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Ingliz tili gramatika
21 yoshgacha ulgurish

Real hayotga tayyorlanish uchun yoshlar 21 yoshgacha nimalar qilishga ulgurishi kerak?

Quyidagi variantlar qabul qilinmaydi:
-"Kollej, universitetni tugatish". Bu shunchaki ko'zga ko'rinadigan bosqichlar xolos. Real hayotga tayyorgarlik bilan umuman bog'liq emas

-"Yaxshi ta'lim olish". O'ta umumiy gap. Ta'lim - nima? Yaxshi - nima? Ta'lim insonni biron nimaga tayyorlashi kerak. Ya'ni o'qiyotgan bilimlarini odam qayerda ishlatishni bilsagina u haqiqiy ta'lim olayotgan bo'ladi, qolgani esa shunchaki chalg'itish.

Men stereotiplar bilan fikrlamasdan, 21 yoshgacha quyidagi ishlarni qilishni maslahat bergan bo'lardim. Bu ishlar o'zini topishda, hayotni tushunishda, har qanday diplom va kitoblardan yaxshi yordam beradi:

1. 7ta har xil ishlar bilan tanishish. Ya'ni hunar. O'zing. Tanishlaring uchun. Shogird tushib. Pulga, tekinga - farqi yo'q. Agar o'rganishga biron nima qolsa - ko'proq, qolmasa har biri kamida 3 oy. "Nima u", "qanday qilinadi" bilish uchun.

2. Eng kamida 2ta ishda ishlab ko'rish. Har biri kamida 6 oydan. Mas'uliyat, vazifalar, boshliq, qo'l ostidagilar, jamoa, rejalar, natijalar, maqtov va dakkilar. Mana bu real hayot. Chunki ish - bu institut emas, jamoa - kursdoshlar emas, natija - baholar emas, bu yerda hammasi jiddiy.

3. Kamida 1ta biznes qilib ko'rish. Kamida 1 yil davomida. O'zingni g'oyang, do'stlar bilan, franshiza, otangni biznesini filiali - farqi yo'q. O'xshaydimi, yo'qmi - farqi yo'q.
Kelajakda biznes qilish ham shart emas. Muhimi hammasi o'zingga bog'liq ekanligini tushunish. Shuningdek, o'zing ham odamlarga bog'liqligingni tushunish.

©Arkadiy Moreynisdan tarjima

@Vibrant_Learning - Mentoring the future......
Foydali grammatika
⚡️ ​​Ingliz tilidagi ba’zi donalab sanalmaydigan otlar ro‘yxati: 

accommodation — turar joy, bosh- 
advice — maslahat 
baggage — bagaj, yuk  
bread — non 
furniture — mebel 
money — pul  
homework — uy ishi  
luck — omad, baxt 
luggage — yuk, bagaj 
information — ma’lumot  
sand — qum  
measles — qizamiq  
mumps — tepki  
food — oziq-ovqat  
soap — sovun 
chaos — xaos, tartibsizlik 
damage — nosozlik, buzilish 
work — ish 
economics — iqtisod 
news — yangilik(lar) 
permission — ruxsat 
progress — yutuq, muvaffaqiyat 
scenery — manzara 
traffi c — qatnov 
weather — ob-havo 
air — havo  
meat — go‘sht  
physics — fizika  
advertising — reklama qilish  
mathematics — matematika 
politics — siyosat  

#useful #vocabulary
Biz bilan Ingliz tilini Noodatiy shaklda o'zlashtiring !

📊 Oilamizga do'stlaringizni ham taklif qiling !

🇬🇧 @Vibrant_Learning

Ming yil o‘qisamu, mendan «nimani bilding», deb so‘rasalar, «haddimni bildim» deyman.

©Mavlono Jaloliddin Rumiy

Manba Muhammadali_Eshonqulov

⎯⎯ May VS Might ⎯⎯

👨‍🏫The key difference between May and Might is that "May" is the present form and "Might" is the past form of "May" !

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🖊 3 ta savol · 1 daqiqa
So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Tashakkur, maqtov, minnatdorchilik.

🎯 You did it! - Sen uddalading!

🎯 You get finished quickly. Well established - Ishni tez tugatibsiz, Yaxshi ishladingiz.

🎯 You learn quickly to work - Ishni tez o'rganar ekansiz.

🎯 You made my day - Kayfiyatimni ko'tarding

🎯 You mean the world to me (You mean a lot to me) - Sen men uchun muhim insonsan

🎯 You tried hard - Qo'lingdan kelgan barchasini qilding

🎯 You brighten my day - Sen mening kunimni yorityapsan

🎯 You care - Senga baribir emas

🎯 You’re getting there! - Sen deyarli uddalading!

