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I will NOT report you to Newsweak if you follow QAnonJohn. Don’t report me for doing so!!!

Q lives rent free in Newsweak’s head.

Please consider following John and Amy.

Let’s finish up the day remembering the children.

Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the real pandemic. I have said it before and I will never stop saying it until the TRUTH is exposed and the children are safe.

But the issue of our children and their safety is not limited to trafficking and sick perverts.

In my opinion, forcing a child to wear a mask is a form of child abuse. The mask harms them psychologically and physically. The mask suppresses their immune system.

Forced social distancing of children is likewise child abuse. There is a reason God created an instinct in a child to play in the dirt. A child’s immune system is built around being in contact with germs.

By the way, the above comments about masks apply to adults too. But adults have a choice. When it comes to the children, there is NO choice. We ALL have a responsibility and legal duty not to harm them.

Masks harm children. Please use your common sense and do not force your children to hide their beautiful faces behind masks. Protect them from the lies of the enemy.
I believe an adult has a legal choice when it comes to the decision of whether to take the “vaccine.”

But medical doctors must provide a patient with informed consent. If they fail to do so, any invasive procedure constitutes the tort of battery under law which is actionable in a civil lawsuit.

Failure to provide informed consent is also a ground for a medical malpractice lawsuit for money damages.

The above statements are not my “opinions.” I did medical malpractice litigation for approximately 17 years of my 45-year legal career. My statements are statements of law.

Along other questions, ask your health provider:
1. What are the ingredients in the “vaccine?”
2. What are the short term and long term known complications from the “vaccine?” Note that the answer must be based on the results of valid research and clinical studies of the effects on humans.
3. What are the consequences to you if you refuse to give informed consent based on the answers to your questions and thus, refuse the jab? Hint: If your refuse to give informed consent, that is game, set, match. You cannot be forced to undergo any medical procedure without your informed consent.

You may have many other questions you want answered before you give informed consent. You are legally entitled to answers to ALL of your questions. Do NOT let a health provider stick a document in front of you to sign without reading it carefully and getting answers to your questions.

Remind the health care provider, that while the government might have granted immunity from lawsuits to the pharmaceutical companies, you maintain your right to sue for medical malpractice.

Remind the doctors of the Hippocratic Oath - first do the patient no harm.

Make the doctors do their job correctly. Do NOT let them be businessmen or women just making money. Remind them that they are professionals. Their first and highest duty is to the patient. Not to the corporate medical world.

Search for a Marcus Welby, M.D.

P.S. Remind your employers of their legal liability for harm you might suffer if you are damaged because they forced you to undergo an experimental medical procedure as a condition of employment.
I will refrain from expressing my opinion about a parent forcing a minor child to be injected with an experimental drug.

Surely no parent in their right mind would do such a thing to a minor child. I certainly pray they would not.
Did Mr. Shaker shake things up tonight?

My reply channel would suggest YES!!!

Sometimes you have to shake people to wake them up. So I will keep on shaking!

I would remind you to always try to focus on the message, not the messenger.

Rest well for the adventure of tomorrow if God blesses us with another day.

P.S. I have not formed any opinions on the debate of whether the world is flat or round!!! It is an interesting discussion but I am focused on whether our country remains free or falls to tyranny. I know my priorities.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.”
- 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Let your voices be heard.

We The People have ALL the power.

It was granted to us by Almighty God.
Forwarded from ThinMint
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Stand up, Patriots! No matter who you are, your stance makes an impact!
It’s a start, Georgia.

Now demand resignations of Kemp, Raffensperger, Fuchs, Sterling, Duncan, Carr, and Ralston.

Then send them to jail.

I agree with my friend and brother in Christ, Jarrin “Live Local” Jackson.

We need to fix America.

Let other countries control themselves. The money marking efforts abroad of the military industrial complex and Deep State must end.

America First.
Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)
An indicator, for me, on who controls the military (yeah, I get it, conspiracy) is whether the military going to Afghanistan actually pulls out or not.

