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#Cyprus #Angular #NgRx #ThreeJS #fulltime

Position: Senior Angular Developer

Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Salary: 48 000 – 60 000 Euro per year (after taxes)

Employment: Permanent, full-time, office

Company: Our client – A fast-growing European IT product company, which created online entertainment projects. The company was established in 2015 and now has 600+ employees in 5 countries.

Duties: feature development for different companies' projects, code reviews.

Stack: Angular (from 4 to 10+), NgRx, GreenSock, ThreeJS, Kubernetes, Docker.

Benefits and perks:
Relocation and work permit support, medical assurance for the employee, sport, catering compensation, and a lot of other benefits

Contact for more details: @AlexCasual
or via e-mail
#Будва_Черногория #вакансия #офис #fulltime #java

Вакансия: Java разработчик (серверный)
Компания: Alar Studios
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: full time
Опыт: от 3 лет
З.п вилка: 2300 - 3000 eur (на руки)

Заниматься нужно будет построением сервиса аналитики очень больших объемов данных (big data analytics) на базе пропраетарной базы данных, использующей в том числе мощности GPU для той самой магии, которая понимает почти весь SQL, включая joins. В точки зрения технологической сложности - это высший пилотаж и поле для применения и раскрытия таланта! Предлагаем возможность развиваться в комфортных условиях мягкого климата Черногории на берегу моря (офис).

Основные задачи:
• Писать новый код на основании требований лидов
• Участие в разработке тех самых требований с лидами, оформление предложений
• Следование идеологии Agile, включая многие ритуалы (стендапы, спринты, планирование спринтов)
• Взаимодействие с коллегами по команде - у нас ансамбль, не соло проект

• Java
• Spring
• Apache Calcite
• Понимание multithreading, механизмов синхронизации, очередей
• Понимание TCP/IP, сетевого кода, намного больше, чем просто чем UDP от TCP отличается (и почему)
Хорошо бы, но не обязательно:
• Опыт создания распределенных систем
• Опыт работы с Kubernetes
• Что такое CRDT знаете? ;-)
• Опыт с Kafka и похожим
Мы предлагаем:
• Очень интересную работу - сколько в мире систем распределенных RDBMS? Вам предоставляется шанс работать над одной из самых уникальных!
• Оплачиваемые отпуска
• Официальное трудоустройство и оформление ВНЖ в Черногории
• Оплачиваем переезд (лично вам), помогаем с поиском жилья (поиск, варианты, посмотреть, подтвердить), помогаем перевезти семью.
Комфортный офис в комфортном климате, море в 10-и минутах пешком.

Для интервью необходимо будет выполнить тестовое задание

Ваше CV прошу направлять на или на @daikirey
#Cyprus #QA #Manual #fulltime #Relocation #Vacancy #Вакансия

Senior QA Engineer

Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Salary: 30 000 – 36 000 Euro per year (after taxes)

Employment: Permanent, fulltime, office

Company: Our client – A fast growing European I-Gaming company, which develops and supports online entertainment products for hundreds of thousands corporate clients and users worldwide. The company was established in 2015 and now has 600+ employees in 5 countries.

Full cover of all activities related with manual testing including test plans, procedures, scripts, developing test suits and cases, managing regression tests, etc

Stack: Jira, Confluence, web debugging tools (Charles, Developer Console etc)

Benefits and perks:
Relocation and work permit support, medical assurance for the employee, sport, catering compensation and a lot of other benefits

Contact for more details(telegram): @Zorin_ilia
#Thailand #technicalwriter #documentation #fulltime #relocation

Country and city: Thailand, Bangkok
Working hours:
Employment: full-time
Salary range: 2000 USD gross
Tax calculator:

Job description:
We are looking for a Technical Writer, who will drive the organization and maintain our internal Confluence pages, external Gitbooks, and Github documentation where we share information specifically in product and engineering.

