Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose

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"Houston, we have an incoming nothingburger."
This blue check mark tweet is going viral on Twitter (maybe with the help of bots) trashing Trump and "QANON".

Appearantly this woman's dad sent her an email claiming there's going to be ten days of darkness and mass arrests next week.

Sounds like her dad listens to too much Phil Godlewski or Charles Ward.

This is what happens when people get brainwashed by that kind of conspiracy clickbait, it ends up creating MORE division between normie public and the truth seeker movement.

As always, be careful who you follow.
I was waiting for some people to just leave them there
We’ve been wearing these costumes for 109 years
X22 and Swampy got retruthed by Trump this morning! Niccccce
Are you not entertained?!
According to the Washington Post and their "people familiar with the matter" reporting, Trump has chosen his possible 2024 campaign manager.
Forwarded from Where We Go 1 We Go All
Boom!! New York Supreme Court Orders NYC to Rehire, Pay Back Wages to Unvaccinated City Employees.

Also put in writing that Vaccines DO NOT stop the spread of Covid
Media is too big
I don't understand why Clay Clark allows Charlie Fraud to peddle his bullshit on Clark's stage.

"As of 48 hours ago, the Quantum Financial System is live!"

"ProVe ItS FaKe"

The onus of proof is not for me to bear, it's for those making the claim that said clickbait topic is real. Whether it's NESARA/QFS/Med Beds/Insider sources/Date predictions/etc.

Don't be a blind believer and get mad when someone points out the bullshit.

So many claims (as fact) in this community, so little sauce/evidence/proof.
Forwarded from Rhonda ⭐⭐⭐ G
I believe in the Q operation and actual Q drops. But we know someone who is really in a deep hole believing some of those click bait channels she consistently is telling people all kinds of crazy stuff for the last few years an although nothing has happened she still follows them. A few weeks ago she opened a 3rd bank account because she was told that's the only way she will get her Gesara/Nesara money and was urging everyone to get theirs opened. She's basically homeless and not working because she got sucked into selling the water filter stuff and cant get them sold, now she believes she has to pay one of those channels $10 a month to help push her contact for selling this water system.
She embarrasses those who know the Q operation is real but don't follow any of those BS channels.
She sends lunatic messages all the time it's really sad. I mean she's really sucked into the insanity.
👆 The clickbait clowns and the false claims they peddle in the "truth movement" have done a number on the psyche of many of the their followers.

Not just that, their wacky claims make easy cannon fodder for the MSM to attack us with. (Example: JFK JR. is coming back as VP! Trump's coming back on March 4th!)

This is advanced psychological warfare being waged... or just some grifters who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.
I think some personalities just want money or are excited with some fame they're getting so they promote dumb stuff on their channels without researching or thinking of the repurcussions. They're the useful idiots of the bunch.

But, I also think there's something deeper going on. I think there are networks of disinformationists being set up by *agencies* to promote psy-op conspiracy clickbait with the goal of pacifying patriots, causing psychosis in the minds of clickbait believers, and to make the whole truth movement look nuts, trying to prevent it's progression.
And of course, everything isn't black or white. Someone can promote dumb claims one day, and do a great show the next. People and their content can change... for better or worse.

I just wish there was more responbility in this movement, more accountability (especially with those trying to be leaders), and by golly I wish people would put their critical thinking caps on and not be so gullible.