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Brazil December 12th 2022.

Today was the verification of the Brazilian Presidential Elections results. (Print )

On these videos both from today you see:

1- the supporters of the supposedly winner president. Red colour.

2- the supporters of the actual Brazilian President that supposedly lost, at the doors of his residence.
They are chanting:
"President activate the army forces".

Brazilians are protesting since October 30th at the doors of Army Quarters everyday since then.

Massive protests are still ongoing all throughout the country.

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
JUST IN: Sam Bankman-Fried Has Been Arrested

On December 12, 2022, the Office of the Attorney General of The Bahamas is announcing the arrest by The Royal Bahamas Police Force of Sam Bankman-Fried (“SBF”), former CEO of FTX.

Brazil, Brasilia city 12th of December 2022.

On the picture and video you can see the Brazilian President Bolsonaro that has opened the doors of his residence for the Brazilian population.

The children swarmed in and the president was surrounded by them.

👉The little Indian says: "I am going to speak on behalf of everyone that is here, we love you, the indigenous people of all ethnicity loves you and we the Brazilian people are with you"

In parallel at the same time, at the event where the supposedly presidential winner was being officialy declared as the winner, his supporters did not amount to more than a hundred people. (See 2videos people are in red colour)

Isn't that interesting that the supposedly looser can gather a spontaneously crowd of millions all throughout the country, protesting the election results daily for 44days, and the supposedly winner did not gather more than one hundred people in an event where he was officially declared as the winner?
Where are his over than 60millions voters?

: The REAL Truth has not yet been revealed 🤔
Forwarded from DrSuzanneH
Blood transfusion has been in the news recently regarding vaxxed blood.

This one hour video is very interesting. The issue of blood transfusion, which has always been an organ transplant, is discussed by a few doctors with actual ethics. They have no trouble investigating a dangerous procedure with a critical eye AND when the research showed the damage that unnecessary transfusions were causing, they were able to admit it. They admit that transfusion was a ritual done with no consideration of alternatives or possible harm—no different to the old ritual of bloodletting IMO. Then a group with some financial and lobbying power came along (Jehovah Witnesses) and contributed to the effort of creating an alternative. Bloodless surgery puts blood banks out of a job. That’s a small thing compared to a vaccine free concept which would put the whole pharma industry on welfare. Some of the light bulbs that went on in these doctors heads made me laugh out loud.
“After we realized the bloodless method was better for JWs we then wonders if it would benefit other groups”. LOLOL.

Also note how they admit that they browbeat people into taking blood despite the known negative effects. Sound familiar?

There’s more. “We realized we were doing something unconventional by going bloodless so we had to be extra careful” LOL. Yeah by doing something right and good, you idiots thought you had to be careful and you never notice all the other dangerous and experimental stuff you do every day.

HIV was a reason to regret giving blood in the past. Do you know that there are protein sequences in vaccinated blood that are identical to HIVgp120, rabies, and botulinum, and snake venom?

Forwarded from Julian Assange
Media is too big
Join @JulianAssangeWiki
Forwarded from Steven W
7.8 MB
: A Deep Extensive and 22 year Knowledge Factual based research project reveals the following factual information.
It has taken many months of Personal Research to reach the conclusion that this is FACT based and is Truth as the evidence indicates it to be.However each soul must choose their own path and therefore it is critical to do your own research to determine the Truth as you personally discern it to be. 🤔


: YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, VIRALLY MUTATED MOLDS, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIO-ACTIVE MATERIAL: "We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes." Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria" Deadly heavy metals..🤔
Forwarded from Sarah Connor
Media is too big
Humanity is good, more of this❤️🙏🏻
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announcing the formation of a State Public Health Integrity Committee to directly counter and push back against the voluminous amount of health and medical science disinformation and propaganda being pushed by medical agencies and associations such as the AMA, the CDC, NIAID and the NIH.
The roundtable has ended.

The Big Brother Fake News Matrix Media is going to go ballistic at this announcement today of a statewide grand jury and state committee of medical doctors and scientists formed specifically to push back on the NIH, CDC, NIAID, etc.

As usual, DeSantis will lead and then other GOP governors will suddenly start emulating him.