Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose

A link to all of my links 👇
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Over the weekend, 50,000 restaurants in Italy opened in a mass civil disobedience demonstration, despite lockdown restrictions. WE NEED THIS WORLDWIDE!

"There are two types of laws, just and unjust. One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
On one hand it's pretty cool that Lin Wood jacked my Telegram post. But on the other hand, plagiarism. He could've just shared it. 🤷‍♂️
I'm honored that Mr. Wood would find my words savvy enough to post on his timeline, don't get me wrong, but for all you naysayers telling me "stop with the ego Jordan, is this about truth or popularity". Well if you want the truth, the truth is that was my writing, right? Nobody likes having their work copy pasta'd, especially when they bust their balls at it. How would you like that? Pretty sure if all y'all were in my shoes you'd have wished anyone to share your post instead of copy and paste it - so you can kindly keep those opinions to yourself. Thanks.
This inauguration is essentially the biggest security buildup ever seen on U.S. soil.... and some politicians are skipping it over "security concerns". LOL
Dasting... very dasting.
Live in a few hours with Kate and IET!
Tonight at 6 pacific/9 eastern, We The Media Live with Jordan Sather, IET and Kate!



The official BLM Instagram account posted a “Twerk on Washington” video to uh... I guess honor MLK Jr. today? Not sure what they were thinking. They got so roasted in the comments that they turned them off. BLM is a disgrace, and not helping to advance any just cause.
Come on... Send it!
ACCORDING TO AN FBI BULLETIN... well let's examine it? Where is it? Can we see it?
Forwarded from Dan Scavino 🇺🇸 (Qtah)
+ Ghislaine Maxwell documents unseal at 10am est.

Good morning friends - I hope you have your good ol' fashioned non-GMO popcorn ready for today!
Beware the LARP Telegram accounts. A post saying "hey it's me" is not solid verification that an account is legit. Does it sound reasonable that the vice chairman of the joint chiefs, a four star general, would be posting such things on Telegram? I ono about that one.
Other accounts to lookout for: "SecMikePompeo" and "LadyMelaniaTrump" - NO indication that these are actually them. I suggest disregarding Telegram accounts of prominent individuals unless proven that it's not someone catfishing you.