🎯 You’re №1 - sen eng zo'risan, birinchi raqamli

🎯 You’re on the mark - Sen hammasini a'lo darajada bajarding

🎯 You’re the greatest! - Sen eng zo'rsan

🎯 You’re tops - sen buni a'lo darajada uddalading

🎯 You’ve got what it takes - Sen buni uddasidan chiqa olasan, qani olg'a

🎯 You’ve made progress - Sen buni yaxshi amalga oshiradigan bo'lding


🇬🇧 @Vibrant_Learning - Mentoring the future
Used to+infinitiv qurilmasi(Mustaqil tayorgarlik)

💡Qo'llanish shakli:
▪️Positive form
🔸Ega+ used to+work
▪️Negative form
🔸Ega+didn't use to+work
▪️Question form
🔸Did+Ega+use to+ work

▫️1.I used to play tennis a lot.
▫️2.She used to often travel
▫️3.He used to live alone
▫️4. It used to be cinema.
▫️5.We used to read a book very much.
▫️6.They used to study hard.
▫️7.You used to like ice cream.
▫️8.It used to take more than an hour.
▫️9.She used to have got a lots of friends.
▫️10.He used to be hotel receptionist.
🔸1.I didn't use to like cheese.
🔸2.She didn't use to read a newspaper.
🔸3.He didn't use to drink tea.
🔸4.They didn't use to drink tea5.We didn't use to live in small village.
🔸6.She didn't use to go to a party.
🔸7.They didn't use to live a hotel near the airport.
🔸8.She didn't use to like laugh.
🔸9.I didn't use to go to school.
🔸10.He didn't use to ride a horse.
▪️Did you use to a little of sweets when your child?
▪️2.Did he use to like see a dress?
▪️3.Did he use to smoke?
▪️4.Did we use to run?
▪️5.Did they use to go to the cinema?
▪️6.Did use to like him?
▪️7Did you use to take English lessons ever day?
▪️8.Did she use to spend alot of time in the library?
▪️9.Did he use to live in Brington?
▪️10.Did he use to be very strong in his youth?

💡Yuqoridagi misollardan ko'rinayapdiki, used to+infinitiv qurilmasi bilan ifodalangan odat yoki holatlar hozir sodir bo'lmaydi. 'used to+infinitiv faqat o'tgan zamon haqida ma'lumot beruvchi qurilma hisoblanadi

⚠️ Mazkur qurilma faqat o'tgan zamondagi odat yoki takroriy ravishda sodir bo'lgan ish-harakatlar uchun qo'llaniladi, bir marta bo'lib o'tgan ish-harakatlar uchun esa oddiy o'tgan zamon qo'llangani ma'qul.
🔸I used to go to the cinema a lot when I lived in London. (kinoga ko'p borardim…takroriy sodir bo'lgan ish-harakat)
🔸I went to the cinema yesterday. (kecha kinoga bordim…..bir marta sodir bo'lgan ish-harakat)

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Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns

✳️Ingliz tilida -ning qoʻshimchali olmoshlar (my, your ...) egalik sifatlari va -niki qoʻshimchali olmoshlar (mine, yours ...) egalik olmoshlari sifatida qabul qilingan. Bunga sabab -ning qo'shimchali olmoshlar (my car) otning oldidan uning kimga tegishliligini bildirib keladi, to'liq otning o'rnini almashtira olmaydi. -niki qo'shimchali olmoshlar esa to'liq otning o'rnini almashtirib kela oladi.

✳️-ning qoʻshimchali olmoshlar aniqlovchi vazifasida kelib, oʻzlaridan keyin ot talab qiladi.
my - mening
your - sizning, sizlarning
our - bizning
their - ularning
his - uning
her - uning
its - uning

🔸your bicycle - sizning velosipedingiz
🔸my car - mening avtomobilim
🔸their decision - ularning qarori
🔸her haircut - uning soch turmagi

🔸My car is much more expensive than Tom's.
🔸Jane has just had her hair cut.
🔸Their decision to move was made immediately after the floods.

✳️-niki qoʻshimchali olmoshlar oʻzlaridan keyin ot talab qilmaydi va ma'lum boʻlgan otni qayta takrorlamaslik uchun qoʻllaniladi.
mine - meniki
yours - sizniki
ours - bizniki
theirs - ularniki
his - uniki
hers - uniki

🔸This is your towel. Mine is over there. (Bu sizning sochig'ingiz. Meniki ana u yerda)
🔸Their flat and our flat may seem to be the same but theirs is different from ours. (Ularning kvartirasi bizning kvartira bilan bir xil ko'rinishi mumkin, lekin ularniki biznikidan farq qiladi)

⚠️ Egalik sifatlari artikl bilan qoʻllanilmaydi:
🔸Her eldest son is a doctor.

