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Після вчорашньої успішної атаки, російська компанія Novofon, що надає послуги з IP телефонії та хмарної АТС, тестує можливості Чебурнету.

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After yesterday's successful attack, the russian company Novofon, which provides IP telephony and cloud PBX services, is testing itself in Cheburnet.

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📢 Другий півфінал шевронів IT ARMY наступив! 🔥 Три кращі дизайни вирушають до фінала. Голосуйте та вибирайте кращих! 🥇🥈🥉

📢 Second semifinal of IT ARMY chevrons is here! 🔥 Top 3 designs proceed to the finals. Cast your votes! 🥇🥈🥉
Final Results
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Можливо трошки запізно, але що таке DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)? DDoS мають на меті перевантажити онлайн сервіс, засипаючи їх надмірним трафіком. Як працює:

1️⃣ Вибір Цілі
2️⃣ Розгортання Ботнету: Комп'ютери, інфіковані шкідливим ПЗ (боти), використовуються для відправки запитів.
3️⃣ Потік Трафіку: Боти бомбардують ціль фальшивими запитами, ускладнюючи доступ реальних користувачів до сервіса.

🌟 Чому це працює: важко відрізнити шкідливий трафік від трафіку реальних користувачів.

Maybe a bit late, but what is DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)? DDoS attacks aim to overload a target website or service by flooding them with excessive traffic. How it works:

1️⃣ Target Selection
2️⃣ Botnet Deployment: Devices infected with malware (bots) are controlled to send requests.
3️⃣ Traffic Flood: Bots bombard the target with fake requests, making it difficult for legitimate users to access the service.

🌟 Effectiveness: it's hard to distinguish malicious traffic from real users, making defense tricky.
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📣 Розширяємо медіа команду!
Маєте навички? Ми набираємо в медіа команду. Виконайте тестове завдання та надішліть нам:

🖋 Контент-креатори: складіть пост до 500 символів на UA та EN.
🎨 Дизайнери: Переробіть інфографіку.
📊 Дата Аналітики: Зробіть загальний аналіз цього каналу.

📩 Тестові завдання на

📣 Media Team Expansion!

Got skills? We're hiring for our media team. Complete a test task and email it to us!

🖋 Content Creators: draft 500-char post in UA and EN.
🎨 Designers: Redesign an infographic.
📊 Data Analysts: Channel analysis.

📩 Test tasks to
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Цього разу "The British Army Review", журнал який випускає The Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, виділило унікальний підхід IT ARMY до участі в сучасному конфлікту.

Ми не просто добровольці; ми новатори, які змінюють правила гри. Наша єдність, стратегія та чисельність роблять нас силою, з якою треба рахуватися. Хочете дізнатися, як нас бачить світ? Занурюйтесь у статтю. Пам'ятайте, це не просто історія про нас; це свідчення того, за що ми стоїмо.

This time, 'The British Army Review,' a magazine published by The Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, has highlighted the unique approach of IT ARMY in participating in modern conflict.

We're not just volunteers; we're innovators changing the rules of the game. Our unity, strategy, and numbers make us a force to be reckoned with. Want to know how the world sees us? Dive into the article. Remember, this isn't just a story about us; it's a testament to what we stand for.
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Після оновлення ADSS тепер можна обирати мережеву карту, яка буде використовуватись. ADSS це новий інструмент для участі в операціях IT ARMY, який включає в себе більшість раніше сертифікованих рішень (MHDDOS, Distress і інші). Приєднатись до IT ARMY стає все простіше, тому кожен девайс має працювати. Економічне та емоційне виснаження агресора є необхідним для перемоги!

After updating ADSS, you can now choose the network card that will be used. ADSS is a new tool for participating in IT ARMY operations, which includes most of the previously certified solutions (MHDDOS, Distress, etc.). Joining IT ARMY is becoming easier, so every device should work. Economic and emotional exhaustion of the aggressor is essential for victory!
Dear Community,

Unfortunately due a communication error our channel was accidentally listed as a 'fake channel' in the main community channel. It’s not a fake channel. This channel was created for the English-speaking community at the beginning of the war. The problem the main channel has with us is that we don't mention them anywhere which was the main reason for putting us on that list. There was no proper description in the title of the channel or chat that referred to the main channel and therefore we were automatically put on the list.

