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God has put a limit on everything which would be dangerous for the person if he tries to cross it (for example, sugar and oil intake, doing exercise ... ). the only exception to this is His remembrance and love, which the more the person indulges in, the better.

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Not comparing yourself to others is one of the requirements of having true serenity

Every good deed is a charity

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: It is mandatory for every Muslim to give charity every day.

He was asked: "What if the person has no money to give away for charity?"

The Prophet answered:

โœ… Removing harmful obstacles from the roads is a charity.

โœ… Showing someone the way is charity.

โœ… Visiting the patients is a charity.

โœ… Bidding what is right is a charity.

โœ… Forbidding what is wrong is a charity.

โœ… Answering someone's greeting is a charity.


wise people think about everlasting treasures, not worldly and fleeting possessions.

Ayatollah Bahjat was asked:
What should we do to get rid of our (physical and spiritual) illnesses?
He said:
"God Almighty has created a capsule in which all the cures exist
and that is sending Salawat upon the Prophet and his household"

Backbiting destroys one's good deeds

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said:
"On the Day of Resurrection a person is brought in front of the Lord for questioning, and he is given his record of deeds; He looks at it and cannot find his good deeds written in it.
He says: "O God! This is not my record! Because I cannot see my good deeds here!"
He is said: "Your Lord neither does wrong nor forgets; Your good deeds have been ruined as the result of your backbiting other people."

Then someone else is brought before God and he is given his records of deeds as well.
He looks at it and sees a lot of good deeds written in it!
He says: "O Lord! This is not my paper, because I have not done any of these!"
He is answered: "Such and such a person has backbitten you, so his good deeds are given to you in return!"


Ayatullah Mojtahedi:
Someone who wants to abandon the habit of backbiting should first remove its cause in himself, which is envy. Secondly, he should read the verses and hadiths which talk against backbiting in order to see how terrible of a sin that is."
It is said in hadiths that: "Giving one Dirham to others for usury is 36 times worse than committing adultery", while backbiting is even worse than that.

It is because usury disrupts the economy of the society, while backbiting targets people's reputation and honour; And in the words of God, "Sanctity of believers is greater than that of Ka'aba"
"ุงู„ู…ูˆู…ู† ุงุนุธู… ุญุฑู…ู‡ ู…ู† ุงู„ฺฉุนุจู‡"


Control your worldly desires to attain serenity.

Ethical recommendations of Ayatollah Bahjat

When you wake up in the morning, politely stand up and begin your morning by greeting Imam Mahdi

Say, "O Imam Mahdi, I beg you, help me"

When you want to sleep at night, first place your hand on your chest and say

Peace be upon you O Imam Mahdi

And then sleep

Before doing anything, request the assistance of Imam Mahdi by saying "O Imam Mahdi ..."

Spend your days and nights, by having the thought of him in your mind
because if you do this

Satan will no longer have a place in your life

You will no longer be able to sin

You will be under the protection of Imam Mahdi at all times

And Amir al-Muminin Imam Ali has said that:

"During the time of Occultation,
only those who have the spirit of certainty and have closeness with their Imam will remain steadfast in their religion."

The West mistakenly ascribes the Magna Carta as the 'first' charter of rights. It was in 1215 CE that English Landlords forced King John to put his signature on it - 600 years after Islam had established rights.

Today the politicians of the World claim to adopt the Charter of Human Rights adopted by the U.N.O. in 1948 but it is a well known fact that when the rights are not to their advantage, the very charter becomes a Charter of Human Injustice.

Imam Ali ibn Husaynsโ€˜ Treatise on Rights is a master document on Islamic human rights, which not only covers human rights, but also includes the rights of God, our body parts, and our deeds. To any intelligent reader who ponders deeply about the contents of this valuable document on rights, it immediately becomes clear that Islam has already established the first document on rights nearly fourteen centuries ago.

this charter is the only work attributed to Ali ibn Husayn (a) other than supplications or relatively short sayings and letters. Imam Ali ibn Husayn was the fourth Shia Imam, after his father Husayn ibn Ali, his uncle Hasan ibn Ali, and his grandfather Ali ibn Abi Talib. The โ€˜Treatise on Rightsโ€™ seems to have been written at the request of a disciple, since, in one of its two versions, it is prefaced by the words: โ€˜This is the treatise of Ali ibn al-Husayn to one of his companions.โ€™


It is the right of Almighty Allah that you should worship Him without associating any partner to him. And if you fulfil this duty with sincerity, Allah has undertaken to suffice you in the matter of this world and the hereafter, and to preserve for you whatever you like of it.


It is the right of you upon you that you should use your body fully in obedience to God, by giving to your tongue its right, to your ear its right, to your eye its right, to your hand its right, to your leg its right, to your stomach its right, to your private parts its right, seeking the help of God in this task.


It is the right of the tongue that you should consider it too respectable to utter obscene language; and you should accustom it to good (speech), and discipline it with good manners, and keep it silent except in time of necessity and for spiritual and material benefit, and keep it away from useless talk which may cause much harm with little benefit; and you should be kind to people and say good things about them.

Many people are good and blissful when they are single, but when they get married, they create a hell for themselves. The reason for that is because they don't know how to solve the normal conflicts and tests that being a husband/wife exposes them to, and they don't know how to do their duties as a spouse or parent well.

The best, noblest, strongest and most valuable people are those who've had the most difficulties, hardships, and problems in their lives, and have used them to acquire strength and perfect their character

Imam Sajjad's (AS) Treatise Of Rights



It is the right of your ears to keep it pure from listening to backbiting and to what which is unlawful to listen to. You should not turn it into a way to your heart, except for noble talk which may create some good in your heart, or which may earn you a noble character; because ear is a door which allows a talk to get to the heart, carrying to it different types of ideas, whether good or evil.

You reap what you sow;

That is to say whatever you are now, successful or unsuccessful, happy or unhappy, anxious or calm, believer or unbeliever .... is a consequence of what you have done in the past.

if a husband and wife that have nothing in common and hate each other, learn the correct communication skills, they will not only start to fall in love with each other, but also can live happily and contently together


Imam Sajjad's (AS) Treatise Of Rights



And the right of your sight is that you lower it before everything which is unlawful to you. And that you abandon using it except in situations in which you can take heed in such a way that you gain insight or acquire knowledge by it. Indeed the sight is the gateway to reflection.
