Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose

A link to all of my links 👇
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My Conspiracy Analytica podcasts and the audio versions of my news commentary Rumble livestreams are now on Spotify (been slacking with uploading these lately, will get back on it after Xmas)

Conspiracy Analytica Podcast 👉

“Jordan Sather Show” or whatever (need a better name) 👉
Scientists “stumbled upon” a massive ancient colony in Northern Australia.

At one point in history it was apparently a thriving civilization, but now it’s submerged.

I wonder if it was related of the rumored Atlantis or Lemuria societies.

And I think the reason many of these ancient cities are now submerged is because one aspect of the Earth/Solar cycles involves our planet expanding in size. Probably a LOT under the oceans that we still have yet to discover.
It's an election year. Of course [They] are planning a Black Swan Event
Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Pagan Solar Deity day, or whatever you celebrate - if you celebrate anything at all during this time of year!

Imagine a world where we could be humble and respectful with each other despite differing beliefs and ideas. Maybe even learn a thing for two from each other instead of demanding conformity. Pipe dream? Maybe.
Currently working on the second iteration of my Free Energy Files Substack series. This article will deal with ways zero-point energy and electrogravitic propulsion technologies have been suppressed by the Military-Industrial-Complex over the course of the last century.

Part of this article will deal with the 1952 Invention Secrecy Act. I wrote about up some govt. documents dug up in FOIA requests that give us insight into the scope of technologies that government agencies issue gag orders on.

I posted a full page preview on this Invention Secrecy Act portion to Locals for subscribers
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Good job not falling for the COVID psy-op, Kings & Queens
Dr. Scam Halper Hayes made a post last night claiming Trump flew to Epstein's island

It says right on the document she posted that Trump went from West Palm Beach to Newark, NJ - a flight which his already publicly known.

Is Dr. Jan that dumb or is he deliberately misleading?
It was weird how Jan Halper Hayes burst onto the scene a couple months back and quickly buddied up with Charles Ward and Derek Johnson, helping to spread their B.S. - I then came upon the detail that one of her mentors at Stanford was psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers, a man who worked for the CIA on MK-Ultra programs.

The details around this woman, her claims like "being a part of a secret DOD Task Force", and the clickbait she pushes throw up red flags all over the place
New studies from the "experts" on "climate change"

One arguing we need to slow economic growth to "meet Paris Climate Agreement goals"

& in another study, they actually wasted their time researching how much "human breathe contributes to global warming"

Climate crisis fanaticism is a mental health disease
The "Conservative" label is a political identity/divide & conquer mechanism to funnel you into a supporting what seems like an "anti-establishment" party that's going to fuck you in the end anyway

I only like... about 5% of "Republican" politicians out there