Jaden McNeil
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Here is the web ID. If they change it I'll keep you posted
Password: 112020
700 viewers and they've been shilling this livestream for days
These questions are pre recorded!!
Forwarded from Michelle Malkin
AmericaFirst campus nationalists lead again - these are the signatories on the new letter to Trump pushing end to OPT and freeze of H-1B. How long before Charlie Kirk copies? Hurry, Chuckles, hurry.
AFS at Kansas State wants in
I might do a political stream tn
Forwarded from Nicholas J. Fuentes
The “commie” thing is so fucking lame and out of touch. You might as well tattoo a serial number from the American Enterprise Institute on your forehead. Anybody still talking about “communists” has had their brain raped by bankers
Who's going to tell him about table 43
Forwarded from Patrick Casey
Whoever's advising these people should be fired. This is pitiful. The deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery haven't resulted in criminal convictions. Hell, Floyd's coroner's report hasn't even been released. As to the allegation of "racism"—do we know for a fact that these killings were the result of racial animus? No, we don't. The Trump administration is SCARED to defy the media and the left. It's unbearable to watch.