KryptoRedeem Official Channel
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💸 KryptoRedeem wаllеt
💎 Our іntrоduсtіоn оf thе #KryptoRedeem wаllеt’ѕ tap-n-pay and саѕh bасk рrоgrаmѕ wіll take thе quаlіtу оf the #ѕеrvісе tо nеw hеіghtѕ – resulting іn fаѕtеr аnd mоrе effective rеdеmрtіоnѕ.
👍 In аddіtіоn, thе lоуаltу programs іѕѕuеrѕ іmрrоvе their bаlаnсе ѕhееt аnd lіft revenues. It will bе an #іnvеѕtmеnt on their раrt thаt thеу’ll net back іmmеdіаtеlу.

👉 Join our pre-ICO on 26.08 and get #KRT tokens with 30% discount!
🔥 Learn more on our website 🔥

#Blockchainwallet #customerexperience #ICO #digitalwallet #tokensale #rewardstoken #loyaltyatblockchain #onlinesurveys #Blockchaintecnology #customerloyalty #tokens #marketingcampaigns #blockchainreward #Loyaltyplatform #blockchaincontrol #rewardeting
🏆 What is the key #KryptoRedeem advantages and strengths? 👍

🔸 With the KryptoRedeem #platform, you can manage your #promotions and campaigns and customize them. Also, to provide you with a detailed knowledge of who your customers are, their consumption habits and demographic data.
🔸 By acquiring our services, we will help you increase traffic in your store, which will be reflected in more visits and growth in average spending.

How can you get #KRT right now?
🔥 Our #airdrop campaign is started! 🔥
Join and get up to 20$ by completing tasks and inviting friends 💸
Click here 👉

#Blockchaintecnology #tokensale #onlinesurveys #rewardstoken #blockchaincontrol #marketingcampaigns #loyaltyatblockchain #digitalwallet #Loyaltyplatform #customerloyalty #ICO #Blockchainwallet #tokens #customerexperience #blockchainreward #rewardeting
💎 #KryptoRedeem value 💎

KryptoRedeem Loyalty Token Program leads to revenue growth! 📈

🔥 Our #platform will help #retailers to increase their revenue by an average of 17%.🔥

🙌 Consumers buіld еxресtаtіоnѕ іn thеіr mіndѕ thаt сurrеnt #lоуаltу рrоgrаmѕ dо not have the
аbіlіtу tо dеlіvеr. Evеn thе саѕh bасk offering needs improving.

And #KRT will bring this improvement to life 👍

#blockchaincontrol #tokensale #krp #ico #onlinesurveys #marketingcampaigns #tokens #Blockchaintecnology #loyaltyatblockchain #Blockchainwallet #rewardstoken #customerloyalty #Loyaltyplatform #rewardeting #customerexperience #digitalwallet #blockchainreward #presale
📢 #KryptoRedeem #token #sale is active right now, go and get your #KRT token! ✔️

KRT - ERC20.
🔸 Start #ICO: 2 September 2019
🔸 End ICO: 2 October 2019

🔹 Type: #UtilityToken
🔹 Price: 1 KRT = 0.56 USD
🔹 Minimum #Investment: 150 USD
🔹 #SoftCap: 500,000 USD
🔹 #HardCap: 2,500,000 USD


#customerloyalty #presale #rewardeting #Loyaltyplatform #Blockchaintecnology #marketingcampaigns #tokens #ico #tokensale #digitalwallet #rewardstoken #onlinesurveys #blockchaincontrol #krp #customerexperience #Blockchainwallet #blockchainreward #loyaltyatblockchain
💎 #KryptoRedeem - is a grеаtеr fосuѕ оn uѕеr еxреrіеnсе 💎

📌 Through bеttеr #tесhnоlоgу, аnd improved user ассеѕѕ to points bаlаnсе, vаluе аnd #rеdеmрtіоn options wіll іnсrеаѕе uѕаbіlіtу. The аbіlіtу tо uѕе #rewards еаѕіеr аnd аррlу thеm tо a wіdеr ѕеlесtіоn оf goods and #ѕеrvісеѕ.

