Justin Deschamps
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A Planned Parenthood poster for 9th graders.

Witness the beauty and elegance, the composition and attention to detail.

Note: the sophisticated combination of grooming propaganda along side vaccine propaganda.

This is a potent Redpill for the normies.

h/t @simonesler

Read the article: https://badlands.substack.com/p/the-hybridization-of-asymmetric-and
Forwarded from We The Media (Angel)
Vegan restaurant to serve meat due to rising costs

"When some people find out we are vegan they walk out," said Mr Norouznia.

(No, it’s not satire 😂)

🔗 Link
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
AP ran a hitpiece on "MedBeds"

Now you see why it's important to not only expose mainstream media propaganda, but also the conspiracy propaganda being injected into the "truth" movement

I talked about this a couple days ago - https://rumble.com/v4a4ven-competing-narrative-pendulum-beating-msm-propaganda-and-conspiracy-clickbai.html
Forwarded from Praying Medic News
Time To Archive Everything Offline?

As some of you may have seen or heard, the fedgov is making big noises about CN being embedded in our critical infrastructure (https://cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa24-038a).

This isn't exactly news, and has been known for some time now. This bulletin makes public slightly more than was already publicly shared, such as some specific targets of the threat actors, and the threat actor group.

Know that there are more targets than those listed, and more threat actors than that one group, who have taken up residence in our critical infrastructure.

This is not only not surprising, it's commonplace, worldwide. It's a goal of all governments with significant cyber capability.

The question one should be asking is, "why the sudden push to publicize this?"

The answer, of course, is fear. Public awareness does nothing, as there is nothing the public can do to mitigate or remediate these issues, except at a personal level. It merely fosters outrage and concern, and builds a seemingly "grassroots" demand that something must be done. This is a classic Hegelian Dialectic: Problem -> reaction -> solution.

Rest assured, they have a solution in mind, but first, people must be scared enough to insist fedgov do something about it.

That solution will not be increased freedoms for all. Quite the opposite, in fact. There are multiple bills, already written, waiting in the wings for their time to shine. Bills like one to require positive ID of anyone using the internet in any form. Bills that grant the fedgov tighter control over and insight into internet usage in all forms. Likely a bill that enacts a "great firewall", as exists in CN, UK, UAE, and other countries, to restrict citizens' access to information.

If you're someone who merely bookmarks or otherwise makes note of where to find important information online, you'd be wise to start building a personal, offline archive of information you may need, but not have readily to hand otherwise. Or you might find yourself without those resources one day.

Forwarded from JuliansRum
Well it's happening. Here's my first Substack post. Give it a read and please consider subscribing. Link below.

Thank you all for your unwavering support. I owe everything to you. Exciting times are ahead.
It’s official: I’m in the hospital.

Long story short I have an Abscess the size of a “small baby” in my back abdominal area. It’s “huge” according to most of the staff.

They were shocked I managed this long on my own and that I was able to walk in here.

The pain is extreme and unusual. I can only lay on my back. I can’t sit up for long and I’m very low energy. The abscess has pushed many of my abdominal organs in places they shouldn’t be, which means my ability to stand, move and otherwise use the pushing action of my abdominal muscles is also compromised (going the the bathroom is an ordeal). It has also grown into my right pelvis hip area and my right leg is extremely sensitive while also being numb on the outer thigh.

Thankfully there appears to be no damage to any organs or tissues they can see as of yet. They will start a drain of the abscess tomorrow and observe the results for a few days.

I feel oh so grateful to my wife Madi and close companions who have been nothing but immensely supportive. And if I didn’t have God in my heart guiding me and soothing me I probably would be in worse shape.

Much love all
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Temu is labeled one of the most dangerous apps for spyware in the world

The CCP-backed app ran ads a whopping 5x during the Superbowl
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Fluoride and IQ Report FINALLY released (after months of lawsuits against the US Gov)
UPDATE: I've been in the hospital for 5 days. I was just told I will likely be released tomorrow with oral antibiotics to continue treating the small-baby-sized abscess. I had a drain put in on Monday (3 days ago) and it continues to drain fluid. Today, I feel the best I have in weeks, truly seems as though I'm getting some life back. I'll have to walk around with this drain and bag (oh so stylish, I assure you), but once the drainage is down to 15 mils a day I can have it taken out (thank God).

Much love to all of you and thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I don't know if I could have made it this far without this community, my family, my wife, and God's grace. 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Fani just found a way to use cancer and the race card simultaneously while getting visibly angry as a victim.
Dear God. This is unhinged.
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Fani Willis committed an impeachable offense. She admits to never disclosing her romantic relationship to anybody at Fulton County which directly violates Fulton County's requirement to disclose said relationship.
She is now pretending like she was not aware of this rule.
She's been caught.

Tyler Dwight
Oh phew. I totally trust it now.
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
JUST IN - German Health Minister Lauterbach on Tedros' pandemic treaty: "Message to swearers and conspiracy mongers: the contract does not transfer any German rights to the WHO."


Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
We will stop it we will make America great again you have my word
UPDATE I am out of the hospital!

I still have a catheter-drain in me to drain the abscess. Hopefully that will be removed in the coming weeks.

My wife made a GiveSendGo campaign (see below) to help fundraise. The medical costs are vast and we each had to take time off to deal with the medical crisis.

If you can support the Deschamps family with a donation we would greatly appreciate it. Prayers are also greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much everyone for your support through all this. I thank God, our community, and my family for all the help.

Elon Musk just shared the full documentary: The War On Children by Robby Starbuck on X.

Here's the link to watch...

Justin Deschamps pinned «UPDATE I am out of the hospital! I still have a catheter-drain in me to drain the abscess. Hopefully that will be removed in the coming weeks. My wife made a GiveSendGo campaign (see below) to help fundraise. The medical costs are vast and we each had…»