🌈 Umění ze Záhrobí 🌈
88 subscribers
294 photos
2 videos
22 links
🍁 @krchov art channel
SFW + artistic nudity (rarely)

finished art, commissions and WIPs
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Worldbuilding snippets :]
The map is really messy right now, i had to do the whole thing from scratch because I wasn't happy with the previous version.
🌻 Hello!
As you might have already noticed, I haven't been very active recently. It's mainly because I am focusing primarly on my studies as I am applying to uni this year. :]
Which also means that my commissions will be closed until summer next year. Sorry for the inconvenience, I just really need to take a break and not overwhelm myself too much.

I am aware of some owed art that needs to get finished, I apologise it's taking so long, I promise I haven't forgot and I am working on it in my spare time!! <3 albeit slowly

Thank you for your understanding and patience, have a nice rest of the day!
bawling my eyes out every time i see this man he makes me so happy
something's cooking

also close-up on Toska, because I am really happy with how his face came out :3c
Yesterday was very stressful so I drew Sawyer’s fursona as a treat.
Děcka šly na kutě, tady máte můj dlouho slibovanej nsfw kanál:


Kanál je čistě 18+ tak to prosim respektujte diky.

Kdybyste ke kanálu náhle ztratili přístup, tak je to kvůli tomu, že sem si tohle svoje impulzivní rozhodnutí do rána rozmyslel. Pac a pusu, buďte tam hodní
Forwarded from Teethy studio
I'm opening one commission slot for this experimental style. Customer can ask for whatever they want. Price 40€
my commissions are open for anyone who feels like helping out w my baby's vet bills ❤️ (nothing too serious, just some urinal issues... same) https://queenhoneybee.carrd.co/#commissions
genderswap AU….
I’ll most likely sketch some cute scenes with them because they’ve been living in my head rent free for almost a week straight
it's slowly coming together