Amity is a global tech start-up, leading enabler of mobile and digital social experiences with offices in Bangkok, London, Amsterdam, Milan and Austin (USA) with more than 250 team members from over 25 nationalities. Amity Social Cloud, the business’s flagship platform, allows companies to easily integrate social functions into their app or digital channels. These include functions such as social feed, video stories, messaging, chatbots, and much more.

Discover more:

Bachelor's degree in technical communication or writing/composition, computer science or similar field.
2+ years experience in the following skillsets: technical, web, or UI writing experience for software/mobile applications.
English level - Upper-Intermediate and above.

What we offer:
Relocation package
Healthcare package
Unlimited paid vacation
Travel benefits
Free English classes
Thai massage in the office
Mind health program

Contacts: @cotessa
Backend Developer

#Finland #BackendDeveloper #Go #Java #Python #NoSQL #SQL #fulltime

Country and city: Finland, Helsinki
Working hours: full-time office
Employment: full-time
Salary range/month: from 3.8 to 4.3 euros gross (tax calculator:

Job description:
The leading employee communication, advocacy and engagement SaaS provider is looking for a talented Backend Developer to join the team. Currently they are developing their back-end with Golang, but knowledge for example of Java, Python etc would be a good foundation for learning Golang. The vacancy requires relocation to Helsinki, expenses are covered by the company.

• Build a clean, testable, scalable (microservices) back-end by utilizing CQRS and event sourcing (Kafka)
• Spin-off backend frequently used modules to open source
• Optimize all (Postgre) SQL queries using EXPLAIN
• Maintain API gateway (GraphQL)
• Have the chance to show your potential for team lead position in future (if interested)

• 6+ years as a backend developer (Golang, Java, Python etc)
• Familiar with both SQL and NoSQL databases
• Fluent English

• Lunch vouchers, private healthcare, wellness benefits (sport and culture)

Contacts: @Yana Shvetsova_shvetsova
#germany #backend #java #spring #spring-boot #remote #fulltime #relocation

Country and city: Remote/Relocate. Germany, Erfurt/Berlin
Employment: full-time
Salary range: from 60000 to 75000 Euro gross
Tax calculator

YourWork is a social network that connects employees and employers. People and companies share their work with each other. Users can create a profile and upload their work and job offers with video or photos and user can apply for jobs with a video application. Employees and employers already get a first impression of each other before they start to have a job. Build a great product from MVP to million-user-app!

For Java Backend Developer we are looking for a person with:

- Effective knowledge of Java, Spring/Spring-Boot development experience
- Experience in building highly scalable systems and services in the cloud, including calling other REST services from within a REST service
- Experience working with any NoSQL or RDBMS database system such as DynamoDB, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle or equivalent.
- ReactJS knowledge is a plus
- NodeJS knowledge is a plus
With us you will:
- Contribute to all aspects of our backend development from design to estimation to development and testing.
- Solve complex challenges.
- Develop, debug and build automated tests for various programming assignments

Company name: YourWork
#vacancy #вакансия #кипр #cyprus #fulltime #relocate #релокация #data #teamlead

: Cyprus, Limassol
Fulltime/ office
Salary: 50 000- 80 000 euro net (negotiable)
Company: RA Clever Recruiting

At the moment I am looking for a DWH Team Lead for a large international fin-tech company, Located in Cyprus, Limassol.
The role is focused on building scalable company-wide data warehouse solutions which support various business needs and requirements. You will implement cross-teams projects within Data Platform teams such as data catalog and data governance.

