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Первый в России публичный канал об импакт-инвестициях и устойчивом развитии. Объединяя бизнес, инновации и частный капитал, мы строим ценность для будущих поколений за счет всех показателей: финансовых, экологических, социальных и управленческих
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Congratulations: Дорогие, Милые, Красивые, с Праздником Вас! Happy Woman's Day! 💐
Regulators, Sustainable Enterprise: В России образована Правительственная комиссия по повышению устойчивости развития российской экономики.

Правительственная комиссия создана с целью координации деятельности органов исполнительной власти и взаимодействия с представителями научных и общественных организаций, предпринимательским сообществом при разработке и реализации мероприятий, направленных на повышение устойчивости развития финансового сектора и отдельных отраслей экономики, в том числе связанных с распространением коронавирусной инфекции.

Возглавит комиссию Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Андрей Белоусов.

Smart Cities, Sustainable Urban Infrastructure, Tech: The Cities of the Future will be made of Bamboo

Buildings are the biggest source of carbon emissions in the world: 39% of CO2 emissions come from construction materials and building operations.
Cement contributes ~7% and steel ~8% of global emissions. Wood requires huge land areas and are harvested globally at unsustainable rates, with 18.7 million acres/year of new deforestation. There’s no end in sight as new construction demand will continue to grow to accommodate population expansion, rural migration to cities, and climate refugees. Carbon offset reforestation projects are notoriously difficult to get verified, track, and prove CO2 sequestration, so have been hampered in large-scale implementation.

Engineered bamboo lumber is the material technology that will launch a regenerative urban revolution.

Regenerative Bamboo Cities are will be the first climate-positive cities with climate sustainable buildings.

Details: https://medium.com/rizome/the-cities-of-the-future-will-be-made-of-bamboo-894e86055b3f
C02, Paris Agreement, Banks' Policy: Standard Bank Group Ltd., Africa’s biggest bank by assets, has become the first South African lender to release its policy toward funding of thermal coal mining and power projects.

The policy comes as pressure mounts on financial institutions to cut lending to fossil fuel projects because of the carbon emissions they generate, contributing to global warming.

South Africa relies on coal for almost all of its electricity and exports it to countries including China and India. Its carbon emissions rival those of the U.K., an economy eight times its size.

Standard says it will evaluate projects on a case-by-case basis, assessing the need for power in the country where the mine or power plant is situated and will ensure compliance with environmental and social laws. The bank won’t finance so-called mountain-top removal mining.

“Standard Bank and its climate-conscious investors have set an encouraging precedent,” said Tracey Davies, director of Cape Town-based shareholder activist organization Just Share, in a statement. “We are now looking to accelerate the pace at which banks and other institutions disclose and manage climate-change risks.”

Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-03-05/africa-s-biggest-bank-releases-funding-policy-of-coal-projects?__twitter_impression=true
CO2, Taxes, UK: New reports out today find that a well-designed carbon tax could leave low-income households better off & drive the transition to a NetZero Economy
GreenFood, Experiments, LevelUp: The Veggie experiment: Between 2014 and 2016, NASA was growing lettuce on board the ISS to try and see if it was possible for the green leafy vegetable to grow properly and safely in Space. Researchers have proudly stated that this has been possible and that it will pave the way for other vegetables to be grown in Space during NASA's longer missions.

Now, astronauts who will partake in NASA's upcoming long term spaceflight missions to the Moon and Mars will be able to munch on fresh, Space-grown lettuce.

Source: https://interestingengineering.com/crucial-development-for-future-nasa-missions-lettuce-grown-in-space-is-nutritious-and-tasty?_source=newsletter&_campaign=oLlN9rzq2bnWq&_uid=lNbWnvGQay&_h=db2495e358860231775eab356d21d3544c112529&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-06-03-2020
Impact Cases, Success Stories: Walmart