If they don’t pull out, then the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) will have its testing grounds & revenue stream (Congressional funding) again.

If they do pull out, then it COULD indicate that the MIC has diminished in power bc this is exactly the type of situation they want/need.

You’ll know I’m right about the MIC being in charge if general officers start making a case for the need to “stabilize” Kabul or they’ll report on the “human rights violations.”

This is policing language.

This is nation-building language.

On the contrary, if the military evacuates everybody, returns home, & stomachs the specter of the Taliban hoisting the Jihad Roger over the American embassy, then that’s good news.

Why would this may mean Trump (or not Biden) is in charge:

1. Hurts the MIC (Trump idea)

2. Ends a forever war (Trump idea)

3. Deprives godless commies a fig leaf opportunity to try to “unite” Americans one more time around “gotta fight them there instead of here) (not a Biden idea)

4. Would initiate China’s expansion in Afghanistan - see drain on its military

I’m sure there’s more, but I blame my having Covid (Omega Variant - the self-attested deadliest variant)
United we stand.
Divided we fall.

Patriots must stay united.

The enemy will infiltrate the Patriot groups in disguise to create division.

There will also always be legitimate differences between the Patriots as we are ALL different but remember, we are more alike than we are different. We ALL are fighting for freedom. Keep you eye on the goal.

Among the true Patriots, do not let your differences cause division. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree and then march forward together on the unified mission to keep our country free.

And when you identify an enemy (traitor) who has infiltrated in the disguise of a Patriot, call them out and expose them.

The enemy hates light shining on darkness.
“Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:”
- Ephesians 5:6-8
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.”
- Ephesians 5:11-13
The terms commonly used to describe good and evil in present times are “white hats” and “black hats.” I refer to them as Patriots and traitors.

Many of us have experienced black hats/traitors’ efforts to infiltrate white hats/Patriots. The traitors infiltrate to spy on (get information), distract, drain resources from, and attack white hats/Patriots.

I believe life on Earth and in the spiritual world is based on opposites.

Consistent with my belief, I would expect white hats/Patriots to infiltrate the ranks of black hats/traitors.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

We live in extraordinary times. We are inundated with accurate information, disinformation, and false information.

We must always pray for discernment in an effort to choose wisely between TRUTH and lie.

We will not be perfect in our choices. Our task is to do the best we can to make the right choices. If we meet that standard, our mistakes are forgiven.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I love our President Donald J. Trump. He loves God, America, freedom, family, and We The People.

Do I agree with everything he does? No. President Trump endorsed Drew “Biden Won” McKissick for Chair of the SCGOP. I endorsed myself! Ha!

Did this disagreement cause me to waver in my feelings about and support for President Trump? Nope. Not one bit.

President Trump and I share the same goals. I stand in unity with him despite an occasional difference of opinion.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I love General Michael Flynn. He loves God, America, freedom, family, and We The People.

Do I agree with everything General Flynn does? No. He has endorsed Vernon Jones for Governor of GA in 2022. I have wholeheartedly endorsed Kandiss Taylor for Governor of GA in 2022.

I believe Vernon is a RINO Republican politician. I know Kandiss is a God-fearing Patriot stateswoman

Does this disagreement cause me to waver in my feelings about and support for General Flynn. Nope. Not one bit.

General Flynn and I share the same goals. I stand in unity with him despite an occasional difference of opinion.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
As a reminder, any endorsement I might make about 2022 is conditioned on a full forensic audit of 2020 and discontinuance of computer voting systems before the 2022 election.

My strongest endorsement for 2022 is for a return to paper ballots in the 2022 election.

Otherwise, we will once again be asked to participate in a rigged election. How did that work out in 2020?

Fix 2020.
Can anyone name a city in Georgia where Gov. Brian “CCP” Kemp can publicly speak without being booed off the stage?
Can anyone name a city in South Carolina where Sen. Lindsey “Biden Won” Graham or SCGOP Chair Drew “Biden Won” McKissick can publicly speak without being booed off the stage?