John ‘Tig’ Tiegen
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John ‘Tig’ Tiegen is a Warrior of Benghazi, author, founder of Beyond the Battlefield, founder of United American Defense Force, and Host of The Modern Patriot Podcast. Follow this channel for exclusive insights and thoughts from a true American Patriot
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When the Soviet Union chose to invade their neighbours. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on December 24 1979 under the pretext of upholding the Soviet-Afghan Friendship Treaty.

A 1978 communist revolution in Afghanistan and its subsequent one-party state, run by head of the communist party Nur Mohammed Taraki, September 1979 Taraki was overthrown and killed by members of the Afghan Communist Party who were unhappy with him. Russia invading Afghanistan to re-establish a government closer to its desires.

The subsequent 10 year war has been described as ‘Russia’s Vietnam’, with the country sending in thousands of troops, spending millions, and ultimately retreating.
J6 prisoner Matthew Perna killed himself
He attended the rally on Jan. 6, 2021, to peacefully stand up for his beliefs. After learning that the FBI was looking for him, he immediately turned himself in. He entered the Capitol through a previously opened door. He didn't break, touch, or steal anything. He did not harm anyone, as he stayed within the velvet ropes taking pictures. For this act he has been persecuted by many members of his community, friends, relatives, and people who had never met him. The constant delays in hearings, and postponements dragged out for over a year. Because of this, Matt's heart broke and his spirit died. Matt did not have a hateful bone in his body. He embraced people of all races, income brackets, and beliefs, never once berating anyone for having different views.
The Convoy for DC should ALSO demand J6 political prisoners be freed NOW! This has been allowed to go on way too long!
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Ukrainian and Russian forces are engaged in heavy fighting at nuclear power plant in the city of #Energodar, #Zaporizhzhia region. Footage from inside the nuclear plant: “Stop firing at the nuclear facility,”
“You are endangering the safety of the entire world.”
Heavy shelling and rocket fire caused fires to break out around the complex. A nuclear reactor was hit with a bullet but was not active at the time and damage was minimal.

Some of the combat was viewed LIVE on YouTube via a CCTV camera broadcasting from the plant.
Faces of the 13 Warrior’s Biden want America to forget!
I’m sure this is just propaganda never happened, did in a studio, just two old mannikins, because there really isn’t a war going on in Ukraine it’s just some world wide msm trying to get Americans into a war…just all fake news… right @cossackgundi [Truth] share this widely. Orcs kill civilians for no reason in Kyiv region.

This was done for nothing. The car was being driven by an old couple minding their own business. They almost certainly didn't even see the sons of whores who killed them.

I got this off telegram from Kyiv Operative. There's more there for doubters.

I can only laugh now when internet people tell me how I should feel compassion for the murders invading Ukraine, and the slime who support them in Russia. Just following fucking orders, right?
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How proud all you democrats must be! Yep, Orange man tweets bad and hurt feelings… OUTRAGEOUS: Legislation proposes KILLING newborn babies up to 28 days after birth. Maryland Democrat Senator Smith. Call 1-800-492-7122 ×3634 and share your voice how wrong this bill is. EVIL!
Well #metoo #metoomovement looks like men are much more superior than women and that men are even better at being women than women are. Now this has got to make liberals feel so empowered at destroying everything real women have fought 4…. only two genders, it’s science
As Ukraine president pleads for America’s help to stop Russia from bombing and killing baby’s, democrats are pushing like hell to kill American baby’s up too 28 days after birth! Hope all you democrats are proud, too bad your moms didn’t kill you first! Democrat, liberal marxist socialist are Pathetic human beings that make shit look like a diamond.

Colorado, what happened to you??
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And a warning for the rest of law-abiding America: Beware the Progressive Prosecutor who delivers "justice" for some, retribution against patriots, cover for media propagandists, and a Third World hellhole to the taxpayers who fund her paychecks.
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Liberal progressive marxist democrats could use these as trophies for every baby they kill! The company will need to make bigger ones for the 28 day old babies #democrat plan on killing! #babylivesmatter
Forwarded from Kyle - Undercover
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Joe had been Compromised for decades!

This didn’t age well for sleepy Joe and his 54 “not so intelligent folks” guess that is why they are former, also got 5 not so intelligent former C “Intelligent” A directors!
All charges dropped against Lee Keltner‘s murder Matthew Dolloff.

“Under Colorado’s law, Matthew Dolloff had no duty to retreat and was legally justified in his actions,” she added. “While I do not agree with Mr. Dolloff’s decision to use lethal force, the fact remains he had the right to do so under our law.”

However, without provocation, Mr. Keltner verbally threatened and physically assaulted Mr. Dolloff and was the initial aggressor before being shot,” McCann said in a statement.

So the murderer walks free with no charges for illegally operating as a security guard and illegally carrying a gun in Denver and killing Mr. Keltner for slapping him. The company he worked for lost their license and cannot operate for 5 years and Lee Keltner family wasn’t allowed to make a Victim impact statement in court! The only one not penalized here is the one who pulled the trigger! FYI, Matthew Dolloff disguises himself as an Amish kid and sells honey at gun shows around Colorado.
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This is awesome! Keep pushing back against this mental illness. Men have no place in a woman’s bathroom or in women’s sports. Remember, they only care about how they feel not how you or our daughters feel. Only two genders, putting on a wig and wearing a dress DOES NOT MAKE YOUR A MOTHER, cutting your hair, wearing boxers and putting on a business suit DOES NOT MAKE YOU A DAD, getting a sex change doesn’t either.

A mother confronts a transgender activist, an says not to use restroom with her daughter. 👏 Bravo to this mother!
Trolling level 1000k😂 the only problem is if IT actually watched #13hours IT would know what really happened on the ground in #benghazi #10yearremembrance
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For those that said Russia/Ukraine is thousands of miles away so it’s not our problem so why pay attention to it. Well, it is now our problem! Another planned pandemic coming…

@iansmithfitness Biden and the WEF globalist goons are gonna continue to enact sanctions and create policy that will squeeze the supply chain and exacerbate food shortages to levels we have not seen before in this generation.

All part of the plan.

No border.
Crime unchecked.
Weak dollar.
Weak military positioning.
Supply chain disruption.
Food shortages.
Energy costs skyrocketing.

They want you to submit and beg for their help with the very same problems they create.
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Just because you get your tally Wacker whacked off doesn’t make you a woman, you are still a man. Just because you add a tally Wacker doesn’t make you a man, you are still a woman. It is science.