PM Lee Hsien Loong is now delivering his English speech at the National Day Rally 2021. You can watch the speech live on the PMO YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/9I4Y3q_ERPA
The Govt has accepted the 3 strategies recommended by the Tripartite Workgroup studying how to uplift lower wage workers:
1. Extend Progressive Wages to more LWWs
2. Require companies hiring foreign workers to pay all their local employees at least a Local Qualifying Salary
3. Accredit companies with a PW Mark
1. Extend Progressive Wages to more LWWs
2. Require companies hiring foreign workers to pay all their local employees at least a Local Qualifying Salary
3. Accredit companies with a PW Mark
Singaporean workers have valid questions about work pass holders that must be addressed. Singaporeans must be assured that EP and S-pass holders are of the right standard. All employees must also be assured of fair treatment at the workplace.
We must not give the impression that Singapore is turning inwards, and becoming xenophobic and hostile to foreigners. It would be disastrous for us, and it is not who we aspire to be. Instead, we must make it clear to the world that Singapore is determined to stay open, to earn a living for ourselves.
Race relations have come under stress during COVID-19. There have been more racist incidents, which have specifically targeted Indians, both work pass holders & Singaporeans.
These racist incidents remind us how fragile our harmony is. Racial harmony took hard work, sacrifice & wisdom, after our founding fathers resolved to forge one nation from the different races.
These racist incidents remind us how fragile our harmony is. Racial harmony took hard work, sacrifice & wisdom, after our founding fathers resolved to forge one nation from the different races.