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Courage Is Contagious.

Be courageous.
America’s Professor, David Clements, is on board the STRIKE FOR FREEDOM Train which leaves the station on September 11 and will keep going until We The People arrive at our destination - Freedom From Tyranny.

Let’s show the Communists/Globalists/Deep State who runs the train in America!!! We The People.

Welcome aboard, Professor!!!

The Marc Elias/Perkins Coie strategy to weaponize State Bar Association Grievance Committees against lawyers who support President Trump and challenge the 2020 election has now been aimed at Professor David Clements.

Let your voices be heard all the way to New Mexico, Patriots!!!

Help Professor Clements FIGHT BACK!!!
Forwarded from David Clements
Here is the latest attack.

As soon as I walked off the stage at the Cyber Symposium standing for the real President of the United States speaking TRUTH, a letter from New Mexico Supreme Court disciplinary board was delivered to me.

Oh man, is the enemy worried!

I'm not worried one bit.

I've got a friend in Jesus.

Stay tuned!
Remember the Communists at Mercer Law School in Macon, Georgia who are coming after me? Now the Communists at New Mexico State University are coming after Professor David Clements.

See the list below.

Let NMSU hear the voices of We The People.

Patriots stick together!!! We will not be separated by the enemy!!!
Forwarded from David Clements
Many of you have reached out to me expressing your concern for my job situation, and want to help.

If you feel strongly that what I am experiencing is unconstitutional, illegal, and immoral, please feel free to let my dean, department head, and upper administration know that you stand with me.

Please be civil and fact based.

University President John Floros: floros@nmsu.edu; 575-646-2127

University Chancellor Dan Arvizu: darvizu@nmsu.edu; 575-646-2035

Provost Carol Parker: parker55@nmsu.edu; 575-646-2594

Dean of the Business College Jim Hoffman: jhoffman@nmsu.edu; 575-646-4083

Finance Department Head Ken Martin: kjmartin@nmsu.edu; 575-646-3201

The 3 adjectives above best describe the Joey “Who And Where Am I?” Biden Fake Regime.

I don’t think Karl Marx knew or taught math. He sure did not teach his comrades that America has well over 100+ Million Patriots with the number growing daily.

The Biden Character only knows fake numbers. In time, his cast of characters and their followers will be faced with the real numbers. The Patriots already know them.

And thank you for your wise words, General Flynn!!!

In 1776, I bet Old King George thought American Patriots were terrorists.

In 1776, the American Patriots stood tall for FREEDOM.

That realization terrorized King George.

Remind me. How did things work out for Old King George? Like Humpty Dumpty, I recall that he fell off the American Wall.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.”
Captain Seth “I Caught Them Red Handed” Keshel has taken a seat next to Professor David Clements on the STRIKEBACK FOR FREEDOM train.

The TRAIN will cause the enemy economic PAIN.

We The People go on STRIKE on September 11 and we stay on STRIKE until victory is ours.

Who will buy from Walmart? Not any Patriots!

Who will post on Twitter? Not any Patriots!

And SO MUCH more!!! Stay tuned!!!

Darlene Swaffar is ready to STRIKE For Freedom starting on September 11th. On that date in 2001, Darlene lost her cousin Santos Valentin, Jr. in the towers.

Darlene is a Patriot running for Congress from FL22.

Darlene is demanding a full forensic audit of the Florida November 2020 election.

Welcome aboard the PAIN FOR COMMUNISTS TRAIN, Darlene!!!

Patriot Pressley Stutts is still fighting! While Pressley is in the hands of a new physician, he remains in the hands of Almighty God.

Please keep praying for Pressley.
I have said it before, allow me to say it again:

We are at war.

The enemy has planned its efforts to overthrow our government for many years. The enemy’s plans are detailed and strategic. The enemy planned to attack Patriot influencers. The enemy planned to plant black hats among the white hats. The enemy planned to disrupt, distract from, obfuscate, and attack the TRUTH and truth-givers.

I have been fighting the attacks against me for many months on many fronts. I am an old pro at it now! Bring them on.

But I am watching many Patriots now being attacked who are relatively new to the game. Pray for them. They are only attacked because they are doing God’s work. As they thwart every attack, their faith in God will grow stronger. So will yours as you see their victories.

Are we at war with the CCP Deep State (yes, they have one too), Iran, Communists in the U.S., Globalists, U.K., Soros, Gates, etc.? Maybe some, maybe all, maybe more.

But do not be distracted from the Word of God. Remember at all times that we do not battle flesh and blood. We battle powers and principalities. Good v. evil. God v. devil.

The Word of God promises us that God goes before us. That God fights our battles for us. That God defeated the devil at Calvary.

Our task is to focus one day at a time on doing the best we can as imperfect children of God to do His will. We do our jobs. God has already done His.

Yes, we are at war. But we are on the victory side because Almighty God has already won.


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Long day. Time for rest. If God grants me the blessing of another day, I will rise up and do it again. One day at a time.

So will you.

The enemy is playing us and playing with our cherished freedom.

We The People will stand together and take whatever LAWFUL action is necessary to STRIKE BACK for freedom.

The enemy picked a fight with the wrong people. The enemy picked a fight with We The People.

It is time for us to play the enemy on our terms. It is time for the hunted to be the hunters.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“Be of good courage, and let us play the men for our people, and for the cities of our God: and the LORD do that which seemeth him good.”
- 2 Samuel 10:12
We are working on the website for the Strike for Freedom. The domain is now set. It is http://StrikeBackForFreedom.com (keeps the enemy from attacking us based on a misrepresentation of the site name!).

We hope to have a basic structure in place by tomorrow.

We want to keep it simple.

We want the content to be provided by We The People.

I do not want you to feel that I am telling you what to do but rather providing a marketplace for your ideas to be conveyed to others so The People can make their own decisions.

We need to be bold. As I said, courage is contagious.

We need to be prepared to help others. Content provided by We The People will get us off to a good start in that direction.

Stay tuned.

Thank you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