Ko'ngil So'zlar
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Qurt ham mevaning ichiga tushadi, tashqaridan chiroyli turaveradi...
Ichimga yutadigan darajada kuchli, ayta olmaydigan darajada kuchsiz insonman...
Qalblarni larzaga keltiradigan jimliklar boʻladi insonda...
Ko'ngil ha deb seni yo'linga yuraversam, ojiz deb o'ylashmoqda...
Odamlarni gap deb ko'ngil so'ziga kirmasdan qo'ydim...
Xotira ajib narsa, bir zumda boshqa dunyolarga olib ketadi...
Ko'ngil bu insonlarni o'zaro bog'lovchi narsa uzoqlashtiruvchi emas...
Sog'inib sog'inib yurak yig'laydi, Kutaverib kuta ko'zim charchaydi.
Yolg'iz seni ko'nglim, ko'nglim qumsaydi...
Boshingga tushganda kulfatu - tashvish
Xatto suygan yoring ham tashlab ketarmish
Do'stlaringman deb yurgan bazi ablax marazlar
Orqangdan tarqatsa ig'voyu mish mish
Sen uchun yig'lagan mayusi xomush
O'sha Ota onang bo'larmish
Yozganlarimni hammasini o'zingga olaverma. Axir hayotim faqat sendan iborat emas...
Seni tushunaman deysan gaplarimni oxirigacha eshitmay...
Vaqt sen bilan birga boʻlsam ham boʻlmasam ham oʻtaveradi...
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The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If they remain inactive for the next 17 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If they remain inactive for the next 7 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.