✳️own - oʻz soʻzi egalik sifatlari bilan qoʻllanilib, uni qoʻllashning ikki yoʻli bor.
1️⃣ I have my own room. (Mening oʻz xonam bor)
2️⃣ I have a room of my own. (Mening oʻz xonam bor)
🔸Frank has started his own business. (Frenk oʻzining biznesini boshladi)

✳️On my own/on his own/on her own etc. - yolg'iz, bir o'zi degan ma'noda qoʻllaniladigan birikma hisoblanadi. Bu birikma ish-harakat bajaruvchining yolg'iz (bir oʻzi tomonidan) bajarilishini bildiradi.
🔸I went to the cinema on my own yesterday. (Men kecha kinoga bir o'zim bordim)
🔸I enjoy being on my own. (Men yolg'iz boʻlishdan zavqlanaman)
🔸A lady was sitting in the corner on her own. (Bir ayol burchakda yo’lg’iz oʻtirgan edi)

⚠️ Egalik olmoshlari ingliz tilida yana boshqa holatlarda ham qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Masalan: He is your friend gapini of qatnashgan birikma bilan
🔸He is a friend of yours sifatida berish mumkin.
⚠️Demak, bu qurilmada of soʻzidan keyin egalik olmoshlari qatnashishi lozim.
🔸Yesterday I met a relative of yours/hers/ours/theirs.

⚠️Agar yuqoridagi holatda egalik olmoshi emas, boshqa otlar (odatda atoqli ot) keladigan boʻlsa, ular bilan apostrof qoʻllanishi lozim.
🔸He is a friend of Tom's.
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Destination B1. Grammar and Vocabulary/ with answer key
Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles

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Destination B2. Grammar and Vocabulary/ with answer key
Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles

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Destination C1&C2. Grammar and Vocabulary/ with answer key
Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles

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1️⃣ Saying something in another way

🔸What I'm trying to say is...

🔸In other words...

🔸To put it another way...

🔸What I mean is...

🔸Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying...

2️⃣ Agreeing with an opinion

🔸Yes, I agree...

🔸That's my view exactly.

🔸I would tend to agree with that.

🔸I couldn't agree more.

3️⃣ Disagreeing with an opinion

🔸No, I disagree.

🔸I'm afraid I disagree.

🔸I see things rather differently myself.

🔸I wouldn't say that is necessarily true.

🔸I tend to disagree.

🔸I'm not so sure about that.

4️⃣ Partially agreeing with an opinion

🔸I don't entirely agree. It is true that......however...

🔸That is partly true, but...

🔸I agree with that to an extent. However...

5️⃣ Getting asked an opinion (by the examiner)

🔸What do you think?

🔸What's your view / opinion?

🔸What are your views on...?

🔸How do you feel about...?

6️⃣ Saying your opinion could vary according to the situation

🔸That depends...

🔸I think it really depends...

🔸That depends on how you look at it.

7️⃣ Asking for clarification (part 3 only)

🔸Could you please explain what ...(word)... means?

🔸Sorry, I don't understand the question. Could you explain?

🔸Sorry, I'm afraid I didn't understand the question.

🔸Sorry, can I just clarify what you mean. Are you asking me ...(say what you believe you have been asked)...

8️⃣ Asking for repetition

🔸Sorry, would you mind repeating the question?

🔸Sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Could you repeat the question?

9️⃣ Summing up

🔸So all in all...

🔸To sum up...

🔸To conclude...
#speaking #useful
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📋 Kun hikmati
If this body cannot endure praying ,
what a body this is ?!

Agar bu tana ibodat qilishga chiday olmasa, bu qanday tanadir?!

Asilbek Hakimov


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Foydali grammatika

1. Infinitiv ifodalagan ish-harakati ma’lum bir shaxs yoki buyumga qarashli bo‘lmasligi mumkin:
To drive a car in a big city is very difficult.
— Katta shaharda mashina haydash juda qiyin.

Ko‘pgina hollarda infinitiv ifodalagan ish-harakat ma’lum shaxs yoki buyumga qarashli bo‘ladi:
I intended to go there.(to go infinitivi ifodalagan ish-harakat I egaga qarashli.)
— Men u yerga borishga qaror qildim.

Ask him to come early.(to come infinitivi ifodalagan ish-harakat him to‘ldiruvchiga qarashli.)
— Unga erta kelishini ayting.

2. Infinitiv ifodalagan ish-harakat o‘sha infinitiv qarashli bo‘lgan shaxs yoki buyum tomonidan sodir etilsa, Active Infinitive ishlatiladi:
He has a great desire to invite you to the party.
— U sizni kechaga taklif qilishni juda istaydi.

I want to inform Tom of Bill’s arrival.
— Men Tomni Billning kelganidan xabardor qilishni istayman.

3. Infinitiv ifodalagan ish-harakat o‘sha infinitiv qarashli bo‘lgan shaxs yoki buyumga nisbatan (boshqalar tomonidan) sodir etilsa, Passive Infinitive ishlatiladi:
He has a great desire to be invited to the party.
— U o‘zini ziyofatga (kechaga) taklif qilishlarini juda istaydi.

I want to be informed of her arrival.
— Menga uning kelganini xabar qilishlarini istayman.

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🎲DTM test 7 official:@Vibrant_Learning Quiz base @Vibrantquiz
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🖊 15 ta savol · 30 soniya
The most _______ time of women is that _______ they are under 2 years old, _________ they can't speak at that time😂
Anonymous Quiz
harmful / when / thus
harmless / when / hence
harmless / when / because
harmful / while / so