Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

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Mornin' friends - I'm back from a 5 day social media sabbatical. Highly recommend for anyone suffering from truth seeking fatigue. Let's get back into the swing of things by trying out a Telegram Q&A, throw a question or topic in the comments to this post and I'll pick a few to give my thoughts on. Go!
The Capitol Riot on Jan 6th was clearly staged with provacateurs. I posted that right away after seeing the first video from the event. Clear that police let "protestors" past the barricades onto the steps of the Capitol building and that provacateurs broke inside to cause the scene. Classic psy-ops to make people think Trump incited violence and that Trump/Q supporters are violence - all lies and misinformation.
This Superbowl was probably the worst I've ever watched (not insinuating any of them were good). The commercials were a complete display of fake wokeness and cringey social justice nonsense, the halftime show was awful (couldn't even hear his crappy music), and the game itself was pretty boring too. Corporate sports = bread and circus.
Fullerene, a.k.a. Buckyballs (after Buckminster Fuller), a.k.a. C-60. Most of what I know about it are the supposed health boosting properties. It's said to be a very strong antioxidant. I personally think most C-60 products are a waste of money, they're typically very expensive and there's plenty of other lifestyle changes one can make to boost their health that are far cheaper than buying yet another supplement.
What he did sort of looks like a bait and switch, doesn't it? Douche move if that was premeditated. I don't go for the meme coins and stick with investing in BTC and ETH when it comes to crypto.
No, I don't view Q as a singular person, Q is a program or project being conducted that a handful of people are read in on. I don't think Kushner has been in that core group or read in on the program. Just my thoughts.
My preferred forms of meditation involve activity, i.e. running, soccer, weight lifting. If I do static meditation I don't do it for long (5-10 min.) and keep the thoughts/visualizing to a minumum to make the most of the short time I have before I get antsy and want to do something else. These have been the best practices for me, yours will likely be different.
No, because it seems like most people's expectations come from their own loose speculation or incredibly bad clickbait they hear from the internet. I don't keep track of the social media "wokebait" so I have no idea what people out there are expecting. All these expectations are taking us backwards, anyway, for most of them (if not nearly all) have been false expectations.
What makes folks like those you mentioned credible? Are they actually privvy to the info they claim to be privvy to?
Taking a break, probably focusing on himself and his life. This is tough work.
- Get your body healthy. Don't become a pill popper giving Big Pharma endless $, plus a better working body means a better working mind to see the DS's bullshit with.

- Do your best to spread seeds of awareness to everyone you have contact with. Whether it's an audience on the internet, your friends and family, or the stranger bagging your groceries at the supermarket.

- Don't feed the matrix. Stop shopping at giant supermarkets, stop buying their shit corporate food, stop watching their news (or at least stop believing it). Stop being the FEEDER that they need to continue, it's our fault the DS continues to reign because we are facilitating their system with our choices. Become free my taking action in the direction of freedom, not just talking and typing about it.
So be the human that has the strength to go maskless to give faith to those who want to step outside of the box.
Haven't listened to the whole thing yet so I don't have too much to say. I will say that Gen. Flynn going onto a YouTube channel that is heavy promoter of the likes of Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward is..... odd, to say the least. Very odd.
I think the word "quantum" is an overused buzzword.
I think there's a cancel culture and fake wokeness at Gaia that's pretty pathetic, I also think David W has made quite a few mistakes with the info he's shared making him into somewhat of a liability to be associated with. As for their drama? It is what it is. Not my monkeys, not my circus, as they say.
Can't help but get the feeling that these "March 4 true inauguration" stories are planned disinfo being peddled by the [injected] anons to dupe people into spreading probably nonsense theories that make the whole movement look dumb.
And that concludes our Q&A! Thanks - I shall resume my daily posting of dank memes and news takes. Got some videos in the works for today, coming soon!
CDC now advises double masking. Haha, no.