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The school of Imam Hussain (AS), the Master of Martyrs, educates great people who go from earth to eternity and then to God. There are no other schools, universities, classes or masters having the ability to educate people like Imam Hussein's (AS) school does.



To love Imam Mahdi (AS) means to be at his service, and to remain loyal to him.

Why people murdered Imam Hussain (a) although they liked him?

Many of Umar ibn Sa'ad's army members, liked Imam Hussain (AS), but that didn't stop them from fighting him.

It's because mere liking was not enough! What the Quran wants, is to love Ahl al-Bayt (Prophet Muhammad's Household).

Our religious resources advise us to go on Imam Hussain (AS) pilgrimage and to walk to his shrine so that our hearts go beyond simply liking them, to having love for them.

This love is something that makes us move and work for the infallible Imams, instead of having them as one of the many things that we like.



Being worried and impatient is bad in every deed, except in spiritual matters. Being worried in the deeds related to God, Imam Mahdi, and Imam Hussain, adds value to one's soul.

The things that a person worries about, and is impatient for, be it in joy or grief, demonstrates the true character and value of that person.


Imam Sajjad's (AS) Treatise Of Rights



It is the right of your teacher to respect him/her, listen to him/her and attend with devotion.
You should not raise your voice towards him/her.
You should not speak whilst she/he is speaking nor speak ill of him/her.
If anyone speaks ill of him/her you should defend him/her.
You should not show any enmity or show hostility in friendship.
If this is done then Allah's angels will give witness that the knowledge learned from him/her was for Allah and not for the sake of the people.

You should respect the dignity of his audience, and to listen to him intently facing towards him, with presence of mind and purity of heart and clarity of vision, by abstaining from enjoyments and by having few desires.
And you should know that you are his messenger in whatever he teaches you to those people in ignorance who may come to you.
So, it is necessary for you to deliver his message [to impart the knowledge] to them beautifully, and not to commit a breach of trust while conveying his message, and to fulfill your duty on his behalf when you have undertaken it.

Imam Sajjad's (AS) Treatise Of Rights



It is the right of the prayer (Salah) that you must think of it as an
audience with God, and that during Salah you are standing
before God and that you are praying with your heart and pray
ir according to its rules. If you realise this you will stand in such
a way that you will be lowly, trembling, fearful, hopeful, and
you will magnify His greatness through your stillness
and dignity.

You are a (true) believer, if you feel happy with your good deeds and feel sad with your bad ones.


We are dealing with a being whose love toward us knows no bounds; He has created us for eternal perfection. Resembling God, which is the greatest perfection, is what we need for our great kingdom in the hereafter.

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Congratulations to the 12th Imam (a) and the believers on the birth anniversaries of Prophet Muhammad (s) and Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a)

Some of the things that people can look at to understand their own and other people's current worth, are the dreams, goals, and concerns that they have. these are what reveal the true character of the person .

According to the Quran, one person equals all humanity. therefor, we're not just one person. everyone should try his best to teach and train himself and their children and create a generation of wise and God-wary people.

If we increase our knowledge about God and strengthen our relationship with Him, we will be able to get rid of the terrible spiritual disease of envy, which leads to hatred and then anger and rage.

The greatest people and those who know and value themselves well and have the biggest desires, are those who want to be with the Prophet and his household, both in this world and the hereafter.

The mission of the Islamic Revolution is to prepare the world for the advent of the Savior which will be a turning point in the history of mankind. So, for this revolution to be successful and fruitful, people need to turn to Imam Mahdi (AS), the Savior and Liberator of mankind, and turn away from false global ideologies, religions, and policies.

The common denominator which gathers 30million people together each year during Arbaeen, is the very breath which God has breathed into all human beings and that is the light of Muhammad (s) and his household.
in fact, all these people come together due to their common human soul and fitra and they all love their spiritual father, origin, and root.

Every time two or more people gather somewhere, there is definitely a common goal or intention involved.
Now, if someone asks, "What common concern these thirty million people from 90 different countries and different beliefs and religions share?", the answer would be, the need for a savior is the common concern these people have.

Their common pain is being frustrated with global arrogance, global tyranny, global corruption, global discrimination, and being fed-up with the modern culture that is destroying every moral value that mankind had preserved for thousands of years.

A severe revenge awaits the criminal killers of General Soleimani
Islam & Life
A severe revenge awaits the criminal killers of General Soleimani
Following the martyrdom of the honorable general of Islam -Hajj Qasem Soleimani- and the martyrs accompanying him, particularly the great fighter of Islam, Mr. Abu Mahdi Al-Mohamdes, the Leader of the Revolution issued a message.

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Dear Iranian Nation
The great and accomplished Sardar has become heavenly.  Last night, the untainted souls of the martyrs embraced the pure soul of Qasem Soleimani.  After years of sincere and courageous jihad against the devils and evil-doers of the world and after years of wishing for martyrdom in the path of God, alas, dear Soleimani attained this lofty station and his pure blood was spilled by the most vile of humans.
I congratulate Hazrat Baqiyatullah- may our souls be sacrificed for him- and his own pure soul on this great martyrdom and I express my condolences to the Iranian nation.
He was a stellar example of those educated and nurtured in Islam and the school of Imam Khomeini (ra). He spent his entire life engaging in jihad in the path of God.
Martyrdom was his reward for years of implacable efforts. With his departure and with God's power, his work and path will not cease and severe revenge awaits those criminals who have tainted their filthy hands with his blood and the blood of the other martyrs of last night's incident.
Shahid Soleimani is the international face of the resistance and all who have a heart-felt connection to the resistance seek his blood revenge.
All friends- and indeed all enemies- should know that the path of jihad and resistance continues with increased motivation and certain victory awaits the mujahideen on this blessed path.
The absence of our dear and self-sacrificing Sardar is bitter, but the continuation of the resistance and its final victory will be more bitter for the murderers and criminals.
The Iranian nation will cherish the name and memory of the towering martyr, Shahid Sardar Marshall Qasem Soleimani, together with his fellow martyrs especially the great mujahid of Islam the honorable Mr. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.I declare three days of public mourning in the country and I congratulate and express my condolences to his honorable wife, dear children and family.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei

An entire world will avenge you ...


Imam Sadiq (a) was asked:
why was Fatima (The daughter of Prophet Muhammad) called Fatima?

He said:
It's because people are unable to apprehend her greatness; Fatima means separated, And people are unable to perceive her status.

in another saying, it is said that
Fatima is called Fatima, because God has separated her and all her followers from the fires of hell.
