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Those who are quarrelsome, envious, pessimist, oversensitive, and sinful, will not be able to cross Hell to enter Paradise and will remain in there; Because their nature was the same as that of hell.

A believer's resolve is greater than any other person, because he has to create both a happy world and the hereafter for himself

Going insane, succumbing to mental illnesses, having unstable marriage/getting a divorce, etc., mostly happen to the people who are alienated from themselves.

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Congratulations on the birthday anniversary of Lady #Fatima (PBUH)

Sin, not knowing self, and obliviousness (to where we've come from, where are we, where's our destination, etc.), will ruin one's truth-seeking taste, and make him unable to see and be attracted to what is good and right.

Having a peaceful life depends on being connected with our heavenly father, Imam al-Mahdi (a)

A wise person is someone who corrects his view of himself (and sees himself as the spiritual child the greatest creations of God)

Imam Sadiq (a) said:
"فاطمه بنت رسول الله کانت محدثه ولم تکن نبیه"
Fatima (s), daughter of the prophet of Islam was called Muhaddisa. What does it mean? It literally means that she was talked to. The angles constantly spoke to her, although she was not a prophet.

Hazrat Fatima (s) did not have a prophetic mission. the prophetic & imamate missions aim to guide the people who are lower in rank than the prophets and Imams.
Pay attention! Prophets are sent to the people who are lower than them in rank, to guide and help them grow.

So this does not devalue Lady Fatima in any way. Just like Loqman_ who is mentioned in the Quran_ who was not a prophet, but was not inferior to them in status either.
"انما سمیت فاطمه محدثه لان الملائکه کانت تهبط من السماء فتنادیها کما تنادی مریم بنت عمران"

Why was Fatima (s) called Muhaddisa?

Imam Sadiq (a) said it's because the angles used to descend from the Heaven and spoke with her, Just as how they used to spoke to Maryam, daughter of Imran, mother of Jesus.
So you see that Lady Maryam (Mary) was the same as Lady Fatima in this regard

Many people can be like this.

Lady Fatima always had this connection with the unseen and with the angels

Once Salman, Abu Dhar, & Miqdad went to visit her...
Now see how interesting this is:
Lady Fatima used to connect their true companions with the connections that she herself had with the unseen

She said to them "I was at home, and 3 Houris visited me from Paradise, and we began greeting each other."
she said it as if talking to Houris was a very casual thing for her.
"I asked them, who are you?"
They replied "We are the Houris of Salman, Abu Dhar, Miqdad" and their names were also derived from the names of Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad.

That's interesting! Why would Houris' names be derived from the names of those whom they're created for?

It means that a Houri is just a status that you have acquired.

So, whatever you want to have, you should create it yourself. Paradise is within yourself. We had previously said it that you are not in paradise! It is the Paradise that's within one's soul. The same goes with hell as well. Paradise is with us, and Hell is also with us.

That's amazing! She constantly had these connections with the unseen and we recite in her Ziyaratnameh:

"السلام علیک ایتها المحدثه العلیمه..."

"Greetings to you, O, learned Muhaddasah, the person who was constantly spoken to by the angels"

The holy month of 🌼 Rajab 🌼 has such a great potential for spiritual development that it can speed up one's spiritual growth for as much as 60 to 70 years of normal days.

►To understand the importance of this month, it is enough to note that on the Day of Judgement, a call is heard:
" این الرجبیون؟"
🌸 "Where are the people of Rajab?" 🌸

This indicates that there is a special and direct connection between the human soul, the Day of Judgement, and the month of #Rajab; And this is due to this month's harmony with the structure of one's soul, which manifests itself on the Day of Judgement in a very special way.

When your soul connects to the source of serenity, you will be happy even if in the midst of the biggest hardships, because there is no such thing as “losing” in life anymore, and all your asset will be profit.

Lazy and unmotivated people are the only ones who would lose the happiness of both this world and the hereafter

🌸🌹🌸 happy new year 🌸🌹🌸
The secret to reaching the rank of humanity and becoming similar to God, is for one to develop a character full of intellect and spirituality. And this only comes to those who are the obedient servants of God

The holy month of #Rajab is a month in which everything required to attract the good of this world and the hereafter, and being freed from the evil of this world and the hereafter is in one's reach.

That is why God tells us to specifically ask for all these in the supplication after each daily prayer during this month.

And since this month poses such a golden opportunity for us, and God is welcoming us with open arms, we should be careful and adjust our relationship with God accordingly to be able to take advantage of the potential of this month completely.

Every successful person in any field of science, art, business, etc. had their fair share of ups and downs before reaching that great spot, but got passed them by learning what was required to be learned, concentrating on it, practicing and repeating it, and ultimately gaining mastery over it.

#Rajab is the month of absorbing the good and abandoning the evil

Rajab is a great human celebration, the month of absorbing the good and abandoning the evil, the month of obedience, the month of asking God for forgiveness, and a great opportunity to gain similarity to God and finding one's place beside Him.

And if used well, this great opportunity that God has prepared for humans leads the person to find love with Him, which is the goal of the creation of mankind.

If someone readies his heart and obeys the commands of God during this month, there is a good hope for him to find God answering to all his requests from Him.

For the person who has activated his superintellectual and God-seeking faculty, "hardship" has no meaning. He sees hardships as the means of getting stronger. Therefore, the more hardships and deprivations he is facing in life, the happier and more serene he becomes.

Happy Eid al-Mab'ath

When it comes to having spiritual growth, listening to the voice of a man of God about a subject, has a much deeper and profound impact on the person than just reading a book about it or knowing it, as the spiritual power of the teacher is conveyed to the heart of the listener through his voice.

The first step to achieve serenity, is to become familiar with what human is. someone who knows himself and can control himself, is much more serene.
Congratulations to the Imam of our time Imam al-Mehdi (atfs), our righteous scholars, the Leader of the Muslim World, and all human beings on the birth anniversary of Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (a)