Company Information:
• Country: U.S.
• Headquarters: Bentonville, Ark.
• Impact Segment: Education/Discovery
• Sector: Retailing
• Industry: General Merchandisers
• CEO: C. Douglas McMillon
• Website: http://www.stock.walmart.com
• Company Type: Public
• Ticker: WMT
• Prior Year Rank: 16
• Revenues, $M (Last Fiscal Year): $514,405
• Profits, $M (Last Fiscal Year): $6,670
• Market Value, $M as of 8/12/19: $300,145
• Employees: 2,200,000

Project/ Impact: Under CEO Doug McMillon, the world’s largest company has invested billions to make its workforce more resilient. Walmart is the only company to have been on the Change the World list for all five years of its existence. This year it earned its spot on the strength of its investment in its people. Over the past few years, the company has offered training courses to hundreds of thousands of “associates” (what Walmart calls its employees) through its Academies program. It also helped spark a nationwide trend in retail by raising their wages. Now Walmart is building on that foundation with its Live Better U initiative, which allows associates to pursue college degrees debt-free, for $1 per day. Some 6,000 Walmart employees are already active and enrolled in school through the program, and another 4,000 are signed up to start this fall.

Refinitiv Sustainable Leadership Monitor, Change the World Ranking-2019: https://fortune.com/change-the-world/2019/walmart
Climate Change, Wine Value Chain, Facts: Climate change is changing the flavor of French wine

A nearly 700-year-long record of harvest dates from the town of Beaune, in Burgundy, shows that early harvest dates like the one from 1540 are now par for the course, thanks to climate change. Scientists and historians stitched together a record of grape harvest dates going back to 1354. They found that air temperatures have warmed so much—and especially in the last 30 years—that grapes are now harvested almost two weeks before their historical norm.

“We can clearly see the reaction of the grapes to the rise in temperature,” says Thomas Labbé, an historian at the University of Leipzig.

And that reaction is changing the wine itself.

Details: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/09/wine-harvest-dates-earlier-climate-change/
BioTech, Genes, DNA: Как генетик из Гарварда создал приложение для знакомств, которое ищет пары на основе ДНК

Профессор генетики Гарвардской медицинской школы Джордж Черч считает, что генная терапия — это атомная энергия XXI. Его самый провокационный стартап — приложение для знакомств на основе генетического теста Digid8.

Джорджа Черча называют самым влиятельным генетиком нашего времени. За последние 45 лет Джордж Черч, профессор генетики Гарвардской медицинской школы и Harvard MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology опубликовал сотни статей и получил десятки патентов за изобретения, расширяющих нашу способность понимать и редактировать ДНК и геном. Он был одним из первых, кто применил инструмент редактирования генов CRISPR к клеткам млекопитающих.

Джордж Черч поддерживает научных 25 стартапов, это он придумал использовать генетический тест на сайтах знакомств.

По мнению многих экспертов в ближайшее десятилетие область биотехнологий, и в частности, проекты, направленные на борьбу со старением, ждет настоящий инвестиционный бум.

Детали в интервью Корреспондента Forbes Life Ивана Браницкого с ученым: https://www.forbes.ru/forbeslife/394413-odnoy-krovi-kak-genetik-iz-garvarda-sozdal-prilozhenie-dlya-znakomstv-kotoroe?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=professor-genetiki-garvardskoy-meditsinsk
Circular Economy, Case Studies: In the automotive value chain, Audi and materials expert Umicore successfully completed the test phase of their strategic partnership to recover the cobalt and nickel from the high-voltage batteries of the Audi e-tron®, with more than 90% of materials recovered. In 2020, the partners will jointly test a truly closed cycle for cobalt and nickel, with the recovered raw materials reused in new battery cells. Moving beyond industry collaboration, a select number of companies are also starting to understand how their waste and expertise could benefit firms in other sectors.
Impact Cases, MedTech, Investment: €5.3 Million for digital therapy platform Caspar Health

The Berlin-based SaaS platform for digital therapy, Caspar-Health, has successfully raised €5.3 million in a Series A funding round for further growth and platform expansion.

Caspar offers an innovative online platform that allows patients to engage in aftercare on their own terms and free of charge. The service consists of online treatments, such as exercises, individualized education and advice for wellbeing, and focuses on the most common rehabilitation cases in orthopaedics, neurology, cardiology and psychotherapy.

