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Announcements, notes, resources related to Linux Mint. Please use @linux_mint_users group for discussions.
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Linux Basics

Linux Distro
= Base + Desktop Environment + Window Manager + Display Manager + Display Server

Base - The main root of the distro
Stable Base, Slowest Updates - Debian
Semi-Rolling Base - Fedora
Rolling Base, Fastest Updates - Arch

Desktop Environments = A collection of programs and utilities, customizations + Window Manager + Display Manager + Display Server
GTK3 DEs - GNOME, Cinnamon, XFCE, Mate
QT5 DEs - KDE Plasma

Window Managers - Draws and controls windows of applications
Stacking WMs - Mutter, KWin, Xfwm, Openbox
Tiling WMs - i3, bspwm
Dynamic WMs - awesome, dwm

Display Managers - The interface which allows a user to login into the system after booting process is complete.
Console DMs - CDM, Console TDM

Display Server - Manages input and output from OS, Hardware over a GUI.
Legacy, Widely Used - X Org
Modern, Still under development - Wayland

Kali Linux

How having a creepy profile pic and using Kali Linux or it's tools won't make you a hacker ?
Check @skids_say for hilarious things !

Also Kali Linux should be never used as a daily-driver. You have been warned.

Should I use Kali ?

Learn Linux

Is this your first time with Linux? Don't worry, we all were once like you. Have a fun time learning Linux.

Common Usage

Choose Linux Distro
Libre Hunt | Distro Chooser

Live Boot | Installation

The Art of Command Line | Linux Command | Linux Journey | Linux Survival

Arch Linux | Manjaro | Debian | Ubuntu

systemd by example - the systemd playground

Linux Partitioning.pdf
47.2 KB
Help regarding making partitions.
Linux Mint Docs

Linux Mint has a wonderful documentation. If you are confused on anything starting from installation to usage, you should definitely have a look at it.

Dual/multi-booting Windows and other Linux distributions

This will ensure Windows does not over write Linux GRUB entries in a common EFI partition after each Windows update.
NOTE: Windows should be installed first.

1. When you install Windows, by default it creates a 100MB EFI partition for itself. Create a separate EFI partition of around 256MB for each Linux distro.
2. If you have 2 or more physical drives, install Windows on 1st drive and other Linux distros on the rest of the drives.

Backup Tip

If you have some extra space on your HDD or SSD (20-30GB+), you can create a separate partition during installation specially for backing up system. In the picture it has been created as /mnt/timeshift and formatted as ext4.

After booting up, install timeshift sudo apt install timeshift. Open timeshift and then select the partition you created for storing system backups.

Using this method, you can restore backups even when your / (root) partition gets deleted or corrupted.

You can even restore to your previous distribution if you don't like your current distro.

Thanks to @prathamesh_d for tip.
The Linux Mint team is waiting for the language translations to be completed. Now the webapp is new. Below are the languages that are about 100% ready. If your country is not listed? You can help other people in your country by becoming a language translator.

Basque, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian Latin, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

Thanks to : Kimmo Kujansuu