🔥 Join #KRT #crowdsale now 🔥💰

#loyaltyatblockchain #Blockchainwallet #presale #rewardeting #rewardstoken #blockchaincontrol #customerexperience #tokens #customerloyalty #marketingcampaigns #Blockchaintecnology #blockchainreward #tokensale #ico #Loyaltyplatform #krp #onlinesurveys #digitalwallet
🙌 We are excited to announce the #KryptoRedeem (#KRT) #PublicSale will take place on #VinDAX #Launchpad starting on September 26th, 2019 at 13:00 UTC 🔥

🔥 #IEO Session 1 🔥

🔸 Session Supply: 900,000 KRT
🔸 BTC market: 350,000 KRT
🔸 ETH market: 350,000 KRT
🔸 VD market: 50,000 KRT
🔸 USDT market: 150,000 KRT
🔸 Price: 0.56 USD
🔸 Bonus: 30% (each purchase order will get 30% bonus in KRT token)
🔸 Starting Time: September 26th at 13:00 UTC

🔗👓 Read full news at:

#rewardstoken #ico #tokens #Blockchaintecnology #tokensale #krp #customerexperience #loyaltyatblockchain #onlinesurveys #blockchainreward #digitalwallet #presale #Loyaltyplatform #Blockchainwallet #customerloyalty #marketingcampaigns #rewardeting #blockchaincontrol
👉 #KryptoRedeem Administrator

🔎 Interface for the administrator user of the affiliated company (Retailer) where you can perform the following actions:
• Manage general business data
• Manage #business users
• Add branches
• Buy KRT Tokens
• Assign #KRT #tokens to #Retailer
• Add promotions
• Create a #referral campaign

👓 Learn more about KryptoRedeem here

#blockchainreward #Blockchaintecnology #digitalwallet #rewardstoken #Blockchainwallet #blockchaincontrol #loyaltyatblockchain #tokensale #rewardeting #customerexperience #presale #marketingcampaigns #ico #customerloyalty #krp #tokens #Loyaltyplatform #onlinesurveys

#KryptoRedeem User Mobile App
Application for android and ios that allows the user
• Display balance
• View transactions
• Obtain the private key of the account
• Import account
• Send tokens
• Receive #tokens
• Receive notification of available promotions
• Show promotions available in the area
• Display campaigns
• Get referral code

🙌 Now you will be able to trade #KRT!
💵 Check out this #VinDAX announcement to learn more

#rewardstoken #digitalwallet #marketingcampaigns #tokensale #loyaltyatblockchain #presale #customerloyalty #Blockchaintecnology #onlinesurveys #krp #rewardeting #Loyaltyplatform #blockchaincontrol #Blockchainwallet #ico #tokens #blockchainreward #customerexperience
📌 #KryptoRedeem buіldѕ Blосkсhаіn bаѕеd рlаtfоrm ѕеrvісе which саn be applied іn vаrіоuѕ lоуаltу рrоgrаm аnd mеmbеrѕhір. It also рrоvіdеѕ one ѕуѕtеm by integrating various points and bеnеfіtѕ which were ѕераrаtеd іn dіffеrеnt brands. Through an integrated API оf KryptoRedeem, thе brand can use various lоуаltу рrоgrаm аnd funсtіоnѕ.

🔥 You can get free #KRT -just join up our #Airdrop 🔥
📢 How to participate.
🔹 Airdrop is worth up to 18 KRT ($ 10) by completing all tasks + 9 KRT ($ 5) for each referral.
🔹 Total airdrop allocation: 270,000 KRT ($ 150.000).
🔹 6 months lock-up period.

💸 Airdrop bot link

#tokensale #krp #blockchaincontrol #Loyaltyplatform #marketingcampaigns #rewardstoken #customerexperience #Blockchaintecnology #digitalwallet #ico #loyaltyatblockchain #tokens #Blockchainwallet #rewardeting #customerloyalty #blockchainreward #presale #onlinesurveys
💎 KryptoRedeem IEO Session 2 - Sale will take place on #VinDAX Launchpad 💎