Responsibility :
Ensure the implementation and extension of several data warehousing solutions
Makes decisions in the choice of technologies in the team
Lead team of 10 members

Technical skills
Strong knowledge data warehouse architecture
Experience with Vertica, BigQuery, ClickHouse, PostgreSQL and similar
Expert structured query language (SQL) knowledge
Python skills associated with ETL and data processing
Experience with Big Data stack is a plus
Experience with Spark is a plus
Fluent Russian, strong verbal and written communication in English

We offer:
• Medical insurance for employees and family members
• Relocation package (visa, tickets, corporate flat for 1 month)
• Сompany's fitness center for employees and their spouses
• Kindergarten/school compensation program

#вакансия #Frontend #react #релокация #Кипр #fulltime #relocation

🔍 Frontend developer с релокацией на Кипр☀️
🔷Компания: Freedom finance technologies (
🔷Локация: Кипр, Лимасол
🔷Формат работы: fulltime, офис на Кипре, гибкий график
🔷З/П: 3000 - 4200 eur net.
💙Про проект: эко-система Freedom24 для удобной торговли ценными бумагами и участия в IPO
✌️Оплата билетов и полная поддержка с документами, в том числе для членов семьи, если вы переезжаете вместе.

👉 Что потребуется от Вас:
✔️ Отличное знание JavaScript и стандартов (ES6+), HTML и CSS
✔️ Глубокое понимание верстки (Flexbox, Grid и т.п.)
✔️ Опыт использования gulp и webpack
✔️ Навык работы по Git-флоу
Будут плюсом:
✔️ опыт работы с платёжными системами или банковскими продуктами

👌Мы предлагаем:
🔷крутой проект, возможность
профессионального и карьерного роста в быстро развивающейся и коммерчески успешной компании;
🔷работу в офисе в Лимасоле;
🔷контракт с кипрским юрлицом;
🔷абсолютно белый доход;оплату больничных и отпусков итд.
🔷при релокации компенсация занятий английским языком
📞telegram: @faina_kleinman
Вакансия: Senior Frontend Developer
Локация: Берлин
Зарплатная вилка (60-80k EUR gross per year, 2900-3700 EUR net per month)

Out client builds Germany's biggest panel with more than 1M active participants per month, by bringing the best of the digitization to the people: being super transparent (every result is public) and having an amazing UX.

They are the only company in the world running a live setup on polls, which means they are delivering results 24/7 close to real-time.

Currently, the company is looking for a Senior Frontend Developer to take part in the development, testing, and maintenance of JS-driven web applications.

📌Must-have skills:

5+ years of experience in building highly functional and fast, data-rich SPAs with dynamic interfaces;
Strong Typescript and React skills;
Have an eye for UI/UX and accessibility and you're familiar with the challenges of modern web development;
Advanced English.

📍Nice-to-have skills:
Functional Programming experience.

Контакты: @snegurooos
#berlin #germany #frontend #javascript #typescript #react

Position: Senior Frontend Engineer (ReactJS)
Location: Berlin 🇩🇪
Job type: Full-time
Company/product: Blockchain startup/crypto asset management solution for web, desktop, and mobile

Salary range: 65-75k euro gross per year + a relocation bonus
Income tax calculator:

The team currently consists of 17 people. Most of them are based in Berlin, but there are some teammates who are working from Spain and Russia. The Frontend team includes three developers and a team lead.

⚒️ Tech stack
Frontend: TypeScript, React, and Redux
Desktop: Electron
Backend: Rust and Python for transaction services

The code is fully open source.

Your role:
Move forward the company's digital asset management solution by implementing new features and creating prototypes
Improve the quality and stability of the codebase
Pair-program with the team and exchange knowledge on the latest frontend technologies
Actively participate in planning and technical specification
Cooperate with our skilled designers and product managers to regularly ship new features
Help improve the existing development process by sharing feedback, suggesting improvements, and taking a leading role in implementing some of them
Participate in the app maintenance and support

Expectations of applicants:
4+ years of experience as a frontend developer
Excellent practical knowledge of JavaScript, React, and CSS3
You're comfortable working with TypeScript
You know how to implement and maintain unit tests (e.g., Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme)
You understand client-server communication: HTTP, REST, caching
You use the Unix command line and Git on a daily basis

Experience with Redux and Material UI (or similar)
Familiarity with Node.js, bash scripting, CI services like GitHub Actions, Travis CI
Knowledge of Ethereum and an interest in the blockchain technology

Skype: jaine-dp
#Spain #Barcelona #FullStack #JavaScript #Angular #Node.js #PHP

Страна и город: релокация в Барселону, Испания
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: полная
Зарплатная вилка в месяц: 2500-3500 Eur net/month

Данная вакансия открыта в известной мировой компании-разработчике мобильных игр со штаб-квартирой в Барселоне (Испания).
Мы ищем Full Stack разработчика, который бeдет работать над дополнительными (к основному гейплею) сервисами и инструментами. Больший фокус в разработке будет на frontend.
Компания поможет вам с релокацией и получением вида на жительство в Испании.

