Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
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Forwarded from Woke Societies
kYlE iS dEeP sTaTe, KyLe iS FrEeMaSon....2 days ago we were celebrating this kid and now the Lin cultist are losing their minds.

@WokeSocieties 🇺🇸
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
If you are going to post that Kyle Rittenhouse is a Freemason or a Sandy hook kid there is a asshole that claims to be Jesus on the Grassy knoll that’s waiting for you
People have a real tough time with those illusions about their false idols, don't they.
Good morning friends. I think yesterday showed us that group think, tribalism, and false idolism are quite strong in the truth movement, as well as projection. Don't let anyone manipulate your emotions and do your thinking for you. We're here to become independent thinkers, not co-dependent thinkers who need echo chambers and safe spaces.
They're going to force us into "going green".

"Green" technologies that are largely dependent on China to produce....

By design.
Uh oh - fell for the fake Ghislaine co-conspirators list floating around.

Again - this list going around of defendants in an Epstein/Maxwell related case is from 2020, and it's from a failed lawsuit that someone was trying to bring against New York music executives. It’s from the case, “Latham v. The 1953 Trust", where she was trying to collect money from the Epstein estate once he was deceased. The case was opened August 31, 2020 and dismissed Sep 25, 2020.
Looks like Disclose already deleted the post
What are the Lin Wood bootlickers going to say about Lin going after Sidney Powell and General Flynn??
Forwarded from GhostEzra
Lin is on 🔥🔥🔥🔥 today!
It's been very enlightening to see who is blindly throwing their support behind their idols.
It's like there's a cult trying to be made - and if you dare question their leaders they say "you aren't one of us!!!"
And it seems some major bot hoards have been activated to take advantage of the drama occuring.
Let's not let this soap opera distract us from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial and Mike Lindell's next offensive going after election fraud.
We hear you loud and clear, Ms. Powell.
Stewie Peters went after me last night. Apparently he feels the need to belittle me to make his argument. Arrogance.

"Undeniable documented truths I've exposed".... there are definitely some claims made on his show that do not have that much evidence for them. They aren't undeniable. Let's not forget the promotion of "JohnHeretoHelp", Cyrus Parsa, and some other dubious claims and individuals on his show. Oh, and all those Infowars connections... How did Peters come out of nowhere earlier this year?

I stand by my questioning. They'll try to make it appear like I'm the one "attacking" and "bashing" to make me look bad though. Yet... how many people has Stew worked to bash and attack over these last few months? He claims he's going after RINOs but maybe he has an ulterior motive to divide?

Stew is also promoting 1000 CBD bottles that cost $170 and ounces of silver sold by a sock company going for $47. Inflation can't explain those prices.

Just observations and questions....
Stew also claims I have bots inflating me.

Maybe he should treat those on his channel with more respect?

I talked to one of the people he alleged was a bot, defintely not a bot. Maybe someone was copy and pasting Steve's post, but Steve ain't no bot. He was quite honored to be called a bot by Stew 😂🤣