Session Supply: 3,500,000 KRT ✔️
BTC market: 1,500,000 KRT ✔️
ETH market: 1,500,000 KRT ✔️
VD market: 250,000 KRT ✔️
USDT market: 250,000 KRT ✔️
Price: 0.56 USDT ✔️
Bonus: 10% (each purchase order will get 10% bonus in #KRT #token) ✔️
Starting Time: October 2nd at 13:00 UTC ✔️

👓 Visit #KryptoRedeem website to learn more about our #platform

#customerexperience #ico #onlinesurveys #rewardeting #krp #Blockchainwallet #blockchainreward #marketingcampaigns #customerloyalty #rewardstoken #Blockchaintecnology #presale #Loyaltyplatform #blockchaincontrol #digitalwallet #tokensale #tokens #loyaltyatblockchain
🔥 We are pleased to announce that #KryptoRedeem (#KRT) first #IEO session on #VinDAX #Launchpad starting today!

Session 1
🔹 Session Supply: 900,000 KRT
🔹 BTC market: 350,000 KRT
🔹 ETH market: 350,000 KRT
🔹 VD market: 50,000 KRT
🔹 USDT market: 150,000 KRT
🔹 Price: 0.56 USD
🔹 Bonus: 30% (each purchase order will get 30% bonus in KRT token)

🔥 Join up now and maximum sale bonus! 🔥

#presale #customerloyalty #blockchaincontrol #ico #Loyaltyplatform #onlinesurveys #Blockchaintecnology #customerexperience #tokensale #Blockchainwallet #krp #rewardstoken #digitalwallet #marketingcampaigns #blockchainreward #rewardeting #loyaltyatblockchain #tokens
🙌 #KryptoRedeem #marketing

🔹 Through the creation of KryptoRedeem, retailers and non-profit organizations are offered different #strategies collected in #loyaltyprograms and #rewards for user acquisition and retention, generating a database for
customer analysis to help retailers improve their decision making.

🔥 Learn more about #KRT token at our web 🔥
👉 👈

🔥And join #KRT #IEO on #VinDAX🔥
👉 👉 👉

#Blockchaintecnology #customerexperience #onlinesurveys #krp #rewardeting #marketingcampaigns #Loyaltyplatform #rewardstoken #Blockchainwallet #blockchaincontrol #tokens #presale #customerloyalty #digitalwallet #tokensale #ico #blockchainreward #loyaltyatblockchain
💵 #KryptoRedeem value proposition ✔️

🔹 Easy purchase process.
🔹 Time-saving.
🔹 #Loyalty technology free of charge for #retailers (#Brands).
🔹 Redefine the loyalty and rewards market by offering simplicity, #transparency, security

🔥 Get your #KRT on #VinDAX today! 🔥
👉 👈

#Blockchaintecnology #onlinesurveys #tokensale #digitalwallet #blockchaincontrol #customerexperience #krp #customerloyalty #marketingcampaigns #rewardeting #blockchainreward #tokens #rewardstoken #loyaltyatblockchain #Loyaltyplatform #ico #Blockchainwallet #presale
📌 #KryptoRedeem #business model

🔸 Once the company is registered in the #platform, the company can add branches and buy #KRT #tokens at $ 0.01 USD, once the company has bought the tokens then they can now distribute the token to the branches created and share token with the end customer every time they make a #purchase in the establishment, the companies through this administration platform publish the discounts and promotions available for the users.

💎Join up KryptoRedeem #IEO and get your #KRT! 💎
💎 KryptoRedeem (KRT) #PublicSale on #VinDAX Launchpad 💎

#tokens #Blockchainwallet #blockchainreward #Loyaltyplatform #presale #customerloyalty #rewardstoken #tokensale #ico #blockchaincontrol #onlinesurveys #Blockchaintecnology #krp #rewardeting #customerexperience #marketingcampaigns #loyaltyatblockchain #digitalwallet
🔎 #KryptoRedeem Oреn Rеwаrd Structure 💎

🔹 It іѕ not a ѕіnglе роіnt that саn bе оnlу uѕеd in a specific brаnd, but аn integrated роіnt thаt саn be uѕеd іn аll partnered brands оf KryptoRedeem. Thіѕ will ѕоlvе the рrоblеm оf closeness іn a #loyalty #рrоgrаm.

🔥 Learn more about #KRT and KryptoRedeem #platform 🔥
👉 👈

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