What will you do?
• Most of the services developed and under development require supporting visual tools in order to optimize and streamline the usage of the services, this will be your main goal
• Our applications are developed using several technologies & programming languages (Angular, Node.js, PHP, Golang, AWS EC2, Kubernetes, etc…), so you should not be afraid to work with our existing code, extend, maintain & continuously refactor the backend of our games.
• Your job is not only about coding. You will also have to work with other teams like mobile, analytics or systems to integrate your components, as well as writing technical designs, documentation, knowledge sharing and training other team members.
• As a Full Stack Engineer, you will also be part of the company’s games team and work closely with game design, player experience, mobile, and other departments.

What are we looking for?
• 5+ years of programming experience.
• You have a strong background in JavaScript ES5+ and CSS3+
• Fluency with the Javascript packaging system like NPM or YARN
• Fluency with automation systems like Gulp, Grunt, Makefile, ...
• Experience with modern frontend frameworks like Angular or React
• You have experience with complex and high concurrent web development featuring multiple technologies.
• Some experience with any server-side technology: Nodejs, PHP, Golang, Python, …
• You are able to explain technical issues to both technical & non-technical audience
• You are fluent in written and spoken English.

Контакты: @pavelsavinkin
#vacancy  #вакансия #кипр #cyprus #fulltime #relocate #релокация #python #django #asyncio

Python Developer for FinTech company (Remote/Relocate)
Location: Cyprus, Limassol
Fulltime/ office
Salary: 40 000 - 60 000 euro after taxes annually

We are looking for Python Developers  for several production teams in the international fintech company in Limassol, Cyprus.

Projects: high loaded distributed systems with microservice architecture.
Products: trading web and mobile applications for retail customers and enterprise firms all over the world. + 1 000 000 clients

Stack: Python 3+, Django, Aiohttp, Sqlalchemy, Golang, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes (Variable in different teams).

* 3-5 years of using Python: 2.7 and python 3+, compliance with pep8, asyncio ,Django
*Relational database experience: tables inheritances, triggers, SQL optimizations, architecturing skills;
*Good Linux skills
*Unit, integrational and load tests;
* Asyncio/aiohttp knowledge;Kubernetes knowledge will be a plus

We offer:

Remote benefits or relocation and work permit support, medical assurance for the employee and his/her family, sport, catering, school and kindergarten cost compensation programs, and a lot of over perks and benefits

DevOps Engineer

#Estonia #DevOps #AWS #Azure #Docker #Kubernetes #Terraform #fulltime #office

Country and city:
Tallinn, Estonia
Working hours: office
Employment: full-time
Salary range/month: 3500 – 5000 euro gross
Tax calculator:

Job description:
We are looking for a DevOps Engineer who will be:
· Working closely with company’s Development teams, software architects and other stakeholders to define the target infrastructure, network and deployment architecture
· Working with company’s Infrastructure and Operations teams across Europe to streamline the service delivery and minimize the impact of operational issues on the end-user experience
· Quickly and proactively fixing application, configuration and infrastructure issues
· Analyzing their systems and workflows to uncover and mitigate any potential weak points
· Set up and streamline a smooth Continuous Delivery and Release Process
· Acting as the interface between Business, Development and Operations

· A minimum of 3 years working experience in a related field, and experience in working with Agile and Scrum methodologies
· Deep familiarity with DevOps principles and culture
· A reasonable level of competence in software development, cybersecurity, system & network administration, application monitoring & support
· Excellent knowledge of the Azure ecosystem, AWS, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Bash, Powershell, Jenkins, Terraform, MSSQL and different monitoring tools, like Application Insights, New Relic, Elastic stack etc
· Excellent written and verbal English, outstanding collaboration and communication skills
· A Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field
· An organized, results-oriented, creative and change-driving state of mind

· Experience in the banking or Fintech domains!

