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While Hampton County SCGOP officials did allow me to speak at the beginning of the meeting, they wanted me away from the mic pretty quickly.

Heck, their introduction of Drew McKissick lasted almost as long as the time I was given to speak!

But I made a few points in the time I was graciously allotted.
Drew McKissick is a broken record. Drew told the same Bikers for Trump story again tonight. That is like 4 speeches in a row. And he continues to subtly
demean the Bikers for Trump. Wow. Unbelievable.
Since Drew was given twice as long to speak as I had been given, I thought it only fair to remind Drew once again that Bikers for Trump had endorsed my candidacy for SCGOP Chair.

And I made a quick inquiry on another subject Drew refused to mention in his speech.
Before I finish the Drew McKissick story, let me quickly change the subject.

Where is Adam Schiff?

Anyone seen Adam lately?

Asking for a friend.
Back to Drew. I did attempt to shake his hand after the meeting was adjourned.

It was not well received. In fact, the last conversation we had for the night was also not received well.
All is well that ends well. Had a great dinner at Lowcountry Seafood after the Hampton County SCGOP Convention tonight.

The service was excellent. So was the food. And the company.

Drew did not join us.
I love We The People. Those that support me and those who do not.
I love my new Home State of South Carolina. I hope to help We The People drain the SCGOP swamp.

But I have not forgotten my former state of Georgia. I am headed there on May 8 to support the next GA Governor, Kandiss Taylor.

Of course while there, I will also give my regards to soon to be former Governor, Brian “CCP” Kemp and soon to be former Sec. of State, Brad “Jordy” Raffensperger. They are both corrupt creatures of the GAGOP swamp.

Wow. Politics is keeping me busy! So is truth-telling!
“Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”
- 2 Timothy 4:17-18
If you have a moment, write Telegram and ask that the throttle on my account be removed.

Thank you. And God bless you.

Rest well.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Early start this morning for Aiken, SC to visit with the Aiken Republican Club. What a great group of Patriots!

I love We The People.