Website: https://caspar-health.com/en/
Podcasts, FinTech, SDG#5: Let's talk "S" and "G" in ESG. What does diversity bring to the table?

And what does it take for women in the financial sector to reach their career goals?

Refinitiv has met with Kathryn Finney, the founder of Digitalundivided, a social enterprise supporting high potential WOC (women of color), to discuss pinkwashing, transparency in corporate governance and fundraising for female-led startups.

Then, we collected 5 inspiring stories about women who had the guts to change their career paths and start their own business in the financial industry.

Welcome to the International Women's Day & Women's History Month podcast series: https://shows.acast.com/refinitiv-sustainability-perspectives-podcast/episodes/pinkwashing-and-transparency-in-governance
Announcement, Events, Sustainability: Друзья, 10-12 апреля на базе Techstars Startup Weekend совместно с партнерами мы проводим в России большое и важное мероприятие, посвященное теме устойчивого развития и импакт-инвестициям - Techstars Startup Weekend Sustainability.

19 марта в преддверии Techstars Startup Weekend Sustainability мы приглашаем Вас на митап "Инвестиции в устойчивое развитие в России и мире", который состоится в рамках 21-й встречи венчур-клуба G8 The Gate Club!

Мероприятие бесплатное, но регистрация обязательна!

Зафиксируйте, пожалуйста, в календаре: 19 марта, 19:00.

Площадка: Б. Саввинский пер, 12 стр 8, Лофт “Шелк” - Бывшая фабрика Шелка.

Регистрация по ссылке: https://g8club.timepad.ru/event/1280528/
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Impact Overview: A good article explaining how Impact investors allocate their funds
Insights, Impact, Investment: From the Stockholder to the Stakeholder

The Arabesque is a global group of financial technology companies conducted an extensive research in which they categorized more than 200 different sources.

And within this research, was finded a remarkable correlation between diligent sustainability business practices and economic performance.

The first part of the research explored this thesis from a strategic management perspective, with remarkable results: 88% of reviewed sources find that companies with robust sustainability practices demonstrate better operational performance, which ultimately translates into cashflows.

The second part of this research approved the fact, that sustainability practices have a positive influence on investment performance.
SDG, ESG, Impact: There is a secret that economists know: the top 10% of firms are TWICE as productive as the bottom 10%... but why? In a word: purpose — those firms that focus on long-term value creation, mission alignment, and authentic leadership outperform their peers.

Great article prepared by Rebecca Henderson, HBS Professor: https://www.businessinsider.com/hbs-professor-explains-how-corporate-purpose-is-often-misunderstood-2020-2?r=US&IR=T
Meetings, Agenda-2020, Global Course-2030: Друзья и коллеги, едем в Правительство на экспертное обсуждение «Добровольный национальный обзор по достижению Целей устойчивого развития в России» в рамках подготовки России к защите Доклада в 2020 году по достижению ЦУР перед государствами-членами ООН. В программе запланировано обсуждение статуса достижения показателей по всем 17 ЦУР, а также обсуждение предварительных результатов оценки ОЭСР достижения ЦУР на уровне городов и регионов РФ.
Экспертное обсуждение «Добровольный национальный обзор по достижению Целей устойчивого развития в России» в рамках подготовки России к защите Доклада в 2020 году по достижению ЦУР перед государствами-членами ООН. Обсуждение статуса достижения показателей по всем 17 ЦУР и предварительных результатов оценки ОЭСР достижения ЦУР на уровне городов и регионов РФ. Правительство РФ. Аналитический центр.
Impact Cases, Success Stories, EnergyTech: A new pilot facility under construction in northern Sweden will produce steel using hydrogen from renewable electricity. The only emissions will be water vapour.

Hybrit has developed a completely fossil-free value chain for steel production based on hydrogen produced from renewable electricity.
This process will only emit water vapour instead of carbon dioxide. Hybrit aims to eventually “totally replace” Sweden’s iron production, cutting the country’s CO2 emissions by 10%.

For details please see this link: https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/interview/hybrit-ceo-our-pilot-steel-plant-will-only-emit-water-vapour/