Company: our client is an international service provider with nearly 80,000 employees in more than 40 countries who design and implement innovative solutions from all over the world, covering a wide range of business processes.

#berlin #germany #lead #engineeringlead #nodejs

Position: Engineering Lead (NodeJS)
Location: Berlin 🇩🇪
Job type: Full-time

Company/product: A rapidly growing B2B platform that intelligently connects photographers and businesses looking for high-converting visual content. The startup has already raised 2 rounds of funding and is ready to take the next big step, which is to build AI-enabled infrastructure for hosting visuals (photos and videos) for companies.

💰 Salary: 80k euro gross per year
Income tax calculator:

⚒️ Tech stack: NodeJS, React, Serverless, MongoDB, GraphQL, and AWS

📌As an Engineering Lead, you will:
Lead a cross-functional team of 7-10 members following agile values and principles
Collaborate closely with company leadership
Be actively involved in planning architecture, infrastructure, product and tech roadmaps
Facilitate continuous improvement of engineering processes and practices
Mentor and grow your team members
Take an active part in both hiring and budgeting processes
Drive a lean, holistic approach to product development, promoting an attitude of experimentation and innovation

📌 Expectations of applicants:
University degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or equivalent industry experience
7+ years of professional, hands-on experience, with at least a few years in a leadership role
Proficiency with the company's tech stack
Hands-on experience building cloud-native apps, ideally on AWS
Understanding of of DevOps, CI/CD, AWSOps, and IaC principles
Experience working with Distributed Systems, Message Queues, Streaming APIs, and Distributed Transactions
Understanding of CQRS, Domain-Driven Design, Event Sourcing, and Eventual Consistency
Ability to work autonomously, a high level of emotional intelligence, and a startup mentality
Fluency in English
Experience working with Salesforce, marketplace-like platforms, and AI/ML algorithms is a huge plus

If you want a chance to have an impact on one of Europe’s fastest-growing tech companies entering an exciting new growth phase, then this job in Berlin is right up your alley!

Relocation assistance provided.

Skype: daria_latayko
#sre #devops #estonia #tallinn #bolt #relocation

🦸‍♂️Position: Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

🇪🇪Location: Tallinn (Estonia) 

🚀🚀Company: Bolt is a unicorn and one of the fastest-growing mobility startups in the world, revolutionizing how 50M riders move in 40 countries across Europe and Africa and raised €350M at €2B valuation.

🧩 Product challenges: complex algorithms for demand prediction, optimal real-time pricing, routing, fraud detection, distributed systems, steady growing high load.

Engineering team in Tallinn: 200+
Global team: 2000+

✈️We offer relocation to Estonia (Tallinn) 

 📌Salary range: 4000 - 4500 EUR NET (after taxes) + package of Stock Options

Key Technical Skills:  

📍4+ years of commercial experience with DevOps/SRE tasks

📍2+ years designing and implementing AWS cloud based solutions.

📍In-depth knowledge of Linux troubleshooting, including networking, file systems, security, and the kernel.

📍Experience with containers and platforms such as LXC, Docker, Kubernetes

📍Experience with (Infrastructure) automation through scripting, such as: Ansible, Terraform, Python, Bash, etc.

📍English upper intermediate + 

️ ⭐️ Why you’ll love it here:

You will have a meaningful impact on millions of people all over the world.

As we grow, so will you! Bolt’s fast-paced, challenging environment offers you great opportunities for professional development.

- You’ll always be kept informed. Our bi-weekly All Hands meetings bring our global teams together, ensuring we’re all up to speed and moving forward as one.

