Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose

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“I have information that will lead to the prosecution of Boeing” is the new “I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.”
O’Keefe and his team caught a CIA contractor admitting to all the spying the CIA does on Trump, confirming what anons were told and have known since 2017.

These fools in D.C. are so easy to compromise with a few drinks and a pretty face in front of them.

Imagine how easy it is for the CIA or foreign govt’s to compromise our politicians.

What a huge story by O’Keefe and his team. This CIA clown just ruined his life. Too bad
Discussion of free energy tech on Glenn Beck? Never thought I’d see that happen.

I hope Ashton Forbes reps the subject well. Not sure if I’m fully on board with his MH370 theories but I’ve scanned his posts and had some interaction with him, he seems like a genuine guy.

Time to get the free energy/antigravity disclosure subject into the mainstream
Flynn talking with Bannon, says he would absolutely be Vice President if Trump asked him to.

Trump/Flynn 2024?

That has a nice ring to it.

That team up would scare the shit out of all the right people.
Nice take Jr. 😉
Socialism vs. Capitalism - The Battle of Economic Ideologies (A Rant)

Which one wins? Or is there a better option outside of the respective "economic boxes" that The Powers That Be try to force us into?

Maybe materialism is the real problem.
Is it going to be a New CoViD VaRiAnT??

Is it going to be the Bird Flu?

Is it going to be a mutant Ebola?

Who knows!!!

But one thing we do know, is that global elites love to use fabricated pandemics to steal elections.

We’ll see what happens through the summer. Until next time, this is Jordan Sather reporting from Clown World Earth.
Found this article from Reuters dated a year ago (March 2023) about “vaccine makers prepping bird flu shots for humans just in case”

When did the media start going to town with the whole Bird Flu craze?
GQ’s best dressed men and Vogue best dressed women at the “Met Gala”

Pure Clown World shenanigans 🤡🌍

What’s the Met Gala anyway? Some swanky event for attention seeking Hollywood narcissists that us peasants wouldn’t understand?
Why are ads for super-scammer-douche Phil Godlewski showing up on my Telegram channel?

1) I can’t see these ads on my own channel, someone shared this with me.

2) I’ve had no notification from Telegram that ads are on my channel, get no payout from TG running them, and don’t know how to(or if I can) turn them off.

3) Is Phil so desperate for more attention he’s running ads for his channel? Lol if true.

Dafuq, Telegram?
> Gets accepted into Columbia with 3.9 GPA
> Amasses $200,000 in student loan debt
> Participates in free-Palestine protests

> Still can’t spell Palestine.
I was talking with a woman the other day about how high taxes and prices are getting in Washington State (where I grew up) and I mentioned that Governor Inslee was ruining the state.

She says "well I'm a liberal, but I wish they'd stop killing us."

Lady, YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP VOTING FOR THEM and identifying with a political label.

Politics can truly become a form of Stockholm Syndrome.
The Pharmaceutical system
Genetically engineered food
Climate change lies
Central Banking & fiat currency
Mainstream Media
Two party politics
Big Tech censorship
Endless taxes
Military Industrial Complex funding wars
Suppression of free energy tech
Brainwashing by religion
Brainwashing by science
"Suicided" whistleblowers
Satanic creepers in Hollywood and Govt.

Could keep going but I don't want carpal tunnel
Is Elon Musk Playing Stupid About UFOs and Aliens?

He says if he hasn't seen any evidence, if he did he would "💯" post on X about it, and that he doesn't think UFOs exist around here because Starlink satellites haven't encountered any.

But do his statements make sense? Or is he playing coy for some reason?

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So much stuff going on with Trump’s trials today

Looks like the judge in the case with Jack Smith just postponed this trial “indefinitely”

These garbage trials will fail
Killing Joshua Trees in the name of muh climate change.

Woo hoo! More inefficient, garbage solar panels!