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"In the years '22 & '23 alone, #Correctiv received around 2 million euros from various federal ministries and the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, in addition to massive foreign funding & from numerous NGOs. This makes "correctiv" a de facto state organisation." - Alice Weidel

https://www.nius.de/Analyse/2-5-mio-euro-staatliche-foerderung-so-verschleiert-correctiv-von-wem-das-geld-wirklich-kommt/1e6e8754-0ca2-41a2-a986-96b5e15adbaf #AfD
Are you German?
- No.
How old are you?
- Twelve, sir.
Okay guys... give the kid an iPhone 15 Max and a 4-room flat in the city centre! 🤣
#Sellner is through! He's made it! He's in Germany!!! 🎆🎊🎉

Lederhosenrevolte [https://t.me/lederhosenrevolte]:

Our activists welcomed Mister #Remigration to #Passau today.

📣 The metapolitical struggle continues unabated because ideas cannot be banned.

🛫 We won't stop until the secret plan is implemented!

What about you?

"No Seller is illegal" - Matthias Helferich MdB has just successfully trolled the German parliament.

Via Philipp Huemer on X.
#Sellner #KeinSellnerIstIllegal
Martin Sellner: "Remigration. Ein Vorschlag" (Remigration, a proposal) is the No. 1 bestseller in political science at Amazon. 🤣

Verlag Antaios: https://antaios.de/gesamtverzeichnis-antaios/einzeltitel/197055/remigration.-ein-vorschlag #Sellner #Remigration
30 years on from the fall of the USSR, each of the Baltic States is in the midst of a demographic recovery where their ethnic populations are reclaiming their place as the dominant player in their own home.

The Great Replacement Can Reverse: The Case Of The Baltic States
🇳🇴 Gratulerer til Verlag Antaios og Sellner med godt forhåndssalg!

Den medieskapte skandalen om det "hemmelige" møtet i november og påfølgende forsøk på innreisenekt for Martin #Sellner har gitt en boomerangeffekt. AfD har sluttet rekkene og Sellner sin kommende bok 'Remigration. Ein Vorschlag' er nå bestselger på Amazon.

🛒 https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Martin-Sellner/dp/3949041559/ #Remigration #leseglede
What is The Great Replacement?

80% of Britain's population growth since 2000 has been through immigration. The Office for National Statistics say it will be 92% going forward. This is an existential crisis of the like Britain has never seen, and the average person, while against it, is almost completely in the dark on the scale of the issue.

Matt Goodwin: Quite the chart -- Britain over the next 26 years

https://mattgoodwin.org/p/what-britain-will-look-like-in-2036 #TheGreatReplacement
Brits are already a minority in:

It will get worse

"Since the 2000s the share of schools where white Brits are a minority has almost doubled, to 23%, while the share of pupils whose first language is not English has almost tripled, to 22%. This is only the start; all this will now accelerate sharply"
📨 Åpent spørsmål til Aftenposten-journalist Arnhild Aass Kristiansen

I Aftenposten 1. februar leste vi at Sofia Ranas politiske engasjement skulle være årsaken til at hun mottar ufine meldinger (som politiet ikke vurderer som ulovlige trusler) [1]. En underlig påstand ettersom det er logisk å heller tenke at det kan være konsekvens av hennes mangeårige uttrykk for støtte til vold som politisk virkemiddel [2]. Hun har i tillegg fremstått som en talsperson for den venstreekstreme voldsorganisasjonen Antifa [3].

I fjor ble Rana anmeldt for å ha fysisk angrepet Alternativ Medias journalist Anneli Rønning [4]. I samme tidsrom ledet Rana en mobb for å presse biblioteksjefen på Deichman til å kansellere vår pressekonferanse med Renaud Camus [5]. Hun oppfordret også sine følgere i sosiale medier til å fysisk sabotere kulturtilbudet Lesekiosk [6].

Les mer: https://twitter.com/LegatumBooks/status/1753370128358474021