- Switching off is important! We have fridges full of refreshments, sports compensation, table tennis, Playstation and loads more...

…And did we mention a fantastic package of stock options? 🚀

📲 If you feel interested - share your resume by email
#Vacancy #Cyprus #Angular #NgRx #ThreeJS #fulltime

Position: Senior Angular Developer

Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Salary: 48 000 – 60 000 Euro per year (after taxes)

Employment: Permanent, full-time, office

Company: Our client – A fast-growing European IT product company, which created online entertainment projects. The company was established in 2015 and now has 600+ employees in 5 countries.

Duties: feature development for different companies' projects, code reviews.

Stack: Angular (9/10+), NgRx, GreenSock, ThreeJS, Kubernetes, Docker.

Benefits and perks:
Relocation and work permit support, medical assurance for the employee, sport, catering compensation, and a lot of other benefits

Contact for more details: @AlexCasual
or via e-mail
#Thailand #frontend #lead #teamlead #react #fulltime

Amity is looking for a Lead Front-End Web Engineer who will join a multinational team of more than 10 engineers who are passionate about Web technologies, cool products, and tech memes.

Country and city: Thailand, Bangkok (relocation supported)
Working hours: flexible
Employment: full-time
Salary range: 5000- 6500 USD gross
Tax calculator:

Amity It is a global tech scale-up on a journey to become the Thailand’s first tech unicorn 🦄. We have offices in Bangkok, London, Amsterdam, Milan and Austin (USA) with more than 250 team members from over 25 nationalities.
Our product, Amity Social Cloud, is a collection of SDKs that enables companies to easily integrate social features into their app or digital channels. These include functions such as social feed, video stories, messaging, chatbots, and much more. With our solutions, brands can create their own social platform, so they don't need to rely on third-party giants anymore.

Tech stack: JavaScript (React.js), HTML/CSS, TypeScript, Ant Design, MobX, Redux, Jest.js, Electron, Flow.js, styled-components, Apollo GraphQL, and more.

Experience in taking technical ownership over big products and driving architectural decisions
Experience in leading and managing engineering teams: mentoring, coaching, and supporting other team members
5+ years of experience in JavaScript/TypeScript/HTML/CSS
3+ years of experience in React
English level - Upper-Intermediate and above

What we offer:
Relocation package
Healthcare package
Life insurance
Unlimited paid vacation
Travel benefits
Free English classes
Thai massage in the office
Mind health program

Contacts: @cotessa
Site Reliability Engineer

#Finland #SRE #Python #fulltime

Country and city: Helsinki, Finland
Working hours: office
Employment: full-time
Salary range/month: from 4000 to 6000 euro gross
Tax calculator:

Job description: Right now we are looking for a Python Developer with Site Reliability Engineer responsibilities to join their team in Helsinki. You need to be a solid software developer who has experience developing non-trivial Linux backend applications, about 70% of the work is software development.

Company name: a cloud technology startup developing Database-as-a-Service. They run and manage Open Source database and backend messaging systems for the business customers around the world. They take the pain away from running databases and allow the customers to focus on building their own products without worrying about database management.

Contacts: Telegram @Nastya_Ivan
#работа #офис #fulltime #backend #Будва_Черногория

Вакансия: backend разработчик
Компания: Alar Studios
Адрес: Будва, Черногория
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: full time
Опыт: от 3 лет
З.п вилка: 2000-2900 eur (на руки)

Компания Alar Studios занимается разработкой крупных технологически тяжелых проектов на заказ для западных заказчиков. Предлагаем возможность развиваться в комфортных условиях мягкого климата Черногории на берегу моря (офис).

