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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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“The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.”
- Psalms 37:12-13
Above is the “complaint” asserted against me by the Lawyers Club of Atlanta. My response to “the Club” will be posted shortly. Hopefully the Club will allow interested parties to attend the meeting when my appeal is publicly presented!
My response to the Lawyers Club of Atlanta is below.

Sidney Powell has informed me that she will NEVER agree to my suggestion that she pay Dominion and Smartmatic fifty cents to settle their collective $4 Billion defamation lawsuits.

Her exact words were “they can pound sand.”

Man oh man, Sidney is one tough cookie. Dominion and Smartmatic better watch out. She is going to Kraken them.
Observation: The United States Supreme Court has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney’s Michigan election case, and my Georgia election case for its February 19 conference.

There are no coincidences.

Who knows what they will do? We shall see. Be patient.

I do know this: (1) We are still a nation of laws and the buck stops with the United States Supreme Court; (2) Laws on federal elections conducted by a state can ONLY be set by the state legislature (not the Secretary of State in a consent agreement with the Democratic Party, Brad Raffensperger); and (3) the biggie (under existing federal law) - the ONLY votes in a Presidential election that can be lawfully counted are the ballots cast ON Election Day (you cannot open absentee ballots early, Brad - GA state law passed by legislature ONLY allows absentee ballots to be opened ON Election Day).

I have believed in the rule of law for 43 years. I hope that after the final decisions are made in the 3 cases above, my belief will be vindicated.

February promises to be a very interesting month.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
We can ALL agree that I have been brutally honest about my feelings concerning the evidence of serious crimes that may have been committed by former Vice-President Mike Pence, Chief Justice John Roberts, GA Governor Brian Kemp, and GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (and many others around the nation).

I have shared some of the evidence with you. The evidence is credible and compelling in my opinion based on my 43 years as a trial lawyer.

I suspect that these four officials (and many others) are very troubled these days.

I want you to know that I pray for them. I would ask that you do also.

Jesus teaches us to love ALL and forgive ALL.

But never forget that our Almighty God is a God of love and a God of Wrath. God is also a God of justice and righteousness.

I love the fresh air of liberty. I love My Followers. I love God.

P.S. I also love Donald J. Trump and look so forward to the next four years with him as our President. Remember - he won in an historic landslide on November 3, 2020 based on the votes from the ballots cast and opened ON Election Day. If you don’t believe me, check with the United States Military. I bet they know the answer (and the vote count).

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
- Luke 18:27
Mike Lindell is about more than pillows. Mike Lindell is. Patriot. Mike has been horribly persecuted for his beliefs but he is a truth-giver and he continues to stand tall and speak truth.
As we sometimes do and perhaps should do more often, I reflected last night on my efforts and public statements in recent months.

I stated in one of my recent Fireside Chats that I had not told a lie since my first year in law school. That is accurate in my professional life and in my voluntary efforts as a social commentator. It is not true in my personal life.

I have made many mistakes in my personal life over the past 4 decades. I am a flawed person and some of my personal actions have inflicted pain on others, including my family. I used to drink too often and failed over the years to honor my marital vows. I am a sinner.

I am thankful every day that my God has forgiven me for the sins I committed and the wrongs I inflicted on others. I have had some brutally honest conversations on my knees with Jesus who I have found to truly be my best friend. Since I found Christ 2 1/2 years ago, my life really did change. I became a better man albeit still a flawed one.

I also found an email last night that I sent to Justin Gray at WSB wherein I said that I had been “domiciled” in South Carolina for several months last year after I purchased property in South Carolina. The email was unrelated to the false accusations about my residency. I visited S.C. and my use of domiciled was inaccurate. But I said it. So I owe Justin an apology on that point. I hope he will accept it. I stand by the rest of my statements about the false Breitbart article.

I hope you will also accept my apology and forgive me for my lack of total candor about my personal life. I do not want to be placed on a pedestal by My Followers. I am imperfect.

I now try every day to do God’s will and be a good role model for others. But I will still fall short at times as I remain a sinner who continues to need forgiveness.

Thank you for your many emails and words of love and support. I will continue to try my best going forward to be worthy of your support and trust. I hope to one day be able to respond to each of your emails.

Our country is at a crossroads. We need honesty. We need each other. We need God.

God bless each of you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Censorship of truth continues to run rampant and the First Amendment is being trampled in the process.

Please try this link to view the documentary on election fraud produced by Mike Lindell. It is slow to load but it it works, it is worth the wait. Thanks.
Richard Jewell would agree 100% with Garrett.
Forwarded from Garrett Ziegler
Remember: The FBLie did NOTHING when Neanderthals were burning down our cities for the entirety of our summer. And now their pathetic field gals and guys are harassing my friends’ wives during the day when they’re home w the kids.
Remember: Do NOT talk to these jokers. Get your attorney
Pastor Stuart preaches from the Bible. I enjoy his messages. I hope you do also.
Proverbs 19:21-23
21 Many plans are in a person’s heart, But the advice of the  Lord will stand.
22 What is desirable in a person is his kindness, And it is better to be a poor person than a liar.
23 The fear of the Lord leads to life, So that one may sleep  satisfied, untouched by evil.

Do you need peace tonight? What are you fearing tonight? Fear the Lord, for He will teach the humble His way.
(See Psalm 25)