Jim Watkins
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Forwarded from Myfathers Daughter
Bannon found guilty both counts sentencing Oct 21
Overrun the algorithm -- Mike Lyndell
The banter is edgy. Come enjoy it with us.
Radio time, freedomslips.com
Studio B
At least he won't be reproducing.
Forwarded from The Halls Of Justice Watch Tower (NinjaStuntZ J̵̟̦̲̞̭̱̀̈́͑̄̇̈́̚͝ustice)
Just In:📜J6 Defendant Mark Aungst Who Pled Guilty to “Parading in US Capitol” Commits Suicide Before Sentencing
He goes where politicians fear to tread.
I know Mark Coester, and I like Mark Coester.
Here are some words from Mark Coester.
Thank You Mr, Guy Page . All in Fun we do not agree . as I was never a Chain Smoker , Unless I hit a Rock with My Chain saw . Then the Chain certainly Smokes . Soon we will Have More Media , Good bad or Indeferent It is neither here nor there to me . The Rutland Herald with connections to a Barre News Paper did Call trying to Get My Take on things should be Fun we will see what the write . The Democrat , Republican division is intentionally Created to keep people Divided much the same way the Try to Divide by Race of religion , Jabbed or Un Jabbed , Pro Life or pro Choice , Pro Ukraine and the List goes on . The Citizens of this Fine State , come in all shapes and Sizes with a vast variety of beliefes . I have Known and do Know many who Vote Democrat That are Salt of the Earth, Honest and sincere Lie to No One with Exception of a bit of Dry Humor Leg Pulling . As for Republicans . Many are strong in their Convictions with very High Morals from all Classes . Still 60 % or More of Vermonters are Neither Democrat nor Republican . The overwhelming Majority of Vermonters understand that the Republic and The Constitution is the one Thing that Binds us . How Silly of upper level Party Management in Both Parties to continue to Divide at such a time when Vermonters Have seen no action for the Positive to benefit the People for far too long . Ridiculous Shenanigans , Virtue signaling , attacks on others , trying to Divide are the Actions of Uni party Globalists. who do Nothing for the People . they would gladly do away with Petty Laws such as the Constiution as we have clearly seen with the 700 + political prizoners still held in Washington DC for more than a Year with no Charges Filed , No Bail , 22 Hours of Solitary confinement , No Toiletries to shave and Discusting Substandard Food . False Narratives , Lies Deception and Programing are too of the Enemy , Our only Counter is Truth , to Many would believe a lie with a flowery presentation as the Truth is just Truth , it is Dry , Not slippery and colorful . Truth Needs no Debate as it stands on its Own . The Photo above is in Washington DC in April of 2022 where Our Gubanatorial Candidate , Mr Bellows and Myself spent 3 days Investigating Washington DC . It is a sad state of affairs at best down There . I took the Time to Go to the Arizona Border in May as well not as a Politician . But as a Concerned Citizen , where I spent more than 24 Hours with one man who had been there for months . Seeing First hand who what where when and why is Valuable beyond Comprehension . As No Ship Shall Sail on the Wind of Yesterday , and only a Fool would Beat a Dead Horse . there is no reason to attack . I have seen 48 of our 50 States spent Time in 20 Other countries . The Truth is People are Good , sadly enough Governments are often Not Good . It is the Upper 1 % that Divide and think we are too foolish to see the Truth. All the while at the Same time they Profit from Our Divission . I would call on all the People of Vermont to Do Your own Research Pay attention,May God Bless and keep safe Every one of You . Mark Coester
Forwarded from Suburban Woman
So tragic! Not ok, how many people did not know areas were restricted, got swept into those areas by crowds, simply had no idea and meant no harm. Only to face this nightmare of double standard justice. This is so so so sad. Not OK. It's NOT OK.
Forwarded from Nunya Biznass
Mark is one of my most favorite Patriots!
Go Mark Go!!!
Forwarded from TYLER LOCO LOBO
Trump CAN'T endorse Ron...imagine the optics of Trump being tied DIRECTLY to THE Q...

Ron will have to beat Eli on merrit and good will...

Eli is a Mo Brooks...

The AZ rally just showed ALL who were in attendance as well as viewing...that Eli doesn't have the support of the people...

Ron needs to continue what Ron is doing...it is making a dent!

The debate exposed kinks in the GOP armor...

God's Will be done
Forwarded from Bonnie Ramsdell
I found a Unicorn for Jim. 😁 https://t.me/GifsUniverse/19814
Forwarded from Jaysen Adam
Jesus. These people must be held accountable.
Forwarded from Night Owl News Archives (Irmina Bernal)
Today I volunteered to monitor drop-boxes in Honolulu
It is time for the truth.

Trump's endorsement of my congressional opponent at the Prescott Valley rally was quite disappointing for many people; Trump was BOOED by the crowd loudly for endorsing my opponent.

When Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I began getting the word out for him online, and the website I ran was one of the top sites to bring traffic to Trump's campaign site during his primary and general elections. When Trump won the presidency, Q started posting on the site I ran, and I kept my mouth shut about all of that. For many years, I was attacked left, right, and center over allegations that I was Q while I literally had nothing to do with the project besides being the admin of the site that Q posted on.

During the 2020 election, I fought day and night against the steal to help save the integrity of the vote and prove that Trump won the election. We all know he won, and that's why we must have many poll watchers and ballot box sentries this time around while staying vigilant about protecting our rights. I was not paid for any work I did to fight the steal. As anybody should do, I was fighting for my country and President.

It is no surprise to me that Trump did not endorse me. Last October, I asked a prominent person close to Trump about what it would take to get the President's endorsement. The person I asked told me that I needed to put a million dollars of my own money into the campaign, hire a specific person into my campaign for $10,000 a month, give that person a win bonus, and then the endorsement would probably come. I declined the offer.

Sadly I have learned that politics is all about big donors, PACs, and lobbyists. I have taken no lobbyist money, have very scant big donor money, and as far as I know, there are no pacs putting money in to help my campaign. The biggest donors to my campaign were from a certain great doctor's family (someone you all know), a few of my family friends, and an awesome guy who makes cell phone cases. The majority of the contributions to my campaign were small donations directly from the people. I had to consistently ask for donations on social media in order to fundraise for the campaign. When my opponents put up fundraising numbers showing millions of dollars raised without having any significant online presence, you really start to wonder where exactly that money is coming from... it certainly didn't come from you and in all likelihood they won't be representing you or your values.

Thank you everybody who contributed and donated time, effort, and heart into this campaign. I may or may not win, the voters in AZCD2 will decide that on August 2, but I certainly did the best I could with the resources that I had available to me.

God bless.