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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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It was hard to respond to the accusations of Reid’s lawyers against me. Talk about fake!

Here is one. They claim the City of Detroit filed a motion to have me sanctioned and disbarred! What? I have never been served with any such motion. And it would be impossible for the Michigan court to sanction me since I did not seek pro hac vice privileges in the Michigan lawsuit. I was not counsel of record and played no role in the drafting and filing of that complaint which concerned the election fraud which clearly occurred in Michigan in the November 2020 election.

I am informed that a motion was in fact filed by the City of Detroit against some lawyers (but not against me as a respondent). Detroit intervened in the case for the sole purpose of filing the sanctions motion. Crazy. An entity not a party intervenes to assert a sanctions motion in a case not even filed against it? Is Detroit corrupt or what?!?

Reid claims that the motion states that “Sidney Powell and I have blood on our hands.” What?

Errant nonsense.

But it sure does make for a great headline to be published as propaganda to smear Sidney and me in the fake propaganda media.

But a lie is a lie. And a lie repeated a thousand times is still a lie.

But some people get brainwashed into believing the lie if they read it too many times.

See my point?
Speaking of fake propaganda headlines, how many articles did the communist/CIA media publish that boldly stated that Lin Wood, the lawyer who filed lawsuits for election fraud, was himself being investigated for fraudulently voting in Georgia in the November 2020 election? There were dozens and they were all published by the same old network of propaganda mainstream and social media comrades.

I have not heard one word from the GA Secretary of State in connection with an investigation into my residency in November 2020 (which was undisputedly in Georgia).

However Brad Raffensperger (who is not happy with me for exposing his unlawful conduct) told his media comrades that he was conducting such an investigation.

Maybe I and others should contact the GA Secretary of State’s office and demand to know whether the investigation is real or fake and be told the facts supporting such an investigation (assuming there really is one!).

The propaganda machine is working overtime to smear the messenger! Why?

Because the message is true and truth is incontrovertible.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Is it possible that the FBI and their communist/CIA media comrades are carrying a 26-year grudge on their shoulders because I was unrelenting for 16 years in exposing the injustices they perpetrated against my client and dear friend, the late Richard Jewell?

By the way, are you familiar with “Operation Mockingbird?”
Of course, I did win the case for Richard Jewell against Tom Brokaw and NBC. Bet Tom and NBC are still unhappy with me too!!!

And I have beaten CNN 3 times in recent years. Another unhappy defendant!

And the Washington Post, CBS, the Miami Herald, the St. Petersburg Times, the New York Post, etc., etc.

Wow, I guess I have made quite a few enemies over the years among the communist/CIA media comrades.

See my point?
Oh. I forgot that Time, Newsweek, American Media. and a few other written publications have been taken to the woodshed too.

Please know that I am not seeking recognition for my legal accomplishments in the First Amendment arena. I am just making the point that the communist/CIA media comrades know me and they know I know what I am doing. I fight back aggressively within the rules of the judicial system. While I do not claim to have won every case, I never quit. And they never forget the battle.

I love truth. I love the rule of law. I love justice.

P.S. I also know that many of my opponents monitor my social media accounts so I enjoy reminding them of the truth of who I am and what I do.

Thanks for putting up with me having a little fun with the enemy tonight.

I know many of you have admonished me to get more sleep. I like to write late at night! But I hear you and I will get more rest for the battles that are ahead for all of us. Thanks for caring. It means so much to me.

I found my faith in Psalm 23. I read it every night. King David was a warrior for God and I love the promises God made to him. God makes the same promises to us. God does not lie. Every word of the Bible is true. God keeps His promises. That is one of the many reasons I love Him and trust Him.

Talk tomorrow. God bless each of you. Be fearless.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
- Psalms 23:4
The Dominion defamation case against Sidney Powell is nothing more than false propaganda intended to create a defamatory headline smearing Sidney.

Mercer Law School Dean Cathy Cox is tied historically to Diebold and Dominion. Cox slandered me by questioning my mental health, & lying about my law practice. All done to create propaganda to smear me with false attacks.

Support Sidney Powell.

And consider writing Mercer University President Bill Underwood and demand that Cox be fired. Immediately.

Help reveal the lies. Sunshine is the best disinfectant of them all.
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Media is too big
Unmasked_ Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?
Trump Revival. We The People are ready for it.
Forwarded from GEORGENEWS
Media is too big
Mercer University President Bill Underwood has not yet returned my calls (William D. Underwood
478-301-2500) in order to address the issue of my name on the trial courtroom at Mercer Law School. More importantly, he has not called me back to discuss the pressing need to fire Mercer Law School Dean Cathy Cox who sets a horrible example for law students to follow as they seek to learn how to professionally practice law. Cox also has close and long-standing ties to Diebold and Dominion voting systems.

I know that many of you who heard the Zoom call in which Cox sought to slander me behind my back are rightfully unhappy with Mercer’s treatment of a loyal alumnus and benefactor. I greatly appreciate your support and kind words.

I am curious whether any of My Followers have heard back from President Underwood.

I feel he owes me and you an answer. What do you think?
How is the weather where you reside? In South Carolina (where I have resided since February 1, 2021), it is still raining false accusations and bar complaints on me!

I have not actively practiced law in the Colorado District Court since 2005 when I successfully represented the young girl in the civil rape case against Kobe Bryant. My office apparently kept paying my dues to maintain my membership in the Colorado District Court Bar.

I just belatedly received this complaint filed by Denver lawyer Paul Gordon. Does anyone know Mr. Gordon? I do not. I just know he apparently does not believe in free speech or perhaps has a political agenda to falsely smear and attack me.

Please consider helping me get some sunshine to return to SC!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I failed to attach the Affidavit of Paul Gordon. Once again, I prove that I am imperfect!

I am posting the Gordon Affidavit below as I believe you are entitled to full disclosure of the false accusations Mr. Gordon is making against me.

Again, thank you so much for your support. I know that when you support me, you are supporting my message of truth.

I believe when it comes to the fraudulent November 3 election and false smears, my message is consistent with the messages of President Trump, Lt. General Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell.

God bless you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Now wait a gosh darn minute.

First, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger threatens to investigate me under a false claim that I was not a resident of Georgia in November of 2020.

Now Brad tells Reuters he has opened an investigation of President Donald Trump because of the President’s legitimate attempt to reverse the state’s fraudulent 2020 election results.

Okay. Every investigation should be a two-way street. It is time to have federal authorities conduct a thorough investigation of Brad and his son, Kyle Raffensperger, and their connections to Tendon Systems LLC, Post Tension Services Inc.,
Belladrum Equipment Leasing, Inc., and Colony Bank.

Seems fair to me. What do you think, Patriots?
In litigation, you must understand your opponent in order to effectively advocate your client’s cause. I have spent 43 years always seeking to understand the opposite party.

Now I find myself under attack from many angles by a variety of people. They are ALL the same. They are the enemy. They don’t know me so they cannot hate me. They hate my message. I speak truth. They speak lies.

Stay with me and I will discuss the enemy of my message.