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ЄВІ – форма вступного випробування для вступу на навчання для здобуття ступеня магістра, яка поєднує тест загальної навчальної компетентності та тест з іноземної мови (англійської ).
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Happy Easter! З Великоднем, друзі!

А ось і тематична лексика. Вона вам точно знадобиться 🥚

Easter basket - Великодній кошик
Easter egg hunt - полювання на писанки
Dye - барвник
Chocolate bunny - шоколадний зайчик
Holy - Святий
Roast Lamb - смажене ягня
Church - церква
Easter eggs - пасхальні яйця
Chick - курча
Cross - хрестик

Зберігай слова й біжи скоріше їсти паску 😀

А після Пасхи можна і
на інтенсив!
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Ранок розпочинається з ідіом😉
ESL Shopping Vocabulary List with Definitions
The following list has ESL shopping vocabulary items for you to learn. After the list the vocabulary items are included on flashcards. Then there is a recording of them being spoken so you can listen to the pronunciation.
Afford: To have enough money to purchase an item or pay for a service. (verb) Aisle: A long walkway with items for sale on either side. (noun) Bag: A carrying aid with handles that is usually made from plastic or recycled material. (noun) Baggy: When an item of clothing is excessively loose. (adjective) Bakery: A shop which provides people skilled in preparing and selling pastries, cakes and bread. (noun) Barcode: A small square filled with lines which when scanned by a computer provides an item’s name and price. (noun) Bargain: The price of an item that is considered to be of very good value. (noun) Basket: A hand held square shaped mesh container usually made from either metal or plastic which is used to hold items.  (noun) Best before: The date before which an edible item is most delicious. (adjective) Brand: The name of a product which is often associated with a certain price and quality. (noun) Butchers: A shop which provides people skilled in preparing and selling meat. (noun) Buy: An act of providing payment for goods. (verb) Card machine: A machine which communicates with the customer’s bank for the purpose of paying for goods or services. (noun) Cash: A rectangular piece of paper often known as a note which is used for payment of goods or services. (noun) Cashier: A person who calculates the total cost and receives payment for the goods. (noun) Change: A quantity of money to be returned to the person paying for goods or services usually when payment has been made with bank notes which total more than the amount requested. (noun) Cheap: The cost of something considered to be reasonable and easily affordable. (noun) Chemist: A shop which sells general and personally prescribed medication. (noun) Cheque: A rectangular piece of paper which serves as a method of payment after the amount is written and signed by the account holder. (noun) Clearance sale: A time when most items are reduced, usually due to the shop closing down. (noun) Closed: A time when the product or service is not accessible to customers. (adjective) Coin: A small thin piece of metal which is usually round and used for payment of goods or services. (noun) Convenience store: A shop that is easily accessible to the general public that sells most things. (noun) Credit/Debit card: A rectangular piece of thin plastic often with an electronic chip which is used for paying for goods or services. (noun) Customer: A person who pays for goods or services.  (noun) Delivery: The transportation of items from the shop to the customer’s preferred address. (noun) Discount: A reduction in the original price of a product. (noun) Estate agent: A shop which provides people skilled in selling land and property. (noun) Exchange: An act of returning a previously purchased unwanted item and receiving another in its place. (verb) Expensive: The cost of something considered to be excessive or unaffordable. (adjective) Faulty: An item which does not satisfy its description or cannot fulfil its purpose. (adjective) Fit: When an item of clothing is suitable for the size of the body. (verb) Fitting cubicle: A small room used for changing clothes. (noun) Florist: A shop which provides people skilled in cutting and arranging flowers. (noun) Gift voucher: A rectangular piece of thick paper which represents money and can be used to buy goods to the value printed on its front. (noun) Hanger: A triangular shaped piece of metal or plastic used to hold clothes in storage. (noun) Label: A piece of paper printed with a description and attached to the item. (noun) Loyalty card: A card provided by an establishment similar to the size of a credit card which is often used to collect points which can be exchanged for rewards. (noun) Luxury items: Items which are fashionable but not a necessity.
 (noun) Open: The time when the product or service can be accessed and paid for. (adjective) Packaging: A protective material, usually plastic or cardboard, which surrounds the product prior to purchase. (noun) Price: The monetary value of a particular item. (noun) Purchase: An act of providing payment for goods. (verb) Purse: A container, usually used by women, for holding bank cards, cash and occasionally coins. (noun) Quality: The standard expected of a particular item. (noun) Queue: The act of people standing behind one another to wait for a service. (noun) Receipt: A long slip of paper which details the items bought and provides proof of purchase. (noun) Refund: A return of the price paid which is usually subject to company policy. (noun) Sale: A time where certain items are lowered from their original price. (noun) Sales assistant: A person who ensures a comfortable shopping experience for the customer, usually by serving their needs and informing them of current offers. (noun) Scales: A machine which weighs items to assist with calculating the price of a product. (noun) Security tag: A device securely attached to a product to deter thieves. (noun) Self-service: A machine used by customers to serve and pay for items by themselves. (adjective) Shelf: A horizontal, strong piece of material used for displaying items. (noun) Shop: A designated space which offers goods or services for payment. (noun) Shopper: A person who visits a shop with the intention of buying an item. (noun) Showroom: A building which has the purpose of displaying cars for purchase. (noun) Size: A measurement of something, usually described as large, medium or small.  (noun) Stock: A quantity of a particular product held by a shop. (noun) Supermarket: A large shop with many departments which sells a wide range of items. (noun) Till: A machine used to keep cash received from customers and to provide change if necessary. (noun) Travel agent: A shop which provides people skilled in arranging trips and holidays. (noun) Trolley: A large rectangular shaped mesh container usually made from metal which has wheels and is used to hold items. (noun) Use by: The date when an edible item should be consumed by. (adjective) Wallet: A pocket-sized flat container, usually used by men, for holding bank cards and cash. (noun) Window shopping: The act of browsing products without the intention to buy. (verb)