Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose

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None of my posts with Rumble links in them have populated the Rumble links today, they've been bringing up the other links I have in the post (which doesn't normally happen)
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Today's workout in the Home DunGym - light push/pull day. It was a cold one, 35° out.

Been slacking with the weights the past couple months, starting light to get back into the routine.

Straight legged deadlifts to stretch the hammies, overhead press, bench, weighted push-ups, pull ups, barbell/kettlebell rows.

Working with the little equipment I have, you don't need much to get a solid workout. Picked up most of this stuff during COVID. Get your home gym going with the basics.

Workout playlist - Tool's Fear Inoculum album. A classic.
Trump smashed Nikki in Idaho - and this is with some weird stuff going on

Seeing reports (local news and people in the area) say that the caucuses in Idaho had no advertised closing times and closed early - people showed up and wanted to vote but they couldn't

Weird stuff going on with the 2024 elections already
LOL The Atlantic’s COVID propaganda exposed instantly 😂

X link
Brainwashed goons are freaking out over COVID being basically thoughts of as the flu - truthers have known this for a while, but now it’s “official” with the CDC guidelines. (You know, things aren’t official until the experts say so….)

I guess these brainwashed goons forget that the PCR Tests were calibrated WAY too sensitively, and damn near everyone who took one popped for COVID.

Guess they forgot that people who died from completely non-COVID related issues were classified as COVID. You died in a car crash? That’s a COVID statistic now! You died in a motorcycle accident? That’s COVID!

The stats were padded. The stats were faked.

Screw these propagandists STILL going on with this shit after YEARS
Funny how everyone sides with the Rebel Scum in the movies

But when it comes to real life, they lick the boots of the Empire and call the Rebels "far-right conspiracy theorist misinformation peddling tin-foil domestic extremists"
Evil and Eviler

Mr. Robots

Team Vegan

Climate change your shirt, Mark
Loads of prediction-fagging going on with this Solar Eclipse.

Some people predicting an internet shutdown. Others alleging some sort of Biblical Rapture event will take place. Some say an energetic shift from an astrological portal.

Each prophecy arising from whatever fits into the preconceived belief system of the teller.

The psychology of humans is quite… interesting sometimes.
All future predictions are wrong until proven otherwise.
Resurgence of Jew hatred and Hitler promotion throughout the interwebs. Odd - but predictable. “My favorite group/religion/club/book is better than yours!”

Jewish religion is full of infiltration and dogma as any other.

The underlying problem isn’t any particular group, but individual psychology. Ignorance vs. awareness. Ego vs. humility.

Belief systems can be a dangerous thing. Group-think not only within religion, but science, politics, and spirituality too.
This also means states don't have COMPLETE control over their own elections. They run them, but should be limited in how much control they have.

So when the Federal Govt. or Supreme Court makes rulings that require Voter ID or limit mail-in voting, drop box stuffing, etc... states should be forced to follow these rules.

This could have huge ramifications going forward for cleaning up elections.
Dissolve the Supreme Court because they followed reason and law.


The meltdown over the Supreme Court ruling is glorious
The content thievery on Twitter is getting out of hand

"AustereWyatt" doesn't have an original thought in his brain - he blocked me for calling him out on it, too
Crazy how shadowbanned I still am on Twitter, too.

For example I have 30K more followers than Wyatt, yet the algos only pumped my content out to a few thousand people, his post got 12M engagements.

Whatever - glad to help with your ad rev, buddy 👍
I’ve been going down these rabbit holes about the Solar Eclipse and a “Banking Collapse Imminent” on social media and holy shit the fear-mongering from so-called “truthers” is unreal
These attacks are funny. You could almost call it Jew Derangement Syndrome. God forbid I’m not a literal neo-Nazi and believe the same thing about the Jewish religion that these people do.

Like yeah, I see the issues within Judiasm - but I also see the issues within all religions, and also within science, spiritual groups, political groups, etc.

It boils down to individual brainwashing and psychological issues more than blame on a single group. We could get rid of one group, but the same societal problems will still exist due to the ease of social engineering & manipulation (lack of critical thinking & self awareness within individuals).

How dare I suggest that, though, I must be a shill paid by Jewish handlers!