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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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Sure looks like a couple of states in India knew in May something Faustian Fraud Fauci and the CDC should have known regarding the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating Covid.


Maybe Fauci and the CDC did know. Maybe they even knew much earlier than May of 2021.

Crimes against humanity.

Anyone know why someone or entity appears to be putting up tents at Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport in Florida?

Asking for a friend.
My dear friend and brother in Christ, Pressley Stutts, made the decision to be placed on a ventilator today for treatment of Covid related double pneumonia.

Please pray for Pressley. 🙏

What a day (so far)!

It almost feels like the enemy wants you distracted from the pursuit of full forensic audits of the 2020 election in every state!

Always good to know and keep in mind the enemy’s game plan. Then you can stay at least a step or two ahead of the enemy.
Since late December of 2020, I have shared with you the numerous attacks that have been consistently made against me. The enemy has threatened to take away my law license, i.e., my job. The enemy has threatened to take away my reputation. The enemy has even tried to instill fear in me with threats on my life.

How have I responded? Go back and check my record. I have continued to speak truth and shine light on the darkness.

The enemy hates TRUTH.
The enemy hates LIGHT.
The enemy hates GOD.

Let’s stay on this subject matter. Stay with me.
Worse case scenario for my job - the enemy successfully strips me of my law license.

So what?

It is one law license on one grain of sand. Life on Earth is one grain of sand. Eternity is every grain of sand above and below the water of every ocean in the world.

So the enemy’s threat to steal my job falls on deaf ears.

I trust God to meet my needs. He keeps His promises. I believe in Him.

Another point to follow. Stay with me.
Worse case scenario for my reputation - the enemy successfully convinces everyone that his lies are true and I am disgraced in the eyes of almost every person.

So what?

While we all want to be respected for our accomplishments and life’s work by our fellow men and women, I care most about my reputation in God’s eyes.

So the enemy’s threat to ruin my reputation falls on deaf ears.

If every man hates me but God loves me, I have ALL the love I will ever need. And I have that love for eternity.

One more point to follow while I am on a roll. Stay with me.
Worse case scenario for my life - the enemy manages to kill me.

Oh no, you say! But, I say:

So what?

The enemy cannot kill me. Jesus, our Lord and Savior, rose from the dead and returned to Earth in the flesh to promise me eternal life. The LORD keeps his promises. I do not fear death.

If you do not fear death, you fear no man or any event. You are fearless.

A final point to follow.
One of the enemy’s greatest weapons is fear.

Turn the tables on the enemy. Be not afraid. Be fearless.

When things you care about on this Earth are threatened by the enemy and you fear their loss, remember the things that really matter in your life on Earth that cannot be taken away from you by the enemy:

1. The Word of God.
2. Your relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. Eternal life in Heaven.

In short, the enemy cannot take God from you.

Focus on what the enemy cannot take from you, not what he can take.

So speak TRUTH.
Shine LIGHT on darkness.

Trust God.

May He bless each one of you.

Lin -🙏❤️🇺🇸
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
- Isaiah 41:10