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El Vagabundo 1 month ago

Professional tile setter for 20 years. Couple of points.

1. As mentioned by others the top tile on the left wall should be two tiles to match the pattern, although I suspect with your
attention to detail and perfectionism, the next video will be you realizing you oopsied.

2. When doing the layout, if you are using a pure white tile, the thin strip of the tile at the top will disappear visually speaking, when it is grouted with white grout. With a patterned tile perhaps not so much.
That isn't to say you shouldn't have done your layout this way, as it gave you full tiles at the top and bottom of the niche.
The expression I have come up with is that tile setters are trying to create the "veneer of perfection" (all you Frasier fans should take a drink
at this moment!) You can't create perfect but you want the observers eyes to land where you want them to land and not see the fact that
the tiles are not full tile at every wall which would be true perfection. (in 20 years that has only happened once for me). Having full tile at the
top and bottom of the niche draws the eyes. Perfect.

3. When I tile with kerdi, I scratch coat the wall and trowel the notches onto the back of the tile. I find it is less messy. I scratch coat the whole
wall all at once, even if it dries, thin set adheres to itself really well. I trowel the thinset on the back of the tiles out from the center so that the air
still can escape out the grooves. After some practice I can spin up to a 2'x2' tile on my hand (like a pizza) and trowel with the other, or place on
clean water bucket and trowel away.

4. When cutting out the square for the tap hardware, start on the face side. You may need to get a better grinder wheel that cuts cleaner.
I have found some of the best wheels at rental stores. $20 Canadian, can't remember the brand and the name has worn off the wheel.
Tiled 50 bathrooms with 1 grinder wheel and a tile cutter like yours. As well I use a wet diamond pad, about the size of a drywall pad.
Again I think they are in the $20 range. I would go to a tiling supply store if you don't already. They should have them. They
are relatively inexpensive and do the same as your file to smooth the edges, but if you ever get into mitering corners they help a great deal.
As well you can use them to clean cured mud off of your tools to get them back to shiny.

5. Ideally you want the wall tile to land on your sill but with the stone slab that makes the point moot.

6. I have only ever had one hole saw to do the shower head pipe and it is about 1 1/4", Again I don't think too expensive at a tiling supplies store.

7. Keep up the great work. I have learned a lot of fantastic info from you about other aspects of construction. Your skills are what got me
to start watching your channel, your humility keeps me watching!
Feel free to pick my brain if you want on tiling questions
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