise again.”

Rise up, Patriots across the nation. If not now, when? If not here, where? If not you, who?

Forwarded from America's Audit Force (EOJ Always)
Labor Day Labor in South Carolina

South Carolina Audit Force Patriots display newly minted Audit Force banners on the busiest overpasses of South Carolina. The grassroots are inspiring and spreading like wildfire in South Carolina!

Invitation to South Carolina Audit Force

South Carolina Audit Force
South Carolina Audit Force Discussion

🇺🇸America's Audit Force
🇺🇸America's Audit Force Discussion
Thee is under the weather so it has been a night at the vet for me. I expect to have him home later tonight. Hope everyone has had an enjoyable Labor Day.

To keep you occupied, I will post a couple of segments of my interview of Jarrin “Live Local Keep Your Eyes On Jesus” Jackson which have not previously been released. Enjoy Jarrin in my absence!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