We are in contact with the admins of the main channel, and they know about us. But the people who are posting on the main channel don't know much about us. 

Let's see what they will do about it.

And regarding fake statements: there is fake and there is a community. We never did crowdfunding or redirected people to other places other than the main website. As you all have noticed, the topics on here are the same as the topics in the main channel (all articles are translated and forwarded) and all our users are using the same tools and target lists. Please bear with us as we're trying to resolve this issue.
Dear community,

I would like to share an important message from one of the founding members of IT Army of Ukraine. Its a farewell message. The reason for this message was the turmoil that was created yesterday by accidentally adding this channel to the blacklists. This not my message (hactic)

hey, some hews about ita and where it is going.
I was one of the team members of ita, until yesterday) We had a big team and most of them already left or will leave ita soon.
It all happened coz of Ukrainian Minzifra's influence, and especially their recent post about “fake channels”.
For now, we are getting all the info to create a new community.
TOP priority for us is to maintain users.
The main ita tg channel is still operated by Minzifra and they may or may not post something about the tools going out of control. So, if you can, continue your support)
Dear community,

I hope you are all doing well. I just wanted to share with you quick update regarding the situation in IT Army of Ukraine. There is currently a little bit of turmoil within the ranks of IT Army and we can understand the confusion that may be caused by this. People talk, which is fine but we want to avoid Chinese whispers. We feel you have every right to worry and we are noticing the atmosphere in the chat rooms and private messages change, in every channel involved.

The main goal has been, is and will be the struggle against the aggressor. How we are going to approach this may change in the very near future. We are taking in to account all your concerns and will act accordingly with the best possible solution in this circumstances.

For now, until told otherwise - please continue your support and keep running the DDoS tools. We are working around a clock to come with the solution as fast as possible and as always, you will be the first to know if anything changes. We are grateful for every person who is still cooperating with us despite the situation. It is very valuable for us. This is the first global cyberwar of this scale, so it's been a constantly evolving process anyway, continues adapting to the enemy, changing projects and leadership. Keep those machines running and the bytes flowing.
Dear Community,

There have been many question, in private and in the main channel (to me and other admins) if the English channel is dead. For now, I would say no, it isn't but it's getting more and more difficult to stay afloat. Many people are reporting this channel as a fraud to telegram and we're currently in discussion with Minzifra and the main channel to find a solution. Minzifra is tightening the ropes around several channels who they deem to be fake and we want to avoid losing the English community due a few stubborn bureaucrats.

I wished I had better news but we are working tirelessly around the clock to try and resolve this situation. Our main goal is to keep the DDoS power up and the way, shape or form this will continue will present itself in the next couple of weeks. Please bear with us and we will keep you all updated. In the mean time, keep all the IT Army tools running and your machines steaming. Do not let Russia win. Ukraine needs you !!
Dear community,

It's been a while since the last post and I want to thank you all for your patient. As you can probably imagine, we're very busy in resolving the issue with the reporting of our channel. We sat down with several admins of the main channel and they have clearly expressed that they support us and always have but that the decision of reporting channels is no longer in their hands. There is a new wind with IT Army of Ukraine and only the future will tell how much this is going to affect our community as a whole, not just this channel.

We also had talks with Telegram but to no avail. Their response is pretty straight forward. Channels are marked fake or scam if enough complaints come in. They simply cannot ignore the amount of reports coming in, although it's just from one channel.

We have several options at this point. We can sit out the storm and wait for sunshine or rebrand the channel to continue the excellent work of the IT Army of Ukraine but in a different format. Same tools, same targets, same collaboration with the main IT Army of Ukraine. And some extra features to make the channel more interesting for new and curious people, not just old veterans like yourself. All these options are undergoing a risk analyses and we will share how we will proceed later this week.

Meanwhile, keep the IT Army of Ukraine tools running and the bytes flowing. We will update you as soon as we can. We are making a huge impact on ruZZia's economy and I am proud to fight the aggressor standing right beside all of you.