• Отличное знание Python (3.x);
• Знание Flask - или другого микро-фреймворка;
• Опыт создания крупных сервисов с архитектурной точки зрения;
• Знание Redis и зачем он нужен;
• Хорошее знание SQLAlchemy или другого ORM;
• Отличное знание и понимание RDBMS - в частности, знание SQL, зачем нужны и как работают индексы;
• Знание git - вы будете участвовать в одобрении pull-request, контроле дохлых веток и т.д.;
• Знание и понимание HTTP, REST, JSON;
• Общее понимание ИТ-безопасности, зачем нужна и каковы пути её достижения;
• Горячее желание учиться новому!

📌 Приветствуется:
• Знание Linux и опыт его боевого использования;
• Знание и понимание ElasticSearch
• Опыт с другими языками/средами (не-Python, или даже не-web);
• Знание HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript - понимание, что там на фронте происходит ;
• Опыт интеграции с сервисами вроде Facebook, Twitter и т.п.;
• Знание Celery.

📌Основные задачи:
• Разработка архитектуры (в том числе с учетом высокой нагрузки и горизонтального масштабирования), в том числе перехода на микросервисы (как архитектуры, так и плана _постепенного_ перехода), но (!) это не самоцель;
• Написание нового серверного кода, шаблонов, взаимодействия с внешними сервисами, алгоритмов поиска и выдачи информации;
• Поиск и отладка проблем, работа с существующим кодом, написанным другими разработчиками (мало, очень мало, но без этого никуда);
• Взаимодействие с другими командами: фронт-энд, мобильные платформы.

📌 Мы предлагаем
• Интересные проекты;
• Оплачиваемые отпуска;
• Двойную почасовую оплату согласованной переработки сверх рабочего времени (OVERTIME);
• Возможность работы в нашем офисе в Черногории, фактически, в раю на берегу Адриатического моря (поможем с переездом вам и семье).

Дополнительные инструкции: Для интервью будет необходимо сделать тестовое задание.
Ваше CV прошу направлять на или в @daikirey
#job #DataScience #remote #relocation #fulltime #office #Limassol

: Business Data Scientist

Location: remote or office at Limassol, Cyprus

Salary: 36 000 - 48 000 euro net annually after taxes + annual bonus

Employment: Permanent, full-time.

Our client is an international fintech company developing trading web and mobile applications for retail customers and enterprise firms all over the world. + 100 000 clients

Projects: high-loaded distributed systems with microservice architecture.

Stack: R or Python

Higher education with a large component of mathematical modeling;
R or Python experience;
Deep understanding of product and business metrics;
Excellent understanding of mathematical statistics;
Strong experience with predictive machine learning modeling;
Strong knowledge of SQL (complex queries, analytic functions);
Excellent data analysis skills (3+ years of BI/Analytics experience);
Previous experience as a product data scientist;
Ability to translate business problems into quantitative analyses and produce insights;
Ability to formalize and visualize the results of the data analysis;

In case of relocation relocation: work permit and relocation support, medical assurance for the employee and his/her family, sport, catering and a lot of other perks and benefits

For more details please contact @AlexCasual
or via e-mail
#Cyprus #appsec #remote #relocation #fulltime #office #Limassol

Application Security Engineer Job

: Relocation to Limassol, Cyprus

Salary: 50 000 - 80 000 euro net annually after taxes

Employment: Permanent, full-time.

We are looking for Application Security Engineers for an international company, developing high-loaded fault-tolerant financial application for traders and investment companies all over the world
These positions are open in the new cybersecurity team located in Limassol and imply challenging tasks in building application security and SDLC processes in a fintech product company almost from the scratch.

Main duties:

- Help the Company evolve its application security functions and services
- Participate in and support application security reviews and threat modeling, including code review and dynamic testing.
- Own and perform application security vulnerability management.
- Support the bug bounty program.
- Support and consult with product and development teams in the area of application security.

Codebase: C++, Python, Go, PHP, JavaScript


- At least three years of practical experience in Application Security and five years of experience in the IT/Security area.
- Upper-Intermediate English and fluent Russian
- Master/Bachelor's degree in a relevant major


Relocation and work permit support, medical insurance for the employee and his/her family, sport, catering, and a lot of over perks and benefits

For more details please contact:
