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🔶 How to live amongst people

#Imam_Ali (AS)

🆔 @islamandlife
Islam & Life
🔶 How to live amongst people #Imam_Ali (AS) #Nahjulbalaghah 🆔 @islamandlife
How to live amongst people

🔶 خَالِطُوا النَّاسَ مُخَالَطَهً إِنْ مِتُّمْ مَعَهَا بَكَوْا عَلَيْكُمْ وَ إِنْ عِشْتُمْ حَنُّوا إِلَيْكُم.

🔷 با مردم چنان بياميزيد كه اگر مرديد بر شما بگريند، و اگر زنده مانديد به شما مهربانی ورزند.

🔶 Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company.


نهج البلاغه حکمت 10
#Imam_Ali (AS)


🆔 @islamandlife
It's a good thing to get upset with your bad behaviour; but in order to abandon it, you must:

1- pray to God and seek help from him.
2- stand against yourself bravely.
The reason we do not tolerate hardships is that we are unaware of their essence and truth.

What matters is that everyone, perform their duties as good as possible.
To be content with the destiny, is a result of having true knowledge of God.

God's satisfaction with us depends on our satisfaction with him.
🔶 Ignore ...

#Imam_Ali (AS)

🆔 @islamandlife
Islam & Life
🔶 Ignore ... #Imam_Ali (AS) #Nahjulbalaghah 🆔 @islamandlife
🔶 مِنْ أَشْرَفِ أَعْمَالِ الْكَرِيمِ غَفْلَتُهُ عَمَّا يَعْلَمُ

🔷 از شريفترين كردار مرد بزرگوار آن است كه از آنچه می داند غفلت نمايد.

🔶 The highest act of a noble person is to ignore what he knows.


نهج البلاغه حکمت 222
#Imam_Ali (AS)


🆔 @islamandlife
Anger management skills
Irascibility, the ugliest illness of a soul
Imam Sadiq (as) was a man of knowledge. He was an organizer of great movements; therefore, a man of struggle. A comprehensive struggle to confiscate the unjust govt.

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Focus on your own faults instead of focusing on others.

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Kindness in family
A sound intellect can give knowledge of God.
Knowledge of Satan helps to know about ourselves
Management of sexual instinct

Sometimes a person, does not have any sexual inclination or desire when establishing an emotional relationship

But if they fail to properly manage their emotional relationships with people of the same or opposite sex, this freedom and lack of proper management can lead to sexual deviations.

One such deviation is masturbation. Masturbation is an illness and anomaly that should be cured immediately.

Unfortunately some psychologist and psychiatrists, influenced by the erroneous teaching of some other cultures, degrade humans to the level of animals by stating that masturbation is an acceptable method just like marriage, and it is not considered a deviation.

While proven researches conducted by European and other scientists have demonstrated that masturbation has devastating effects on body, mind and performance of the person, whereas marriage is free from that and has many positive effects.

Sexual desire is not always the sole reason for masturbation or excessive sexual drive.

Various ethical, habitual, intellectual, ideological and mental problems can lead to sexual deviation and disturbances.

Even some cloth fabrics can increase or decrease sexual fervor.

People with high sexual drive should put on cloths which do not increase sexual fervor.

Improper clothing will aimlessly increase sexual drive and wastes our life, abilities and valuable assets.
Happy Hazrat Masoumeh's birth anniversary

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Forwarded from معاونت پژوهش و همایش جریان شناسی فرهنگی در عرصه بین الملل - موسسه زبان و فرهنگ شناسی (M.Ghorbanpour Delavar)
Kindliness skills

Write to whom you love of your affection and fondness.

Spending time for writing and sending letters and giving presents, is a beautiful teaching in Islamic culture.

This lovely costume empowers us spiritually.

Do not forget it!
Before doing anything, we should learn the system of actions and outcomes.

It is good for men to increase their knowledge about the system and get familiar with good outcomes. So it's beneficial for them to think a lot.

Every person is the result of their selections, relations, behaviors and thoughts; and any direction we choose for channeling these, will bring us the corresponding outcome of that direction and that path.

The holy Quran and the infallibles have talked about the system of actions and outcomes (which actions lead to which outcomes …) so we can get familiar with them through reading.

The problem is that we do not have an appetite for thinking.

We are not brave enough to think. We do everything without thinking, and thus we meet with the outcome of our thoughtlessness.

Life is a stage for practicing our knowledge. Practicing takes much more time than acquiring knowledge, and calamities that befall humans is due to their laziness and impatience.