Jesse - Python Crypto Trading Bot
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Today I am proud to announce that the long-awaited live trade plugin is available for early access!

Please read my announcement article that includes all the detail you need:

Happy (algo) trading!
Hey guys.

In case you didn’t know, versions 0.0.5 of the live trade, and 0.22.1 of the main framework are released
I just released the version 0.23.0 for the main framework and 0.0.6 for the live trade plugin.

As always, if you are a user of the live trade plugin, you need to update both.

The documentation website has been updated accordingly.

Here is what's new with the live trade plugin version 0.0.6:

- [NEW FEATURE] Added Liquidation handling for both isolated and cross modes.
- [NEW FEATURE] Added access to mark_price inside the strategy.
- [Improvement] Improved the error for when not enough candles exist to include more detail.
- [Improvement] Improved many messages in Binance Futures driver to be easier to understand.
- [Improvement] Improved handling "Margin is insufficient" caused from the exchange's side for when the price moves too fast and the order size is no longer acceptable (using MARKET orders).
- [Improvement] Added error for invalid API keys.
- [Improvement] Added the display of the liquidation price in positions in the dashboard
- [NEW FEATURE] warmup_candles are now configurable from within the file. Setting it to 0 would result in the instant startup in live mode.

And here is what's new with the version 0.23.0 of the main framework:

- [NEW FEATURE] Added self.log method for easier logging from within the strategy file.
- [NEW FEATURE] Added new properties to the Strategy API: liquidation_price, mark_price, funding_rate, next_funding_timestamp
- [NEW FEATURE] Implemented the liquidation mechanism for the isolated mode in backtests and both isolated and cross in live mode.
- [NEW FEATURE] New indicators: Jurik Moving Average, Chande Kroll Stop, Choppiness Index, Pascals Weighted Moving Average, Symmetric Weighted Moving Average, Bandpass filter, Inverse Fisher Transform applied on RSI, KDJ
- [NEW FEATURE] devstop, rvi, and zscore indicators now let you choose the devtype.
- [Improvement] Packages updated - Update matplotlib from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2, Update numpy from 1.20.2 to 1.20.3, Update ta-lib from 0.4.19 to 0.4.20, Update websocket-client from 0.59.0 to 1.0.1, Update click from 7.1.2 to 8.0.1
- [Improvement] Available matypes used in some indicators extended.
- [Improvement] Improved handling of none string values in the logger

## Help center

I updated the website to include a [help center]( It includes most of the questions that community members have been asking me and their answers. It also has a smart search. So it's probably the fastest way to get the answers if you have any questions regarding Jesse.

Happy (algo) trading